64 research outputs found

    Ising-like dynamics and frozen states in systems of ultrafine magnetic particles

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    We use Monte-Carlo simulations to study aging phenomena and the occurence of spinglass phases in systems of single-domain ferromagnetic nanoparticles under the combined influence of dipolar interaction and anisotropy energy, for different combinations of positional and orientational disorder. We find that the magnetic moments oriente themselves preferably parallel to their anisotropy axes and changes of the total magnetization are solely achieved by 180 degree flips of the magnetic moments, as in Ising systems. Since the dipolar interaction favorizes the formation of antiparallel chain-like structures, antiparallel chain-like patterns are frozen in at low temperatures, leading to aging phenomena characteristic for spin-glasses. Contrary to the intuition, these aging effects are more pronounced in ordered than in disordered structures.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Frozen metastable states in ordered systems of ultrafine magnetic particles

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    For studying the interplay of dipolar interaction and anisotropy energy in systems of ultrafine magnetic particles we consider simple cubic systems of magnetic dipoles with anisotropy axes pointing into the zz-direction. Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the magnetic relaxation from several initial states. We show explicitely that, due to the combined influence of anisotropy energy and dipole interaction, magnetic chains are formed along the zz-direction that organize themselves in frozen metastable domains of columnar antiferromagnetic order. We show that the domains depend explicitely on the history and relax only at extremely large time scales towards the ordered state. We consider this as an indication for the appearence of frozen metastable states also in real sytems, where the dipoles are located in a liquid-like fashion and the anisotropy axes point into random directions

    A renormalization approach for the 2D Anderson model at the band edge: Scaling of the localization volume

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    We study the localization volumes VV (participation ratio) of electronic wave functions in the 2d-Anderson model with diagonal disorder. Using a renormalization procedure, we show that at the band edges, i.e. for energies E≈±4E\approx \pm 4, VV is inversely proportional to the variance \var of the site potentials. Using scaling arguments, we show that in the neighborhood of E=±4E=\pm 4, VV scales as V=\var^{-1}g((4-\ve E\ve)/\var) with the scaling function g(x)g(x). Numerical simulations confirm this scaling ansatz

    Periodic orbit theory in fractal drum

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    The level statistics of pseudointegrable fractal drums is studied numerically using periodic orbit theory. We find that the spectral rigidity Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L), which is a measure for the correlations between the eigenvalues, decreases to quite small values (as compared to systems with only small boundary roughness), thereby approaching the behavior of chaotic systems. The periodic orbit results are in good agreement with direct calculations of Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) from the eigenvalues.Comment: to appear in Physica

    Periodic orbit theory and spectral rigidity in pseudointegrable systems

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    We calculate numerically the periodic orbits of pseudointegrable systems of low genus numbers gg that arise from rectangular systems with one or two salient corners. From the periodic orbits, we calculate the spectral rigidity Δ3(L)\Delta_3(L) using semiclassical quantum mechanics with LL reaching up to quite large values. We find that the diagonal approximation is applicable when averaging over a suitable energy interval. Comparing systems of various shapes we find that our results agree well with Δ3\Delta_3 calculated directly from the eigenvalues by spectral statistics. Therefore, additional terms as e.g. diffraction terms seem to be small in the case of the systems investigated in this work. By reducing the size of the corners, the spectral statistics of our pseudointegrable systems approaches the one of an integrable system, whereas very large differences between integrable and pseudointegrable systems occur, when the salient corners are large. Both types of behavior can be well understood by the properties of the periodic orbits in the system

    Application of the Trace Formula in Pseudointegrable Systems

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    We apply periodic-orbit theory to calculate the integrated density of states N(k)N(k) from the periodic orbits of pseudointegrable polygon and barrier billiards. We show that the results agree so well with the results obtained from direct diagonalization of the Schr\"odinger equation, that about the first 100 eigenvalues can be obtained directly from the periodic-orbit calculations in good accuracy.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Scaling of the localization length in linear electronic and vibrational systems with long-range correlated disorder

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    The localization lengths of long-range correlated disordered chains are studied for electronic wavefunctions in the Anderson model and for vibrational states. A scaling theory close to the band edge is developed in the Anderson model and supported by numerical simulations. This scaling theory is mapped onto the vibrational case at small frequencies. It is shown that for small frequencies, unexpectateley the localization length is smaller for correlated than for uncorrelated chains.Comment: to be published in PRB, 4 pages, 2 Figure

    Vibrational Excitations in Percolation: Localization and Multifractality

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    We discuss localized excitations on the incipient infinite percolation cluster. Assuming a simple exponential decay of the amplitudes ψi in terms of the chemical (minimal) path, we show theoretically that the ψ’s are characterized by a logarithmically broad distribution, and display multifractal features as a function of the Euclidean distance. The moments of ψi exhibit novel crossover phenomena. Our numerical simulations of fractons exhibit a nontrivial distribution of localization lengths, even when the chemical distance is fixed. These results are explained via a generalization of the theory

    Correlating self- and transport diffusion in the Knudsen regime

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    Comparing the rates of molecular diffusion in porous materials under different regimes of measurement may provide valuable information about the underlying mechanisms. After quite generally explaining the benefit of such a procedure, we refer to a case which in the last few years has raised controversial discussion within the community, viz. the comparison of diffusion phenomena in pores of varying roughness in the so-called Knudsen regime. Knudsen diffusion represents the limiting case of molecular diffusion in pores, where mutual encounters of the molecules within the free pore space may be neglected and the time of flight between subsequent collisions with the pore walls significantly exceeds the interaction time between the pore wall and the molecules. In our studies, the coefficients of self- and transport diffusion are found to be in satisfactory agreement, which contradicts previous literature data. A number of effects which might becloud this relationship are discussed
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