41 research outputs found

    ZNF521 Enhances MLL-AF9-Dependent Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transformation in Acute Myeloid Leukemias by Altering the Gene Expression Landscape

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    Leukemias derived from the MLL-AF9 rearrangement rely on dysfunctional transcriptional networks. ZNF521, a transcription co-factor implicated in the control of hematopoiesis, has been proposed to sustain leukemic transformation in collaboration with other oncogenes. Here, we demonstrate that ZNF521 mRNA levels correlate with specific genetic aberrations: in particular, the highest expression is observed in AMLs bearing MLL rearrangements, while the lowest is detected in AMLs with FLT3-ITD, NPM1, or CEBPα double mutations. In cord blood-derived CD34(+) cells, enforced expression of ZNF521 provides a significant proliferative advantage and enhances MLL-AF9 effects on the induction of proliferation and the expansion of leukemic progenitor cells. Transcriptome analysis of primary CD34(+) cultures displayed subsets of genes up-regulated by MLL-AF9 or ZNF521 single transgene overexpression as well as in MLL-AF9/ZNF521 combinations, at either the early or late time points of an in vitro leukemogenesis model. The silencing of ZNF521 in the MLL-AF9 + THP-1 cell line coherently results in an impairment of growth and clonogenicity, recapitulating the effects observed in primary cells. Taken together, these results underscore a role for ZNF521 in sustaining the self-renewal of the immature AML compartment, most likely through the perturbation of the gene expression landscape, which ultimately favors the expansion of MLL-AF9-transformed leukemic clones

    Expression Profiling and Functional Implications of a Set of Zinc Finger Proteins, ZNF423, ZNF470, ZNF521, and ZNF780B, in Primary Osteoarthritic Articular Chondrocytes

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    Articular chondrocytes are responsible for the maintenance of healthy articulations; indeed, dysregulation of their functions, including the production of matrix proteins and matrix-remodeling proteases, may result in fraying of the tissue and development of osteoarthritis (OA). To explore transcriptional mechanisms that contribute to the regulation of chondrocyte homeostasis and may be implicated in OA development, we compared the gene expression profile of a set of zinc finger proteins potentially linked to the control of chondrocyte differentiation and/or functions (ZNF423, ZNF470, ZNF521, and ZNF780B) in chondrocytes from patients affected by OA and from subjects not affected by OA. This analysis highlighted a significantly lower expression of the transcript encoding ZNF423 in chondrocytes from OA, particularly in elderly patients. Interestingly, this decrease was mirrored by the similarly reduced expression of PPARÎł, a known target of ZNF423 with anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties. The ZNF521 mRNA instead was abundant in all primary chondrocytes studied; the RNAi-mediated silencing of this gene significantly altered the COL2A/COL1 expression ratio, associated with the maintenance of the differentiated phenotype, in chondrocytes cultivated in alginate beads. These results suggest a role for ZNF423 and ZNF521 in the regulation of chondrocyte homeostasis and warrant further investigations to elucidate their mechanism of action

    Expression Profiling and Functional Implications of a Set of Zinc Finger

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    Articular chondrocytes are responsible for the maintenance of healthy articulations; indeed, dysregulation of their functions, including the production of matrix proteins and matrix-remodeling proteases, may result in fraying of the tissue and development of osteoarthritis (OA). To explore transcriptional mechanisms that contribute to the regulation of chondrocyte homeostasis and may be implicated in OA development, we compared the gene expression profile of a set of zinc finger proteins potentially linked to the control of chondrocyte differentiation and/or functions (ZNF423, ZNF470, ZNF521, and ZNF780B) in chondrocytes from patients affected by OA and from subjects not affected by OA. This analysis highlighted a significantly lower expression of the transcript encoding ZNF423 in chondrocytes from OA, particularly in elderly patients. Interestingly, this decrease was mirrored by the similarly reduced expression of PPAR , a known target of ZNF423 with anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties. The ZNF521 mRNA instead was abundant in all primary chondrocytes studied; the RNAi-mediated silencing of this gene significantly altered the COL2A/COL1 expression ratio, associated with the maintenance of the differentiated phenotype, in chondrocytes cultivated in alginate beads. These results suggest a role for ZNF423 and ZNF521 in the regulation of chondrocyte homeostasis and warrant further investigations to elucidate their mechanism of action

    Iron affects the sphere-forming ability of ovarian cancer cells in non-adherent culture conditions

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    Introduction: Detachment from the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the first step of the metastatic cascade. It is a regulated process involving interaction between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment (TME). Iron is a key micronutrient within the TME. Here, we explored the role of iron in the ability of ovarian cancer cells to successfully detach from the ECM.Methods: HEY and PEO1 ovarian cancer cells were grown in 3D conditions. To mimic an iron rich TME, culture media were supplemented with 100 μM Fe3+. Cell mortality was evaluated by cytofluorimetric assay. The invasive potential of tumor spheroids was performed in Matrigel and documented with images and time-lapses. Iron metabolism was assessed by analyzing the expression of CD71 and FtH1, and by quantifying the intracellular labile iron pool (LIP) through Calcein-AM cytofluorimetric assay. Ferroptosis was assessed by quantifying mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation through MitoSOX and BODIPY-C11 cytofluorimetric assays, respectively. Ferroptosis markers GPX4 and VDAC2 were measured by Western blot. FtH1 knockdown was performed by using siRNA.Results: To generate spheroids, HEY and PEO1 cells prevent LIP accumulation by upregulating FtH1. 3D HEY moderately increases FtH1, and LIP is only slightly reduced. 3D PEO1upregulate FtH1 and LIP results significantly diminished. HEY tumor spheroids prevent iron import downregulating CD71, while PEO1 cells strongly enhance it. Intracellular ROS drop down during the 2D to 3D transition in both cell lines, but more significantly in PEO1 cells. Upon iron supplementation, PEO1 cells continue to enhance CD71 and FtH1 without accumulating the LIP and ROS and do not undergo ferroptosis. HEY, instead, accumulate LIP, undergo ferroptosis and attenuate their sphere-forming ability and invasiveness. FtH1 knockdown significantly reduces the generation of PEO1 tumor spheroids, although without sensitizing them to ferroptosis.Discussion: Iron metabolism reprogramming is a key event in the tumor spheroid generation of ovarian cancer cells. An iron-rich environment impairs the sphere-forming ability and causes cell death only in ferroptosis sensitive cells. A better understanding of ferroptosis sensitivity could be useful to develop effective treatments to kill ECM-detached ovarian cancer cells

    Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO) scientific statement on the simplification of the drug regimen for secondary cardiovascular prevention

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    : The issue of suboptimal drug regimen adherence in secondary cardiovascular prevention presents a significant barrier to improving patient outcomes. To address this, the utilization of drug combinations, specifically single pill combinations (SPCs) and polypills, was proposed as a strategy to simplify treatment regimens. This approach aims to enhance treatment accessibility, affordability, and adherence, thereby reducing healthcare costs and improving patient health. The document is an Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO) scientific statement on simplifying drug regimens for secondary cardiovascular prevention. It discusses the underuse of treatments despite available, effective, and accessible options, highlighting a significant gap in secondary prevention across different socio-economic statuses and countries. The statement explores barriers to implementing evidence-based treatments, including patient, healthcare provider, and system-related challenges. The paper also reviews international guidelines, the role of SPCs and polypills in clinical practice, and their economic impact, advocating for their use in secondary prevention to improve patient outcomes and adherence

    Dynamics of Viral Infection and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in the Calabria Area of Southern Italy

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    In this study, we report on the results of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance performed in an area of Southern Italy for 12 months (from March 2021 to February 2022). To this study, we have sequenced RNA from 609 isolates. We have identified circulating VOCs by Sanger sequencing of the S gene and defined their genotypes by whole-genome NGS sequencing of 157 representative isolates. Our results indicated that B.1 and Alpha were the only circulating lineages in Calabria in March 2021; while Alpha remained the most common variant between April 2021 and May 2021 (90 and 73%, respectively), we observed a concomitant decrease in B.1 cases and appearance of Gamma cases (6 and 21%, respectively); C.36.3 and Delta appeared in June 2021 (6 and 3%, respectively); Delta became dominant in July 2021 while Alpha continued to reduce (46 and 48%, respectively). In August 2021, Delta became the only circulating variant until the end of December 2021. As of January 2022, Omicron emerged and took over Delta (72 and 28%, respectively). No patient carrying Beta, Iota, Mu, or Eta variants was identified in this survey. Among the genomes identified in this study, some were distributed all over Europe (B1_S477N, Alpha_L5F, Delta_T95, Delta_G181V, and Delta_A222V), some were distributed in the majority of Italian regions (B1_S477N, B1_Q675H, Delta_T95I and Delta_A222V), and some were present mainly in Calabria (B1_S477N_T29I, B1_S477N_T29I_E484Q, Alpha_A67S, Alpha_A701S, and Alpha_T724I). Prediction analysis of the effects of mutations on the immune response (i.e., binding to class I MHC and/or recognition of T cells) indicated that T29I in B.1 variant; A701S in Alpha variant; and T19R in Delta variant were predicted to impair binding to class I MHC whereas the mutations A67S identified in Alpha; E484K identified in Gamma; and E156G and ΔF157/R158 identified in Delta were predicted to impair recognition by T cells. In conclusion, we report on the results of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in Regione Calabria in the period between March 2021 and February 2022, identified variants that were enriched mainly in Calabria, and predicted the effects of identified mutations on host immune response

    The Double-Edged Sword of Oleuropein in Ovarian Cancer Cells: From Antioxidant Functions to Cytotoxic Effects

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    Oleuropein plays a key role as a pro-oxidant as well as an antioxidant in cancer. In this study, the activity of oleuropein, in an in vitro model of ovarian (OCCs) and breast cancer cells (BCCs) was investigated. Cell viability and cell death were analyzed. Oxidative stress was measured by CM-H2DCFDA flow cytometry assay. Mitochondrial dysfunction was evaluated based on mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and GPX4 protein levels. Further, the effects on iron metabolism were analyzed by measuring the intracellular labile iron pool (LIP). We confirmed that high doses of oleuropein show anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activity on HEY and MCF-7 cells. Moreover, our results indicate that low doses of oleuropein impair cell viability without affecting the mortality of cells, and also decrease the LIP and ROS levels, keeping them unchanged in MCF-7 cells. For the first time, our data show that low doses of oleuropein reduce erastin-mediated cell death. Interestingly, oleuropein decreases the levels of intracellular ROS and LIP in OCCs treated with erastin. Noteworthily, we observed an increased amount of ROS scavenging enzyme GPX4 together with a consistent reduction in mitochondrial ROS, confirming a reduction in oxidative stress in this model

    Metodi market-based per il controllo del rumore aeroportuale: applicazione all'aeroporto G. Marconi di Bologna

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    Regulatory Role of microRNAs Targeting the Transcription Co-Factor ZNF521 in Normal Tissues and Cancers

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    Powerful bioinformatics tools have provided a wealth of novel miRNA–transcription factor networks crucial in controlling gene regulation. In this review, we focus on the biological functions of miRNAs targeting ZNF521, explaining the molecular mechanisms by which the dysregulation of this axis contributes to malignancy. ZNF521 is a stem cell-associated co-transcription factor implicated in the regulation of hematopoietic, neural, and mesenchymal stem cells. The aberrant expression of ZNF521 transcripts, frequently associated with miRNA deregulation, has been detected in several tumors including pancreatic, hepatocellular, gastric, bladder transitional cell carcinomas as well as in breast and ovarian cancers. miRNA expression profiling tools are currently identifying a multitude of miRNAs, involved together with oncogenes and TFs in the regulation of oncogenesis, including ZNF521, which may be candidates for diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of cancer

    Lipoprotein (a), Inflammation, and Atherosclerosis

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    Growing evidence has shown that high levels of lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) and chronic inflammation may be responsible for the residual risk of cardiovascular events in patients managed with an optimal evidence-based approach. Clinical studies have demonstrated a correlation between higher Lp(a) levels and several atherosclerotic diseases including ischemic heart disease, stroke, and degenerative calcific aortic stenosis. The threshold value of Lp(a) serum concentrations associated with a significantly increased cardiovascular risk is >125 nmol/L (50 mg/dL). Current available lipid-lowering drugs have modest-to-no impact on Lp(a) levels. Chronic inflammation is a further condition potentially implicated in residual cardiovascular risk. Consistent evidence has shown an increased risk of cardiovascular events in patients with high sensitivity C reactive protein (>2 mg/dL), an inflammation biomarker. A number of anti-inflammatory drugs have been investigated in patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease. Of these, canakinumab and colchicine have been found to be associated with cardiovascular risk reduction. Ongoing research aimed at improving risk stratification on the basis of Lp(a) and vessel inflammation assessment may help refine patient management. Furthermore, the identification of these conditions as cardiovascular risk factors has led to increased investigation into diagnostic and therapeutic strategies targeting them in order to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease burden