35 research outputs found

    Securing Your Relationship: Quality of Intimate Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Be Predicted by Attachment Style

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    The COVID-19 pandemic along with the restrictions that were introduced within Europe starting in spring 2020 allows for the identification of predictors for relationship quality during unstable and stressful times. The present study began as strict measures were enforced in response to the rising spread of the COVID-19 virus within Austria, Poland, Spain and Czech Republic. Here, we investigated quality of romantic relationships among 313 participants as movement restrictions were implemented and subsequently phased out cross-nationally. Participants completed self-report questionnaires over a period of 7 weeks, where we predicted relationship quality and change in relationship quality using machine learning models that included a variety of potential predictors related to psychological, demographic and environmental variables. On average, our machine learning models predicted 29% (linear models) and 22% (non-linear models) of the variance with regard to relationship quality. Here, the most important predictors consisted of attachment style (anxious attachment being more influential than avoidant), age, and number of conflicts within the relationship. Interestingly, environmental factors such as the local severity of the pandemic did not exert a measurable influence with respect to predicting relationship quality. As opposed to overall relationship quality, the change in relationship quality during lockdown restrictions could not be predicted accurately by our machine learning models when utilizing our selected features. In conclusion, we demonstrate cross-culturally that attachment security is a major predictor of relationship quality during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, whereas fear, pathogenic threat, sexual behavior, and the severity of governmental regulations did not significantly influence the accuracy of prediction

    St. Thomas Aquinas\u27s confrontation with Neoplatonic thought in three *commentaries, and in the “Treatise on Separate Substances”

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    Aquinas\u27s commentaries on the de Hebdomadibus of Boethius, on The Divine Names of Dionysius, and on the anonymous Book of Causes, as well as his late text Treatise on Separate Substances have been described as those writings in the Thomistic corpus that best exhibit the Neoplatonic elements in his thought. However, the claim of a partial borrowing of Neoplatonic doctrines is controversial due to some assertions in recent scholarship postulating the inseparability of specific areas of Neoplatonic doctrine from their larger context, notably negative theology and ontological hierarchy as allegedly rooted in a meontological doctrine of God. Here a careful reading of salient passages from these four Thomistic texts aims to demonstrate the essential correctness of Aquinas\u27s reinterpretation of key Neoplatonic doctrines. However, hermeneutical presuppositions of this reading that need to be taken into account include Thomas\u27s method of benign interpretation, whereby he frequently attempts an alternative reading of an authoritative text (at variance with the literal sense) that is not directly in conflict with his own philosophical and theological tenets. In other cases, he reinterprets a useful aspect of a rejected position in order to develop his own thought on some issue. Nevertheless, he does at times make more direct criticisms of Platonic doctrines from the perspective of his own metaphysics. Important examples of this procedure include a reinterpreted metaphysical participation which emphasizes the unity of the substance as indicative of the unity of the transcendent cause. This is a doctrine that Aquinas invokes to emphasize the direct creation of the human soul and of the separate substance, against Neoplatonic claims of mediated causality. Another significant doctrine Aquinas applies in this polemic is the Maxime Communia or Transcendentals, which he opposes to a Platonic meontological conception of the first principle. The fundamental idea of an ontological hierarchy, which for Aquinas is best explained by analogous modes of esse including cognitional being, becomes part of an argument against Platonic separatism, for he argues this involves an unwarranted projection from cognitional to real being. Finally, the implications of the concept of esse found in this context are considered in the light of discussions in Thomistic literature in order to distinguish it from possible parallels in Neoplatonic thought

    VIPS - norweska platforma decyzyjna

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    Changes in the prices of arable land in Poland after the entry into force of the act on formation of the agricultural system

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    Przedstawiono zainteresowanie nabywaniem ziemi rolniczej w Polsce przed i po rozpoczęciu obowiązywania nowej ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego z dnia 14 kwietnia 2016 roku. Analiza dotyczyła także średnich cen gruntów rolnych w Polsce w latach 2011-2016 oraz zmian w ostatnich kwartałach w poszczególnych województwach. Dane o średnich cenach ziemi uzyskano z ARiMR. Stwierdzono, że w badanym okresie ceny gruntów rolnych systematycznie wzrastały, a informacje o nadchodzących zmianach w przepisach o zakupie ziemi rolnej spowodowały niewielki spadek cen na okres jednego kwartału.The new Act on Formation of the Agricultural System, which entered into force on 1 May 2016, has sparked some interest. Therefore, those who heard about major incoming changes in land trade may have acted quickly and unreasonably. Granted, according to the data on the prices of arable land immediately before and after the entry into force of the said act, there may had been some price decrease prior to May 2016, but it was not a considerable one and prices soon went up to the previous level

    Proposal for applying and implementing proposals for the program supporting young agricultural farmers in progress 2015-2016

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    Celem badań była prezentacja i ocena realizacji wniosków oraz wydanych decyzji w ramach poddziałania „Premie dla młodych rolników” w latach 2015-2016. Zaprezentowano analizy dotyczące liczby złożonych wniosków i przyznanych premii w ujęciu przestrzennym. Wykorzystano dane i materiały udostępnione przez ARiMR, opracowania statystyczne GUS oraz dostępną literaturę przedmiotu. Stwierdzono, że w latach 2015-2016 wzrastała liczba wniosków złożonych o dofinansowanie w ramach poddziałania „Premie dla młodych rolników”. Ogólnie potwierdzono założenia, że w województwach wzrastał udział pozytywnych decyzji w zakresie finansowania, chociaż w dwóch województwach zależność taka nie wystąpiła.The aim of the study is the presentation and evaluation of the RDP action “bonuses for young farmers” in the use of aid funds. The study on the number of applications submitted and the premiums awarded in spatial form were presented. Data and materials provided by ARMA, CSO statistical studies and available literature of the subject were used. It was found that in the years 2015-2016 the number of applications for co-financing under the sub-measure “Bonuses for young farmers” increased. In general, the assumptions were that the voivodships had a greater share of positive financing decisions, although in two voivodeships this dependence did not occur

    Fomoza ziemniaka - występowanie sprawców choroby oraz ich właściwości i znaczenie w przechowalnictwie ziemniaka

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    Scharakteryzowano 2 podgatunki Phoma: exigua var. exigua i exigua var. foveata i omówiono ich właściwości chorobotwórcze. Składowanie ziemniaków od jesieni do wiosny, zwłaszcza w niekorzystnych warunkach, sprzyja pojawianiu się sprawców fomozy (gangreny). Omawiane mikroorganizmy Phoma są jednymi z ważniejszych patogenów ziemniaka w okresie przechowywania. Mogą powodować duże straty, zwłaszcza w chłodnych przechowalniach, gdzie panują idealne warunki dla rozwoju i rozprzestrzeniania się grzybni. Obu podgatunków Phoma nie ma na liście chorób objętych kwarantanną w Polsce. Natomiast Phoma andina jest patogenem kwarantannowym porażającym, poza Solanum tuberosum L., także inne gatunki Solanum spp., szczególnie S. phureja – diploidalny gatunek ziemniaka, S. goniocalix i S. medians

    Contractile effect of PGF2alpha and PGE2 on isolated branches of uterine and ovarian artery in different days of estrous cycle and early pregnancy in pigs

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    The contractile effects of PGF₂α (3 × 10⁻⁶ to 10⁻⁴ M) and PGE₂ (10⁻⁷ to 10⁻⁵ M) were examined on isolated branches of ovarian artery (OA) and extramyometrial branches of uterine artery (UA) collected from pigs in the luteal (day 10-12) and follicular phase (day 17-20) of the estrous cycle, and during early pregnancy (day 10-12). Strong contraction was demonstrated in both arteries during all investigated periods in response to PGF2α, which was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than to PGE₂, being negligible in the follicular phase. In UA, the effective dose of PGF₂α (ED50) amounted 7.9 × 10⁻⁶ M and 6.3 × 10⁻⁶ M in the luteal and follicular phase, and 5.0 × 10⁻⁶ M in early pregnancy. ED50 for PGE₂ reached 5.0 × 10⁻⁷ M in the luteal phase, and 4.1 × 10⁻⁷ M in early pregnancy. For both prostaglandins, the contraction was much stronger (P < 0.01) in OA than in UA branches. In OA, the ED50 for PGF₂α was 1.2 × 10⁻⁵ M in the luteal phase and was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than in the follicular phase (3.1 × 10⁻⁶ M) and early pregnancy (2.7 × 10⁻⁶ M). ED50 for PGE2 amounted 7.3 × 10⁻⁷ M in the luteal phase and 1.7 × 10⁻⁷ M in early pregnancy. Studies showed the influence of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy on OA branches sensitivity to the contractile effect of PGF₂α and the lack of this effect on UA branches, and the influence of the estrous cycle on UA and OA branch contraction in response to PGE2

    [Brain metabolism alterations in patients with anorexia nervosa observed in 1H-MRS]

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    Contains fulltext : 48323.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The causes of metabolic brain changes in patients with anorexia nervosa are still not fully explained. The purpose of this study was to use the 1H-MRS method in investigating metabolic changes in the brain of patients with anorexia nervosa. We studied 10 patients for visible alternations in brain metabolism and compared the results to healthy controls. 1H-MRS was acquired by the method of single voxels in white and grey matter. Proton MRS was performed after image guided localization using stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) sequence with a short echo time of 20 ms. For data evaluation we used standard Siemens software and the additional PC. Choosing of the MRS sequences was related with particular interest in metabolites of short time echo: myoinositol and lipids. Besides this we evaluated peaks of: N-acetylaspartate (NAN), creatine (Cr) and choline (Cho). The results show significant differences in the levels of metabolites connected with fatty metabolism. In white matter we observed the reduction of lip-peak. The data was evaluated approximately and presented as lip:Cr. We did not observe any differences in other metabolites. As far as we know similar results had been reported and our study confirmed significant disorders in metabolism of these chemicals in patients with anorexia nervosa