2,713 research outputs found

    Interview with Daniel Schmid on “Sustainability and the Role of IT”

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    A Business Process Management Perspective on Creativity: Creativity Intensive Processes

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    Toward Third Wave Information Systems Research: Linking Sociomaterial Practice with Broader Institutional Logics

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    The sociomaterial movement has done much to strengthen the theorizing of IT artifacts in practice. This “second wave” information systems research, which focuses on theorizing of the interpenetration of IT artifacts and human activity, is a response to the positivistic, reductive accounts that overly simplified human activity around the development and adoption of IT in the name of generalizability. However, with their focus on local ideographic interpretation, sociomaterial views have abandoned the search for regularities across contexts and across time. In this paper, we take a step toward a “third wave” approach as we look to theoretically account for both idiosyncrasies in sociomaterial practice in situ, and the regularities across these practices. Drawing on institutional logics and the concept of sociomaterial practice, we develop a conceptualization that highlights how technologies afford the enactment of different practice scripts as users draw on different institutional logics

    Tensions in design principle formulation and reuse

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    Designing can be viewed as a collective activity that accumulates and reuses knowledge over time and, in the information systems field, such knowledge often takes the form of design principles. While design principles are now a predominant from to capture, accumulate, and reuse design knowledge, their reusability cannot be taken for granted. In this paper, we present the preliminary findings of an ongoing series of experiments that aim to explore the characteristics of design principles that facilitate or inhibit their reuse. Our preliminary findings suggest that, interestingly, these characteristics occur as contradicting elements. We situate the tensions in the light of hermeneutics, expert intuition, and C-K design theory. We hope that, through our ongoing work, we can trigger further discussion on design principles reuse in the DSR community

    Integrating Explanatory/Predictive and Prescriptive Science in Information Systems Research

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    The scholarly information systems (IS) field has a dual role. As an explanatory and predictive science, the field contributes to explaining the pervasive IS that shape the digital age and sometimes also makes predictions about those phenomena. As a prescriptive science, it participates in creating IS-related innovations by identifying means-ends relationships. The two can beneficially interact, such as when explanatory theory provides the basis for generating prescriptions or when applicable knowledge produces explanatory insights. In this commentary, we contribute to integrating these two roles by proposing a framework to help IS researchers navigate the field’s duality to extend the cumulative scholarly knowledge that it creates in terms of justified explanations and predictions and justified prescriptions. The process we describe builds on ongoing, dynamic, iterative, and interrelated research cycles. We identify a set of integrative research practices that occur at the interface between explanatory and predictive science and prescriptive science—the explanation-prescription nexus. We derive guidelines for IS research

    Entwicklung der Steuersysteme im internationalen Vergleich: kein Trend zu einer stärkeren Verbrauchsbesteuerung

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    Es gibt Anzeichen für einen Steuerwettbewerb zwischen den Nationalstaaten um mobile Produktionsfaktoren: Viele OECD-Länder haben über einen längeren Zeitraum die Steuersätze auf Unternehmens- und Kapitaleinkommen sowie diejenigen auf hohe Arbeitseinkommen gesenkt. Insgesamt lässt sich im Vergleich der hier ausgewählten Länder allerdings eine systematische Aushöhlung oder ein Bedeutungsverlust der direkten Steuern nicht erkennen. Die in den meisten Ländern durchgeführten Reformen waren in erster Linie darauf gerichtet, über eine neutralere Besteuerung die Leistungsanreize zu erhöhen und die Lenkungswirkungen zu verringern. Der Abbau von Vergünstigungen bzw. die Verbreiterung der Bemessungsgrundlagen und die Verminderung der Steuertarife waren fast überall die Rezepte, wobei die Reformen teilweise von Nettoentlastungen begleitet wurden. Es gibt zudem keine grundlegenden Hinweise darauf, dass Veränderungen beim Verhältnis von direkten und indirekten Steuern nennenswerte Wirkungen auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung haben. Ein Ausstieg aus der direkten Besteuerung oder ein konsequenter Umbau zu einer stärkeren verbrauchsorientierten Besteuerung deuten sich nicht an. In diesem Bericht wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Entwicklungslinien im Vergleich der Steuersysteme Deutschlands und wichtiger OECD-Länder zu erkennen sind und welche Motive den Änderungen zugrunde liegen
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