43 research outputs found

    Leitfaden «Erlebnisse und Tourismusangebote in Kulturgütern»

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    Growth-inhibiting effects of the unconventional plant APYRASE 7 of Arabidopsis thaliana influences the LRX/RALF/FER growth regulatory module

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    Plant cell growth involves coordination of numerous processes and signaling cascades among the different cellular compartments to concomitantly enlarge the protoplast and the surrounding cell wall. The cell wall integrity-sensing process involves the extracellular LRX (LRR-Extensin) proteins that bind RALF (Rapid ALkalinization Factor) peptide hormones and, in vegetative tissues, interact with the transmembrane receptor kinase FERONIA (FER). This LRX/RALF/FER signaling module influences cell wall composition and regulates cell growth. The numerous proteins involved in or influenced by this module are beginning to be characterized. In a genetic screen, mutations in Apyrase 7 (APY7) were identified to suppress growth defects observed in lrx1 and fer mutants. APY7 encodes a Golgi-localized NTP-diphosphohydrolase, but opposed to other apyrases of Arabidopsis, APY7 revealed to be a negative regulator of cell growth. APY7 modulates the growth-inhibiting effect of RALF1, influences the cell wall architecture and -composition, and alters the pH of the extracellular matrix, all of which affect cell growth. Together, this study reveals a function of APY7 in cell wall formation and cell growth that is connected to growth processes influenced by the LRX/RALF/FER signaling module

    Hybridization of powdery mildew strains gives rise to pathogens on novel agricultural crop species

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    Throughout the history of agriculture, many new crop species (polyploids or artificial hybrids) have been introduced to diversify products or to increase yield. However, little is known about how these new crops influence the evolution of new pathogens and diseases. Triticale is an artificial hybrid of wheat and rye, and it was resistant to the fungal pathogen powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) until 2001 (refs. 1,2,3). We sequenced and compared the genomes of 46 powdery mildew isolates covering several formae speciales. We found that B. graminis f. sp. triticale, which grows on triticale and wheat, is a hybrid between wheat powdery mildew (B. graminis f. sp. tritici) and mildew specialized on rye (B. graminis f. sp. secalis). Our data show that the hybrid of the two mildews specialized on two different hosts can infect the hybrid plant species originating from those two hosts. We conclude that hybridization between mildews specialized on different species is a mechanism of adaptation to new crops introduced by agriculture

    On the Impact of Transposon Activity on Genome Evolution

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    Genome-wide comparison of Asian and African rice reveals high recent activity of DNA transposons

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    BACKGROUND: DNA (Class II) transposons are ubiquitous in plant genomes. However, unlike for (Class I) retrotransposons, only little is known about their proliferation mechanisms, activity, and impact on genomes. Asian and African rice (Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima) diverged approximately 600,000 years ago. Their fully sequenced genomes therefore provide an excellent opportunity to study polymorphisms introduced from recent transposon activity. RESULTS: We manually analyzed 1,821 transposon related polymorphisms among which we identified 487 loci which clearly resulted from DNA transposon insertions and excisions. In total, we estimate about 4,000 (3.5% of all DNA transposons) to be polymorphic between the two species, indicating a high level of transposable element (TE) activity. The vast majority of the recently active elements are non-autonomous. Nevertheless, we identified multiple potentially functional autonomous elements. Furthermore, we quantified the impacts of insertions and excisions on the adjacent sequences. Transposon insertions were found to be generally precise, creating simple target site duplications. In contrast, excisions almost always go along with the deletion of flanking sequences and/or the insertion of foreign 'filler' segments. Some of the excision-triggered deletions ranged from hundreds to thousands of bp flanking the excision site. Furthermore, we found in some superfamilies unexpectedly low numbers of excisions. This suggests that some excisions might cause such large-scale rearrangements so that they cannot be detected anymore. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the activity of DNA transposons (particularly the excision process) is a major evolutionary force driving the generation of genetic diversity

    The making of a genomic parasite - the Mothra family sheds light on the evolution of Helitrons in plants

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    BACKGROUND: Helitrons are Class II transposons which are highly abundant in almost all eukaryotes. However, most Helitrons lack protein coding sequence. These non-autonomous elements are thought to hijack recombinase/helicase (RepHel) and possibly further enzymes from related, autonomous elements. Interestingly, many plant Helitrons contain an additional gene encoding a single-strand binding protein homologous to Replication Factor A (RPA), a highly conserved, single-copy gene found in all eukaryotes. RESULTS: Here, we describe the analysis of DHH_Mothra, a high-copy non-autonomous Helitron in the genome of rice (Oryza sativa). Mothra has a low GC-content and consists of two distinct blocs of tandem repeats. Based on homology between their termini, we identified a putative mother element which encodes an RPA-like protein but has no RepHel gene. Additionally, we found a putative autonomous sister-family with strong homology to the Mothra mother element in the RPA protein and terminal sequences, which we propose provides the RepHel domain for the Mothra family. Furthermore, we phylogenetically analyzed the evolutionary history of RPA-like proteins. Interestingly, plant Helitron RPAs (PHRPAs) are only found in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants and they form a monophyletic group which branched off before the eukaryotic "core" RPAs. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show how erosion of autonomous Helitrons can lead to different "levels" of autonomy within Helitron families and can create highly successful subfamilies of non-autonomous elements. Most importantly, our phylogenetic analysis showed that the PHRPA gene was most likely acquired via horizontal gene transfer from an unknown eukaryotic donor at least 145-300 million years ago in the common ancestor of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. This might have led to the evolution of a separate branch of the Helitron superfamily in plants

    Plant TOR signaling components

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    Cell growth is a process that needs to be tightly regulated. Cells must be able to sense environmental factors like nutrient abundance, the energy level or stress signals and coordinate growth accordingly. The Target Of Rapamycin (TOR) pathway is a major controller of growth-related processes in all eukaryotes. If environmental conditions are favorable, the TOR pathway promotes cell and organ growth and restrains catabolic processes like autophagy. Rapamycin is a specific inhibitor of the TOR kinase and acts as a potent inhibitor of TOR signaling. As a consequence, interfering with TOR signaling has a strong impact on plant development. This review summarizes the progress in the understanding of the biological significance and the functional analysis of the TOR pathway in plants