57 research outputs found

    The Modeling of the Decisional Process A Case of Study for the Portfolio Management

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    In the architecture of the management functionality and performance, its decisional component has a privileged position. No other element has a more stressed managerial specificity and a greater impact in all the plans of its activities and results. There are the main reasons which determined the authors to do a detailed analyze of the elements which intervene in decisional process. To have as a result a well founded and opportune decision any decisional model had to acquire, process, interpret a larger volume of information, in a shorter period. These demands have directed the whole structure of this paper.decision, decisional model, decisional variables, parameters, cause – effect relations.

    The Need of Knowledge Management Strategy for the Successfully Implementation of Reengineering Projects

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    This paper want to shown that current knowledge management approaches do not emphasise enough on knowledge sharing from reengineering project perspective. To achieve success with reengineering project, an organisation must possess and share knowledge about many different facets of this process. While many reengineering projects have resulted in improve performance, we believe that higher levels of performance improvement are possible by coupling IT capabilities with KM strategy. To explain these results it was assumed that the key to implementing with success reengineering project is having a wide knowledge management strategy. Our objective for the paper reported here was to understand the factors that motivate to share knowledge before implementing any knowledge management strategy to sustain the successfully implementation of reengineering projects.Information Technologies, knowledge, knowledge management, strategy, reengineering, project


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    A successful projection of a decision assisting system supposes a good formulation and understanding of the problem, emphasizing the organization�s informational needs. This understanding can lead to a clear differentiation between the system analysis (�what has to be done?�) and system projection (�how it must be done?�). The paper makes a complex study over the activities and informational fluxes usually run by the management activity in order to establish the general requests which shall be provided by means of an information system for decision assistance for the management portfolio.decisional model, model of objects, classes of objects, association of relations


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    Rethinking business through reengineering is based on the assumption that to meet contemporary demands of quality, service, flexibility, and low cost, processes must be kept simple. Examples of simplifying processes are combining several jobs into one, letting workers make decisions, performing the steps in a process in a natural order, and performing work where it makes the most sense. The net result is that work may be shifted across functional boundaries several times to expedite its accomplishment. Traditional inspection and control procedures are often eliminated or deferred until the process is complete, providing further cost savings. The authors, focusing their research on enterprises from Oltenia Region, demonstrate how reengineering can be carried out in a variety of corporate settings. But although workers are the ones who need to be empowered to carry out reengineering, the authors are adamant that the process must start at the top. This is because it involves making major changes that are likely to cut across traditional organizational boundaries. Those empowered to make the changes at lower levels must know they have the support of top management, or change won�t occur.reengineering, rethinking business processes, regional economy, leadership, organization


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    The new spirit of business must be marked by efficient managerial communication. To build, to develop and to run business means, first of all, to communicate, to transmit information, opinions and decisions and, at the same time, to receive answers to such. In practice, the manager is required to have certain qualities that are indispensable for the managerial activity, and the ability to communicate efficiently is one of them. Under the pressure of the changes occurring in the business environments, of the ever-growing complexity of business and of the managers’ responsibilities, the topic of managerial communication is of large interest. The preoccupation for this topic can also be found in the sphere of analysis of the Romanian specialists, both in the academic community and in the business environment. A series of valuable theoretical studies have been published lately. They treat of the managerial communication and its implications in the company performance. Also special courses of business communication and negotiation have been introduced in universities. In the field of the scientific research, communication in business management is a topic of research and debate among the specialists in research facilities and universities. Many of the research projects run by the Romanian universities in partnership with the business community treat of this topic. In the context of such general interest, this study emphasizes the role of communication competence in the fulfilment of the manager’s complex tasks. The study debates on several approaches of the managerial communication and analyses their implications in the efficiency of the managerial act. The study insists on the necessity of developing the managerial communication abilities by means of grasping the modern communication techniques and psychological techniques that allow harmonizing the interpersonal communication relations in business.managerial communication; approaches of the managerial communication, communications abilities, communication techniques


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    The new spirit of business must be marked by efficient managerial communication. To build, to develop and to run business means, first of all, to communicate, to transmit information, opinions and decisions and, at the same time, to receive answers to such. In practice, the manager is required to have certain qualities that are indispensable for the managerial activity, and the ability to communicate efficiently is one of them. Under the pressure of the changes occurring in the business environments, of the ever-growing complexity of business and of the managers’ responsibilities, the topic of managerial communication is of large interest. The preoccupation for this topic can also be found in the sphere of analysis of the Romanian specialists, both in the academic community and in the business environment. A series of valuable theoretical studies have been published lately. They treat of the managerial communication and its implications in the company performance. Also special courses of business communication and negotiation have been introduced in universities. In the field of the scientific research, communication in business management is a topic of research and debate among the specialists in research facilities and universities. Many of the research projects run by the Romanian universities in partnership with the business community treat of this topic. In the context of such general interest, this study emphasizes the role of communication competence in the fulfilment of the manager’s complex tasks. The study debates on several approaches of the managerial communication and analyses their implications in the efficiency of the managerial act. The study insists on the necessity of developing the managerial communication abilities by means of grasping the modern communication techniques and psychological techniques that allow harmonizing the interpersonal communication relations in business.managerial communication; approaches of the managerial communication, communications abilities, communication techniques


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    The paper shows a series of opportunities linked to the technological, human and economical reengineering of activities and technological processes developed in a modern enterprise, adding new dimensions in the efficient development, on the market principles, in argument with the desiderate of the durable development of the society. Starting with these considerations we designed aspects linked to: business reengineering implementation, stages of this process, accentuating the management methods, delimitation on areas of activity of the effects on reengineering action.business reengineering process, reengineering enterprise, models and methods for reengineering project

    Reengineering as an Efficient Solution to Redesign Activities and Processes of an Enterprise

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    The paper shows a series of opportunities linked to the technological, human and economical reengineering of activities and technological processes developed in a modern enterprise, adding new dimensions in the efficient development, on the market principles, in argument with the desiderate of the durable development of the society. Starting with these considerations we designed aspects linked to: business reengineering implementation, stages of this process, accentuating the management methods, delimitation on areas of activity of the effects on reengineering action.business reengineering process, reengineering enterprise, models and methods for reengineering project

    The Need of Knowledge Management Strategy for the Successfully Implementation of Reengineering Projects

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    This paper want to shown that current knowledge management approaches do not emphasise enough on knowledge sharing from reengineering project perspective. To achieve success with reengineering project, an organisation must possess and share knowledge about many different facets of this process. While many reengineering projects have resulted in improve performance, we believe that higher levels of performance improvement are possible by coupling IT capabilities with KM strategy. To explain these results it was assumed that the key to implementing with success reengineering project is having a wide knowledge management strategy. Our objective for the paper reported here was to understand the factors that motivate to share knowledge before implementing any knowledge management strategy to sustain the successfully implementation of reengineering projects