21 research outputs found

    Differences and similarities in perceptions of recruits, soldiers and veterans in an Austrian cohort.

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    Evidence suggests that the majority of the Austrian public appreciates its Armed Forces. However, whether similarly favourable views are held for the Austrian Armed Forces' recruits, soldiers and veterans remains the subject of debate, as the repercussions of Austrian military history remain unclear. The present study addresses this gap in knowledge by conducting a free-word association task. Participants (N = 266) provided three word-associations to each stimuli term in their native language: (a) "recruit of the Austrian Armed Forces"; (b) "soldier of the Austrian Armed Forces"; and (c) "veteran from the Austrian Armed Forces". These associations were then ranked in accordance with how prototypical each association is to describe the stimuli terms. A total of 2,394 word associations were grouped into 13 thematic clusters with Content Analysis. The Hierarchical Evocation Models suggest that recruits, soldiers and veterans are favourably characterised. All three stimuli terms entail references to positive personality dispositions and heroizing sentiments as part of their central core. Additionally, the results show that victimizing sentiments are placed on the periphery of individual understandings. This may reflect a revamped image of the Austrian Armed Forces, engaging in societally appreciated missions that are aligned with the essence of Western core values. These results may be indicative in international discussions surrounding improvements in the reputations of active and retired personnel


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    /1/ S. Rakowaky, D. Zimmermann, W. E. Ernst: Appl. Phys. B 4 B (1989) 463Author Institution: Institut f\""{u}r Strahlungs- und Kernphysik, Technische Universit\""{a}t BerlinBy means of Doppler-free polarization spectroscopy using a tunable single-mode dye laser we have investigated the hyperfine splitting of various absorption lines of molecular iodine with wavenumbers between 12620 and 13890cm113890 cm^{-1} due to the transition B3Πux1Σg+B {^{3}}\Pi_{u} \leftarrow x {^{1}}\Sigma_{g}{^{+}}. In order to get a sufficient population of vibrational levels v=1013v^{\prime\prime}=10\ldots 13 of the X state the iodine absorption cell was heated to about 430C430^{\circ}C the iodine vapor pressure being fixed to about 0.7 Torr by a cold side-finger of the cell. 15 and 21 hfs components have been observed for even and odd rotational quantum number of the X state resp. The linewidth of a single hfs component was about 15 MHZ. Despite of a partial overlapping of hfs components in most line patterns we were able to determine the center frequencies of all 15 or 21 hfs components with an accuracy of typically 2 MHz. The observed hfs patterns could fully be explained by a simple model with the two parameters (eQq)\triangle (eQq) of the difference in electrical quadrupole coupling and c\triangle c of the difference between effective magnetic dipole interaction. Values of (eQq)\triangle (eQq) and c\triangle c have been determined for vibrational transitions vvv^{\prime}-v^{\prime\prime} with v=0,1,2v^{\prime}=0, 1, 2 and v=1015v^{\prime\prime}=10\ldots 15. As an example we have obtained the following result for the transition v=2v=10v^{\prime}-=2-v^{\prime\prime}=10 as a mean value over 14 rotational lines: (eQq)=(1958±2)MHz\triangle (eQq)=(1958\pm 2) MHz and C=(24±3)KHz\triangle C=(24\pm 3) KHz. In addition, the absolute wavenumbers of the o-component of 17 rotational transitions with even rotational quantum number have been determined with an accuracy of $0.001 cm^{-1} /1/

    Small-Gap Undulator Experiment On The Nsls X-Ray Ring

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    We report results of an on-going experiment being carried out in the X13 straight section of the NSLS X-ray Ring which explores the limits of the operation of small-gap undulators. In particular, we discuss measurements of stored electron beam lifetime as a function of the vertical aperture presented by a 4-jaw scraper or a variable-aperture vacuum vessel. At an electron beam current of 300 mA the variable-aperture vacuum chamber was closed to an inner aperture of 3.8 mm with no effect on the electron beam lifetime. Measurements of the output radiation spectrum of a 16 mm period undulator at a magnet gap of 7.5 mm are also described. I. INTRODUCTION The limits of operation of small-gap, short-period undulators are being explored in the X13 low-$ straight section of the NSLS X-ray Ring. Measurements of stored electron beam lifetime as a function of vertical aperture were made using both a 4-jaw scraper assembly and the variable-aperture vacuum vessel of the NSLS Prototype Small-Gap U..


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    Author Institution: Department of Physics, The Pensylvania State UniversityDue to a pseudo-Jahn-Teller interaction of a 2E^{2}E^{\prime} and a 2A1^{2}A_{1}^{\prime} state, the lowest potential surface of the B state of Na3Na_{3} allows for an almost free pseudorotational motion of the three Na nuclei. In this talk, a summary of the results from resonant two photon ionization and optical-optical double resonance spectroscopy of the B-X system is given. In the X2B2X^{2}B_{2} ground state the molecule has a geometry of an obtuse isosceles triangle, while the B2A1B^{2}A_{1} rotational structure reflects an unusual behavior: vibronic states with no excitation of the pseudoratational motion, i. e. vibronic angular momentum j=0, indicate shallow minima of the potential surface for an acute triangular shape with 4848^{\circ} bond angle and r = 4.02(3) {\AA} bond length. The ``equivalent” equilateral triangle would have r = 3.76(5) {\AA}. States with j1j \geq 1 are pseudorotating with a time constant τ<4ps\tau < 4ps, are approximated best by an equilateral triangle with r=3.74(5) {\AA} and show a large coriolies splitting of the rotational levels which is described by a term ±2CζK,C \pm 2C \zeta K, C being the rotational constant about the rotational axis of the molecule perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, K the corresponding rotational quantum number and ζ\zeta an effective coriolis coupling constant. Moreover, an effective spin-rotation coupling parameter y0.02cm1y \approx 0.02 cm^{-1} had to be introduced which mainly accounts for the interaction with the nearby 2E^{2}E^{\prime} state


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    [1] G. Delacretaz, E.R. Grant, R.L. Whetten, L. Woeste, J.W. Zwanziger, Phys.Rev.Lett. 56, 2598 (1986) [2] W.Meyer: Kaiserslautern; private communicationAuthor Institution: Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State UniversityCw RTPI spectroscopy of Na3Na_{3} has been performed in a supersonic molecular beam. The spectra of several vibraonic bands of the B-X transition were recorded at rotational resolution. As result of previous experiments at vibrational resolution, these bands had been interpreted in terms of the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect [1]. In this picture, the B-state vibronic levels have to be described by half-odd quantum numbers j for the vibronic angular momentum. Our rotationally resolved spectra show distinct differences between the lowest radial vibration v+=0v^{+}=0 in the B-state and all excited vibrational states (v^{\prime}\geq1). This indicates a low localization energy and the excited vibrational states can be approximated by a symmetric rotor with a bond angle of 6060^{\circ}. Depending on the degeneracy of the vibronic state j, different coriolis coupling terms have been taken into account in model calculations in which the ground state was approximated as asymmetric rotor [2]. For a number of rotational lines 00DR spectra were recorded whcih helped to identify the different branches


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    [1],[2],[3] see ``Geometrical Phases in Physics'', eds Shapere \& Wilczek, World Scientific, Singapore (1989), p.74, 124, 240. [4] R.Meiswinkel and H.K\""{o}ppel, Chem. Phys. 144, 117 (1990).Author Institution: Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State UniversityThe early theoretical treatment of the Jahn-Teller effect in symmetric top molecules by Herzberg and Longuet-Higgins [1] revealed the phenomenon that the electronic wave function changes its sign, if the nuclear coordinates traverse a circuit which encloses a point of degeneracy on the potential surface. In X3X_{3} molecules this corresponds to a periodic alteration of the triangular geometry in a pseudorotational motion characterized by a vibronic angular momentum j. The sign change in the wave function of X3X_{3} molecules is now recognized as a special case of Berry's phase [2]. The B state of the Na trimer represents the first example in which the assignment of half odd vibronic angular momentum quantum numbers j to the vibronic states suggested this phase behavior [3]. Alternatively, the observed vibronic structure could be explained by the interaction of the B-state with a nearby nondegenerate electronic state (pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect) [4]. In this case the pseudorotational motion can be described by integer quantum numbers j. In a laser spectroscopic investigation of the Na3Na_{3} B-X transition, we recorded 12 vibronic bands at rotational resolution. An analysis of the 4 lowest j substates reveals that the rotational structure can only be explained by choosing integer values j=0,1,2j=0,1,2 and 3 leading to a Coriolis splitting of rotational levels only for j=1,2j=1,2 and 3. By labeling individual rotational levels in the Na3Na_{3} ground state in an optical-optical double resonance scheme, we observed twice as many transitions into j1j \geq 1 as into j=0j=0. In conclusion, we see no indication of a sign change in the wave function and think that the interpretation in terms of the pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect is correct