48 research outputs found

    Protein Folding and Aggregation into Amyloid: The Interference by Natural Phenolic Compounds

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    Amyloid aggregation is a hallmark of several degenerative diseases affecting the brain or peripheral tissues, whose intermediates (oligomers, protofibrils) and final mature fibrils display different toxicity. Consequently, compounds counteracting amyloid aggregation have been investigated for their ability (i) to stabilize toxic amyloid precursors; (ii) to prevent the growth of toxic oligomers or speed that of fibrils; (iii) to inhibit fibril growth and deposition; (iv) to disassemble preformed fibrils; and (v) to favor amyloid clearance. Natural phenols, a wide panel of plant molecules, are one of the most actively investigated categories of potential amyloid inhibitors. They are considered responsible for the beneficial effects of several traditional diets being present in green tea, extra virgin olive oil, red wine, spices, berries and aromatic herbs. Accordingly, it has been proposed that some natural phenols could be exploited to prevent and to treat amyloid diseases, and recent studies have provided significant information on their ability to inhibit peptide/protein aggregation in various ways and to stimulate cell defenses, leading to identify shared or specific mechanisms. In the first part of this review, we will overview the significance and mechanisms of amyloid aggregation and aggregate toxicity; then, we will summarize the recent achievements on protection against amyloid diseases by many natural phenols

    Low M r Phosphotyrosine Protein Phosphatase Associates and Dephosphorylates p125 Focal Adhesion Kinase, Interfering with Cell Motility and Spreading

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    Low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase interferes in vivo with the activation of several growth factor receptors and is transiently redistributed, following cell stimulation with platelet-derived growth factor, from the cytosol to the cytoskeleton. We demonstrate here that this phosphatase also participates in the regulation of cell spreading and migration, pointing to its involvement in cytoskeleton organization. Low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase-overexpressing fibroblasts are, indeed, less spread than controls and display a significantly decreased number of focal adhesions and increased cell motility. Furthermore, p125 focal adhesion kinase is associated to, and dephosphorylated by, low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase both in vitro and in vivo. This event is consistent with an altered association of pp60(src) with focal adhesion kinase. The activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, another well known event downstream of the focal adhesion kinase, is also affected. On the other hand, cells overexpressing the dominant-negative form of low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase exhibit hyperphosphorylated focal adhesion kinase, reduced motility, and an increased number of focal adhesions, which are distributed all over the ventral cell surface. Taken together, the results reported here are in keeping with low M(r) phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase participation in FAK-mediated focal adhesion remodeling

    Low Mr phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase activity on fibroblast growth factor receptor is not associated with enzyme translocation

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    AbstractFibroblast growth factor receptor (class IV) shares a certain degree of similarity with class III members like platelet-derived growth factor and macrophage-colony-stimulating factor receptors, which, once activated, are substrates of low Mr phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase. Up until now no phosphotyrosine phosphatase has been shown to act on this receptor in vivo. Here we demonstrate that low Mr phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase is able to reduce receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and cell proliferation in response to basic fibroblast growth factor. Contrary to what was previously observed for platelet-derived growth factor, during cell stimulation with basic fibroblast growth factor, no enzyme redistribution among cellular compartments is observed

    pp60v-src phosphorylates and activates low molecular weight phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase.

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    Low M(r) phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase belongs to the non-receptor cytosolic phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase subfamily. It has been demonstrated that this enzyme dephosphorylates receptor tyrosine kinases, namely the epidermal growth factor receptor in vitro and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor in vivo. Low M(r) phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase is constitutively tyrosine-phosphorylated in NIH/3T3 cells transformed by pp60v-src. The same tyrosine kinase, previously immunoprecipitated, phosphorylates this enzyme in vitro as well. Phosphorylation is enhanced using phosphatase inhibitors and phenylarsine oxide-inactivated phosphatase, consistently with the existence of an auto-dephosphorylation process. Intermolecular dephosphorylation is demonstrated adding the active enzyme in a solution containing the inactivated and previously phosphorylated one. This tyrosine phosphorylation correlates with an increase in catalytic activity. Our results provide evidence of a physiological mechanism of low M(r) phosphotyrosine-protein phosphatase activity regulation

    Mild exposure of RIN-5F β-cells to human islet amyloid polypeptide aggregates upregulates antioxidant enzymes via NADPH oxidase-RAGE: An hormetic stimulus

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    AbstractThe presence of amyloid aggregates of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), a hallmark of type 2 diabetes, contributes to pancreatic ÎČ-cell impairment, where oxidative stress plays a key role. A contribution of NADPH oxidase to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation after cell exposure to micromolar concentrations of hIAPP aggregates has been suggested. However, little is known about ÎČ-cells exposure to lower amounts of hIAPP aggregates, similar to those found in human pancreas. Thus, we aimed to investigate the events resulting from RIN-5F cells exposure to nanomolar concentrations of toxic hIAPP aggregates. We found an early and transient rise of NADPH oxidase activity resulting from increased Nox1 expression following the engagement of receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) by hIAPP aggregates. Unexpectedly, NADPH oxidase activation was not accompanied by a significant ROS increase and the lipoperoxidation level was significantly reduced. Indeed, cell exposure to hIAPP aggregates affected the antioxidant defences, inducing a significant increase of the expression and activity of catalase and glutathione peroxidase. We conclude that exposure of pancreatic ÎČ-cells to nanomolar concentrations of hIAPP aggregates for a short time induces an hormetic response via the RAGE-Nox1 axis; the latter stimulates the enzymatic antioxidant defences that preserve the cells against oxidative stress damage

    A novel interaction mechanism accounting for different acylphosphatase effects on cardiac and fast twitch skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pumps

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    AbstractIn cardiac and skeletal muscle Ca2+ translocation from cytoplasm into sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is accomplished by different Ca2+-ATPases whose functioning involves the formation and decomposition of an acylphosphorylated phosphoenzyme intermediate (EP). In this study we found that acylphosphatase, an enzyme well represented in muscular tissues and which actively hydrolyzes EP, had different effects on heart (SERCA2a) and fast twitch skeletal muscle SR Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1). With physiological acylphosphatase concentrations SERCA2a exhibited a parallel increase in the rates of both ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ transport; in contrast, SERCA1 appeared to be uncoupled since the stimulation of ATP hydrolysis matched an inhibition of Ca2+ pump. These different effects probably depend on phospholamban, which is associated with SERCA2a but not SERCA1. Consistent with this view, the present study suggests that acylphosphatase-induced stimulation of SERCA2a, in addition to an enhanced EP hydrolysis, may be due to a displacement of phospholamban, thus to a removal of its inhibitory effect