1 research outputs found

    Panagiotis Chr.Stefanides Invited to 4th TECHNIUM International Conference - Recognition of Career: the Generator Polyhedron by Panagiotis Stefanides, Proposed Form of “the Other Genus-genus of the Soul” in Plato's Epinomis, of the “Soul of the World” in Timaeus and of the Republic's Planetary System Structure

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    As I anticipate, it concerns another genus of Polyhedron, a very Special one Ontologically, and this is very important ? understand:  â€ś....?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? …. ?????, ……., ?? ?? ???? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????…..…????? ?????" http://remacle.org/bloodwolf/philosophes/platon/cousin/epinomisgrec.htm [..there are .. five solid bodies…. the other genus which in total has one form …the genus of the soul…]  Plato's Epinomis 981b. In 981a, of this work, Plato states that the composition of, soul and body bares a single form. Similarly, Plato in Timaeus [53 E] refers to the solids having each its own genus and in his Republic makes reference to the Construction of the Universal Planets [XIV 616 E -617A]. Interpretation for ????? genus  – form] Proposed By Panagiotis Stefanides is the “Generator Polyhedron”, ohis recent Abstract. Searching, for many years, Plato's Timaeus Work, geometry related to      the creation of the world- soul of the world] and presenting it to conferences       nationally and Internationally, I searched in the Liddell and Scott reference for the word “?????”  found in Plato's "Epinomis" 981b  Discovered [Invention [ 03 April 2017].https://www.linkedin.com/…/generator-polyhedron-platonic-e…/ . “Generator Polyhedron” refers to the geometric characteristics of this Solid found to be the root upon which other Solid Polyhedra are based i.e. the Platonic/Eucleidean Solids [Icosahedron Dodecahedron etc.] The Geometry of this paper is part of book: [ISBN 978 – 618 – 83169 – 0 - 4], National Library of Greece , 04/05/2017, by Panagiotis Ch. Stefanides