41 research outputs found

    Probleme de diagnostic in crizele scurte de pierdere a conştienţei

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    Crizele scurte de pierdere a conștienţei sunt o patologie frecventă în serviciile de neurologie și de urgenţă. Cauzele acestora sunt numeroase, iar diagnosticul este dificil. Anamneza, examenul clinic general, examenul neurologic, explorările paraclinice (ECG, Holter, ecocardiografi e, testul înclinării, EEG, videoEEG, explorări imagistice) asigură un diagnostic corect. Sincopa, crizele psihogene, crizele scurte de pierdere a conștienţei de cauză metabolică sunt prezentate în lucrare. Autorii atrag atenţia asupra riscului de diagnostic eronat și de confuzie cu epilepsia, cu impact negativ asupra vieţii pacientului

    Medium term results of penetrating keratoplasty

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    Purpose: This is a retrospective evaluation of penetrating keratoplasty for optical purpose in the Eye Clinic of the Clinical Emergency Hospital "St. Spiridon "Iasi. Methods: The study evaluated 51 eyes of 50 patients, mean age of patients was 50.8 years. Indications for penetrating keratoplasty were: stage IV keratoconus (31.3%), chronic corneal edema (29.4%), corneal dystrophies (17.6%), corneal leukoma (17.6%) and irreversible graft rejection (3.9%). Penetrating keratoplasties were performed by the same surgeon. Postoperatively, patients were evaluated regularly through a comprehensive eye exam. Mean follow-up was 22.7 months post-keratopsy (SD ± 20.8). Results: During follow-up Results: During follow-up 73% did not show any postoperative complication, while 17% of cases showed an increased intraocular pressure; 10% developed acute graft rejection. Survival without acute rejection of the transplant is 95% at one year and 93% at two years. Aphakic or pseudophakic cases have higher risk of developing high intraocular pressure compared to phakic eye (41% vs 3%). Among patients where the keratoplasty was performed on phakic eye (28), only one developed secondary cataract. Glaucoma before the intervention is a risk factor for increased intraocular pressure unlike patients without glaucoma. Also, performing penetrating keratoplasty combined with another procedure in the same operation increases the risk of ocular hypertension in 32% versus 18% for keratoplasty alone. Secondary astigmatism 3 months or more after keratoplasty recorded values between -3.5 and + 5 D. 30 patients(63.8%) had a final visual acuity between 0.3-0.9 Snellen line. 27.4% of patients had a better visual acuity compared to fellow eye. Conclusion: Penetrating keratoplasty results are influenced by preoperative status, type of surgery and also by rigorous long-term follow-up of patients to prevent and address complications as soon as possible

    Research on the influence of nutrition on the production of space and quality herba Hyssopus officinalis l. (hyssop) cultivated ecological conditions in A.R.D.S. Secuieni

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    Hyssopus officinalis L. (hyssop) has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Grown for herba contains volatile oil (0.5 and 1.3 % in dry herba between 0.10 and 0.15 % in fresh herba ), flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids, carbohydrates, hisopina, tannins, resins, gums, sugars and a substance with antiviral marubiina, which gives a bitter taste. Due to the volatile oil constituents, the plant has antiseptic expectorant action and is bitter tonic (because marubiinei) and slightly astringent (due to tannins). Climatic conditions during the experiment were good, the average temperature in the two years was 9,150 C, the difference from the annual average (8.7ºC) being 0.45ºC. The amount of rainfall was 488.5 mm by 59.4 mm less than the annual average (552.1mm). The average for the two years of experimentation average number of branches per plant ranged from 14.27 branches/plant variant sown at 50 cm between rows and incineration (Mt.) and 23 branches/plant variant sown at 70 cm between rows and incineration. The average length of inflorescence was higher (12.25 cm) in variant sown distance of 70 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants in the row. Regarding the production of dry herba it was influenced by both the distance between rows (average factor A) and the distance between plants in the row (average factor B). The average for the two years of experimentation, production highest (2510 kg/ha) was obtained in the variant sown at a distance of 70 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants in the row. An average production close of 2368 kg/ha was obtained in variant sown at a distance of 70 cm between rows and 30 cm between plants in the row. Highest production of essential oil (80.88 l/ha) was obtained in the variant sown at a distance of 70 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants in the row


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    Microbial biofilms in the oral cavity are involved in the etiology of various oral conditions, including periodontal and dental implant failures. It is therefore not surprising that bacteria growing in dental plaque, a naturally occurring biofilm, display increased resistance to antimicrobial agents . Current treatment techniques involve either periodic mechanical disruption of oral microbial biofilms or maintaining therapeutic concentrations of antimicrobials in the oral cavity, both of which are fraught with limitations. The development of alternative antibacterial therapeutic strategies therefore becomes important in the evolution of methods to control microbial growth in the oral cavity. In this review, we propose to provide an overview of photodynamic therapy with emphasis on its current status as an antimicrobial therapy to control oral bacteria, and review the progress that has been made, concerning the applications of photodynamic therapy for targeting biofilm-associated oral infections and new frontiers of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy research will be introduced, including targeting strategies and thereby providing the opportunity for more effective disease prevention and control

    Co-infection with 'Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis' and Borrelia afzelii in an Ixodes ricinus tick that has bitten a human in Romania.

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    Despite the vast importance of ticks as disease vectors, the infectious agents transmitted by ticks are still incompletely known in many areas. Here, we report for the first time the detection of the bacterium 'Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis' in Romania, in an Ixodes ricinus tick obtained from a human. Furthermore, the tick also had a co-infection with Borrelia afzelii. 'Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis' is one of the most recent discoveries of a tick-borne agent, and has been found in human patients in several European countries as well as in China


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    Scope of the study: A reliable, rapid and non-invasive evaluation of the patients suffering from diabetes mellitus through investigation of glycemia from the sulcular (crev‑ icular) gingival blood. Materials and method: Laboratory investigations were made for evaluating the glycemia from the capillary (CBGL) and crevicular (SBGL) blood in 60 patients with periodontitis (30 suffering from diabetes, 30 non-diabetics), the obtained data being analyzed statisti‑ cally. Results: The mean values of glycemia (at both MSBG-sulcular and MCBG-capillary level), expressed in mg/dl, were of 168.60 and, respectively, 190.57. The MCBG level was of 269.73 for the group with diabetes and of 111.40 for the non-diabetic ones, respectively, whereas the MSBG level was of 240.217 for the first group and of 97.03 for the second one. An important correlation could be also observed between the levels of these values and the degree of periodontal affection. Conclusions: Testing of sulcular blood may represent an adequate, rapid and reliable method for the identification of patients affected with dia‑ betes, permitting to recommend a new screening protocol

    First evidence of Anaplasma platys and Hepatozoon canis co-infection in a dog from Romania - A case report.

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    Anaplasma platys was first identified and described in North America as a Rickettsia-like, platelet-specific organism in dogs with infectious canine cyclic thrombocytopenia. In Europe, A. platys has so far mainly been described for some Mediterranean countries. Here, we describe a case of A. platys infection in a dog from Romania, confirmed by PCR. Additionally, the dog had a co-infection with Hepatozoon canis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of A. platys infection in Romania and the first case of a co-infection with A. platys and H. canis altogether. Both pathogens should be considered as possible disease agents in dogs suffering from disease associated with tick bite in south-eastern Europe

    Development of a Prolonged-Release Drug Delivery System with Magnolol Loaded in Amino-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica

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    Magnolol (MG) is a small-molecule neolignan polyphenolic compound isolated from the genus Magnolia. The anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-diabetic, anti-tumorgenic, anti-neurodegenerative, anti-depressant and anti-microbial properties of MG are well documented in recent literature. These fascinating multiple biological activities of MG encourage research about the development of new delivery and administration approaches able to maximize its potential benefits. This study describes the amino-functionalization of the SBA-15 (Santa Barbara Amorphous) mesoporous matrix by post-synthesis grafting using APTES (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane) and the characterization of amino-functionalized mesoporous silica SBA-15 loaded with MG in order to achieve modified drug delivery systems. The amino-functionalization of silica SBA-15 was carried out by grafting by refluxing in dry toluene. The powders obtained were characterized texturally by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis measurements and morphologically by scanning electron microscopy. MG loading degree in the nanoporous matrix was determined by the HPLC method at λ = 290 nm. Results showed that by grafting the amino groups in the silica SBA-15, we obtained amino-functionalized silica SBA-15 with an ordered structure, with specific surfaces and pore sizes that differ from the original matrix, which was reflected in the amount of MG immobilized and release kinetics profile