159 research outputs found

    Twisted Novikov homology of complex hypersurface complements

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    We study the twisted Novikov homology of the complement of a complex hypersurface in general position at infinity. We give a self-contained topological proof of the vanishing (except possibly in the middle degree) of the twisted Novikov homology groups associated to positive cohomology classes of degree one defined on the complement


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    In modern and democratic society conditions, which is characterized by a multitude of economic doctrines, as a reflection of the multitude of parties system that exists, economic policies are directed and appreciated in comparison with the main doctrinaire currents in social and economic life. But, solving social and economic problems can not offer the expected results by using only the economic policies generated by the classical and neo-classical theories thus being necessary the emerging and development of some new theories.settling up; commercial transaction; international economical globalization; internalization; GATT/OMC;

    O emisiji buke iz izmjeničnih pogona upravljanih pulsno-širinskom modulacijom

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    The paper presents and analyses the experimental acoustic noise of AC motors controlled by drives using different PWM techniques. After a discussion upon PWM methods concerning noise reduction, measure based comparisons are interpreted. Five criteria are taken into account: motor type, motor power, rotor speed, switching frequency and PWM method.U radu se izlaže eksperimentalna analiza buke emitirane iz izmjeničnih pogona upravljanih različitim postupcima pulsno-širinske modulacije (PWM). Nakon izlaganja utjecaja izbora PWM postupka na stupanj redukcije buke, uspoređeni su i interpretirani mjerni rezultati. Uzeto je u obzir pet kriterija: tip motora, snaga motora, brzina vrtnje, sklopna frekvencija i tip PWM postupka

    Interface Analysis of the Complex between ERK2 and PTP-SL

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    The activity of ERK2, an essential component of MAP-kinase pathway, is under the strict control of various effector proteins. Despite numerous efforts, no crystal structure of ERK2 complexed with such partners has been obtained so far. PTP-SL is a major regulator of ERK2 activity. To investigate the ERK2–PTP-SL complex we used a combined method based on cross-linking, MALDI-TOF analysis, isothermal titration calorimetry, molecular modeling and docking. Hence, new insights into the stoichiometry, thermodynamics and interacting regions of the complex are obtained and a structural model of ERK2-PTP-SL complex in a state consistent with PTP-SL phosphatase activity is developed incorporating all the experimental constraints available at hand to date. According to this model, part of the N-terminal region of PTP-SL has propensity for intrinsic disorder and becomes structured within the complex with ERK2. The proposed model accounts for the structural basis of several experimental findings such as the complex-dissociating effect of ATP, or PTP-SL blocking effect on the ERK2 export to the nucleus. A general observation emerging from this model is that regions involved in substrate binding in PTP-SL and ERK2, respectively are interacting within the interface of the complex


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    The work presents a manner of implementation of an existing Romanian patent (OSIM - Ro Patent no. 130559/2019 which refers to a car trunk with folding crossbars), for its adaptation to the Dacia-DUSTER car, as a SMART trunk. The novelty element is that the trunk is designed in such a way that it can fold / hide inside the longitudinal bars when it is not used (leading to fuel savings), and respectively, it can be extended by folding to be put in a working position, when it becomes active. In addition, the trunk has possibilities of adjustment depending on the types / dimensions of the luggage transported and is integrated more harmoniously with the shape of the car's body, compared to the existing universa


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    The examined area, process which started in 2011, is situated along the course of Lăpuşnic, a tributary of the Nera river and is an integral part of the Nera Gorges-Beuşniţa National Park. Calcareous substratum and climate influences sub-Mediterranean determine the type of flora and vegetation of Lăpuşnic Valley. In the Lăpuşnic basin there were identified numerous vulnerable (V), rare (R), and endangered (E) taxa, which are found in the red lists, published in our country. The general aspect of vegetation in the the Lăpuşnic basin represents an image of the very different stationary conditions, to which one can add the influence of the anthropo-zoogenous factors. The wooden vegetation is represented by forests, underwoods and riverside coppices, the forests occupy the largest area. In the Lăpuşnic basin, important areas are occupied by the beech forests belonging to the Festuco drymeiae-Fagetum Morariu et al. 1968 plant community. At lower altitudes, one can find alder tree groves which belong to the association Stellario nemori-Alnetum glutinosae (Kärstner 1938) Lohm. 1957. The Quercetum petraeae-cerris Sóo (1957) 1969 plant community grow on the slopes of the lower limit of the basin Lăpuşnic. Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub are represented by the following plant communities: Syringo-Fraxinetum orni Borza 1958 em. Resmeriţă 1972 (Syn.: Syringeto-Fraxinetum orni coryletosum colurnae Borza 1958; Syrigo-Carpinetum orientalis humiletosum domogledicum Jakucs 1959; Syringetum-Cotinetetum-Acaerineum tatarici Georgescu 1934), Cotino-Carpinetum orientalis Csürüs et al. -1968, Syringo-Carpinetum orientalis Jakucs 1959. They form the so called ,,sibliacuri,, and are included in the Habitat 40A0* - Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub. This plant communities are installed on bedrock, hard to reach land, with slopes moderately to highly pitched, even on steep walls