6 research outputs found

    Extension of electron cyclotron heating at ASDEX Upgrade with respect to high density operation

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    The ASDEX Upgrade electron cyclotron resonance heating operates at 105 GHz and 140 GHz with flexible launching geometry and polarization. In 2016 four Gyrotrons with 10 sec pulse length and output power close to 1 MW per unit were available. The system is presently being extended to eight similar units in total. High heating power and high plasma density operation will be a part of the future ASDEX Upgrade experiment program. For the electron cyclotron resonance heating, an O-2 mode scheme is proposed, which is compatible with the expected high plasma densities. It may, however, suffer from incomplete single-pass absorption. The situation can be improved significantly by installing holographic mirrors on the inner column, which allow for a second pass of the unabsorbed fraction of the millimetre wave beam. Since the beam path in the plasma is subject to refraction, the beam position on the holographic mirror has to be controlled. Thermocouples built into the mirror surface are used for this purpose. As a protective measure, the tiles of the heat shield on the inner column were modified in order to increase the shielding against unabsorbed millimetre wave power

    Beam tracing study for design and operation of two-pass electron cyclotron heating at ASDEX Upgrade

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    The electron cyclotron resonance heating system at ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) is currently being extended to eight similar Gyrotrons in total. Each Gyrotron operates at 105 and 140 GHz and is designed for up to 1 MW millimetre wave output power. A substantial part of the AUG program will focus on experimental conditions, where the plasma density may be above the X-2 cut-off density at 140 GHz. In order to cope with the high density, the heating system will operate in the O-2 mode scheme with potentially incomplete absorption in the first pass. Reflecting gratings installed into the heat shield on AUG’s inner column allow for a controlled second pass of the beam’s unabsorbed fraction. Thermocouple measurements serve to control the beam position on the grating. The beam geometry is being finalized for the launchers #1-4. Beam propagation is simulated with the TORBEAM code and previous high density experiments are used as a database. The geometry is optimized using three criteria: central deposition, high absorption and robustness of the beam dump after the second pass. The experimental conditions, and the plasma electron density in particular, may vary such that the Gaussian beam parameters of the incoming beam on the grating deviate from the design values. It is proposed to model the effect of the grating with an equivalent ellipsoidal mirror. Laboratory measurements are shown, which support this model

    Machine safety issues with respect to the extension of ECRH systems at ASDEX Upgrade

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    The beam intensity of electron cyclotron resonance heating at ASDEX Upgrade has the potential to seriously damage in-vessel components, whenever not fully absorbed by the plasma. Operation is, therefore, interlocked with both plasma current and density above a given threshold. Microwave protection detectors installed in several ports on the low field side switch the heating system off, in case the stray radiation exceeds a given threshold. During regular inspections, however, damages were reported in the vicinity of the launchers and in particular around the tiles of the heat shield. On one hand, it was found that insulating material, which may not face the plasma, degraded due to millimetre wave absorption. The waves entered the free space behind the heat shield through gaps. On the other hand, local damage even of metallic components was observed on surfaces, which were directly exposed to the microwave beam. Polarisation errors, which led to a local shine through of significant beam power, were responsible. We note that this happened mainly on the high field side in a certain distance to the microwave protection detectors, which were not triggered by the events. In order to increase the level of protection, we identify three necessary measures: Firstly, polarisation control is to be automated such, that mode content and shine through can be monitored. Secondly, by installing additional detectors, the spatial coverage of stray radiation monitoring is enlarged. Thirdly, the heat shield tiles will be redesigned in order to increase the shielding against millimetre waves

    Experiments with reduced single pass absorption at ASDEX Upgrade – instrumentation and applications

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    Reflecting gratings have been installed in the vacuum vessel of ASDEX Upgrade for all beamlines of the electron cyclotron resonance heating system. Potentially unabsorbed millimetre wave power after the first pass through the plasma is redirected towards the plasma centre. This increases the efficiency of heating schemes with reduced single pass absorption like O-2 or X-3. In order to monitor beam position and power, thermocouples were installed into the gratings. A numerical model was developed to evaluate the beam intensity during short pulses from the thermocouple measurement in a non-stationary environment. An experiment was carried out, where only the X-3 resonance is present in the plasma, and the millimetre wave beam shine-through was measured successfully as a function of the central plasma electron temperature. This allows to deduce the X-3 absorption experimentally. Scanning the launching angles, it seems possible to measure the 2D beam cross section after the first pass through the plasma