23 research outputs found

    Autoantibodies to aS1-Casein Are Induced by Breast-Feeding

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    Background: The generation of antibodies is impaired in newborns due to an immature immune system and reduced exposure to pathogens due to maternally derived antibodies and placental functions. During nursing, the immune system of newborns is challenged with multiple milk-derived proteins. Amongst them, caseins are the main constituent. In particular, human aS1-casein (CSN1S1) was recently shown to possess immunomodulatory properties. We were thus interested to determine if auto-antibodies to CSN1S1 are induced by breast-feeding and may be sustained into adulthood. Methods: 62 sera of healthy adult individuals who were (n = 37) or were not (n = 25) breast-fed against human CSN1S1 were investigated by a new SD (surface display)-ELISA. For cross-checking, these sera were tested for anti Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibodies by a commercial ELISA. Results: IgG-antibodies were predominantly detected in individuals who had been nursed. At a cut-off value of 0.4, the SDELISA identified individuals with a history of having been breast-fed with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 92%. Under these conditions, 35 out of 37 sera from healthy donors, who where breast-fed, reacted positively but only 5 sera of the 25 donors who were not breast-fed. The duration of breast-feeding was of no consequence to the antibody reaction as some healthy donors were only short term breast-fed (5 days minimum until 6 weeks maximum), but exhibited significant serum reaction against human CSN1S1 nonetheless. Conclusion: We postulate that human CSN1S1 is an autoantigen. The antigenicity is orally determined, caused by breastfeeding, and sustained into adulthood

    mRNA-Expression von Defensinen im Magen und Zwölffingerdarm von Kindern

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    Defensine sind antimikrobielle Peptide, denen eine wichtige Funktion im Rahmen von Immunprozessen beigemessen wird. Das Expressionsmuster der Defensine im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt (GIT) von Kindern und die Expression bei Helicobacter-pylori-positiver Gastritis sowie Zöliakie wurden untersucht. Biopsien aus Antrum, Corpus und Duodenum wurden entnommen und eine real-time RT-PCR für humanes α\alpha-Defensin 5 und 6 (hD5, 6) sowie humanes β\beta-Defensin 1 bis 6 (hBD1-6) durchgeführt. hBD1- und 2-mRNA werden vermehrt im Magen gemessen, während hD5- und 6-mRNA höhere Mengen im Duodenum als im Magen aufweisen. Im Rahmen eines Hp-Infektes sind in Antrum und Corpus erhöhte hBD2-mRNA-Mengen messbar. Patienten mit einer Zöliakie weisen erhöhte hBD2-mRNA-Mengen im Antrum und erniedrigte hBD1- und hBD4-mRNA-Mengen im Duodenum auf. Somit kann eine differentielle Expression von Defensinen im oberen GIT von Kindern postuliert werden

    Inhomogeneity of immune cell composition in the synovial sublining: linear mixed modelling indicates differences in distribution and spatial decline of CD68+ macrophages in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Inhomogeneity of immune cell distribution in the synovial sublining layer was analyzed in order to improve our mechanistic understanding of synovial inflammation and explore potential refinements for histological biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: Synovial tissue of 20 patients (11 RA, 9 OA) was immunohistochemically stained for macrophages (CD68), synovial fibroblasts (CD55), T cells (CD3), plasma cells (CD38), endothelial cells (vWF) and mast cells (MCT). The synovial sublining layer was divided into predefined adjacent zones and fractions of the stained area (SA) were determined by digital image analysis for each cell marker. RESULTS: Distribution of CD68, CD55, CD38 and MCT staining of the sublining area was heterogeneous (Friedman ANOVA p < 0.05). The highest expression for all markers was observed in the upper layer close to the lining layer with a decrease in the middle and lower sublining. The SA of CD68, CD55 and CD38 was significantly higher in all layers of RA tissue compared to OA (p < 0.05), except the CD38 fraction of the lower sublining. Based on receiver operating characteristics analysis, CD68 SA of the total sublining resulted in the highest area under the curve (AUC 0.944, CI 95 % 0.844–1.0, p = 0.001) followed by CD68 in the upper and middle layer respectively (both AUC 0.933, CI 95 % 0.816–1.0, p = 0.001) in both RA and OA. Linear mixed modelling confirmed significant differences in the SA of sublining CD68 between OA and RA (p = 0.0042) with a higher concentration of CD68+ towards the lining layer and more rapid decline towards the periphery of the sublining in RA compared to OA (p = 0.0022). CONCLUSIONS: Immune cells are inhomogeneously distributed within the sublining layer. RA and OA tissue display differences in the number of CD68 macrophages and differences in CD68 decline within the synovial sublining

    DGEMRIC in the Assessment of Pre-Morphological Cartilage Degeneration in Rheumatic Disease: Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Psoriatic Arthritis

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    Background: Even though cartilage loss is a known feature of psoriatic (PsA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), research is sparse on its role in the pathogenesis of PsA, its potential use for disease monitoring and for differentiation from RA. We therefore assessed the use of delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) to evaluate biochemical cartilage changes in metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints in PsA patients and compared these to RA patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 17 patients with active PsA and 20 patients with active RA were evaluated by high-resolution 3 Tesla dGEMRIC using a dedicated 16-channel hand coil. Images were analyzed by two independent raters for dGEMRIC indices and joint space width (JSW) at MCP and PIP joint levels. Results: No significant differences of dGEMRIC values could be found between both study populations (PsA 472.25 ms, RA 461.11 ms; p = 0.763). In all RA and most PsA patients, PIP joints showed significantly lower dGEMRIC indices than MCP joints (RA: D2: p = 0.009, D3: p = 0.008, D4: p = 0.002, D5: p = 0.002; PsA: D3: p = 0.001, D4: p = 0.004). Most joint spaces had similar widths in both disease entities and no significant differences were found. Conclusions: As evaluated by dGEMRIC, the molecular composition of the MCP and PIP joint cartilage of PsA patients is similar to that of RA patients, demonstrating the scientific and clinical feasibility of compositional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in these disease entities. Patterns and severity of compositional cartilage degradation of the finger joints may therefore be assessed beyond mere morphology in PsA and RA patients

    High Frequency of Osteophytes Detected by High-Resolution Ultrasound at the Finger Joints of Asymptomatic Factory Workers

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    Hand Osteoarthritis (HOA) is a frequently occurring musculoskeletal disease that impacts health. Diagnostic criteria often incorporate osteophytes documented through imaging procedures. Radiographic imaging is considered the gold standard; however, more sensitive and safer methods like ultrasound imaging are becoming increasingly important. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study to examine the prevalence, grade, and pattern of osteophytes using high-resolution ultrasound investigation. Factory workers were recruited on-site for the study. Each participant had 26 finger joints examined using ultrasonography to grade the occurrence of osteophytes on a semi-quantitative scale ranging from 0–3, where higher scores indicate larger osteophytes. A total of 427 participants (mean age 53.5 years, range 20–79 years) were included, resulting in 11,000 joints scored. At least one osteophyte was found in 4546 out of 11,000 (41.3%) joints or in 426 out of 427 (99.8%) participants, but only 5.0% (553) of the joints showed grade 2 or 3 osteophytes. The total osteophyte sum score increased by 0.18 per year as age increased (p < 0.001). The distal interphalangeal joints were the most commonly affected, with 61%, followed by the proximal interphalangeal joints with 48%, carpometacarpal joint 1 with 39%, and metacarpophalangeal joints with 16%. There was no observed impact of gender or workload. In conclusion, ultrasound imaging proves to be a practical screening tool for osteophytes and HOA. Grade 1 osteophytes are often detected in the working population through ultrasound assessments and their incidence increases with age. The occurrence of grade 2 or 3 osteophytes is less frequent and indicates the clinical presence of HOA. Subsequent evaluations are imperative to ascertain the predictive significance of early osteophytes