8 research outputs found

    The development of children's theories: the case of horizontality

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    Towards a grey ecology

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    Building design agency through bodystorming

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    When addressing urgent issues such as climate change and the social impacts this will have on our future living environments, as designers and design educators, we must critically ask ourselves if the mindsets, approaches, processes, methods, and tools we know are appropriate or need inquiry to evolve. This paper presents an experimental technique the authors have been applying in the past four years of teaching in an international design studio that aims to imagine products and services for future uncertain times. In planning the course the main challenge was to understand which would be the best method for designers to really engage with change, grasping the complexity of a near or far future we might be experiencing. The bodystorm challenge intended to kick off the course immediately plunges students into a real-life condition which forces them to look for alternative solutions for basic daily activities. Over the years, students have been asked to conduct a two-week challenge drastically reducing either their consumption of energy, water, digital use, waste, overall expenditure, or by radically changing food habits, and mobility. The students also kept an online diary, on the publishing platform Medium, building a shared journal which displayed a jumbled mix of pictures, narratives, and drawings. First experimentations show how upstream bodystorming increases student’s agency by allowing them to deeply understand that they are fighting a major social battle against cultural beliefs, social practices, economic systems, existing artefacts and infrastructures and acting as a spark to more radical innovations

    Pour une nouvelle culture de l'attention: Que faire de ces réseaux sociaux qui nous épuisent ?

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    International audienceNotre temps de cerveau se monnaye sur Internet : Ă  l’ùre des contenus personnalisĂ©s, de la publicitĂ© ciblĂ©e et des agents conversationnels, sommes-nous devenus des biens consommables dans le marchĂ© de l’attention ?Les plateformes peuvent-elles nous manipuler pour orienter nos dĂ©cisions ?La captation de notre attention n’est pas seulement un risque personnel pour notre temps, nos enfants ou notre argent. C’est aussi une menace dĂ©mocratique : les libertĂ©s et le vivre-ensemble sont compromis par des logiques sournoises qui nous Ă©puisent, polarisent les points de vue et appauvrissent notre expĂ©rience du monde.Ce livre dĂ©crit en dĂ©tail les ressorts cognitifs et psychosociaux utilisĂ©s par les algorithmes et le marketing digital pour nous cerner, nous orienter, nous soustraire des donnĂ©es contre notre gré  avec un cadre lĂ©gal Ă  repenser.Quatre chercheurs croisent les apports des sciences cognitives, du design, de la philosophie et du droit pour proposerune vĂ©ritable rĂ©gulation de la question attentionnelledans le monde numĂ©rique

    FEATUREUnderstanding convergence

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