602 research outputs found


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    Romania's contribution to the cause of the United Nations would be significant, leading to shortness of the war with about 200 days and giving them significant strategic, material and human advantage. Despite the fact that Romania’s economic war effort was figured at the enormous amount of 1,200,000,000 dollars, foreign currency in 1938, this would assure the country an honorable place four in the hierarchy of the United Nations which led the fight against Germany the cobeligeranta status, truly deserved by the state would be refused because of political considerations known only by Great Powers. Among all the states in a situation somehow similar to that of Romania, none made such a huge military and economic effort in defeating the Nazi war machine.economic contribution, war effort, claims, convention truce

    Romania’s economic contribution to making a Long World War II shorter

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    Romania’s participation in World War II was brought about by political reasons and strategic needs that resulted from the international political situation at the middle of the twentieth century. One can hardly say that Romania did not do its best to avoid becoming involved in the war. From September 1939 to June 1941, the foreign policy laid focus on non-belligerency and neutrality. But eventually Romania was drawn in, too, right after the series of unfortunate events in the summer of 1940.economic contribution, Statistic Service, Romanian currency

    Convention between Romania and the Great Powers on the 12th of September 1944

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    The formula for the “unconditional surrender” adopted in Casablanca on the 24th of January 1943 was meant to acquaint the governments of the states at war with the United Nations with the treatment and the terms of their countries would have to take, no matter when or why they might withdraw. As far as Romania was concerned, the terms of surrender included, among others, demobilisation and disarmament, handing over war materials, amends etc, all of which were to be imposed on by the three great powers and had been thought mainly to secure safety and to carrying on the warfare against Germany. These objectives were considered to have deep political implications.surrender, unconditional surrender, Romanian delegation

    Romania’s economic arguments regarding the shortness of the second world war

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    Romania's contribution to the cause of the United Nations would be significant, leading to shortness of the war with about 200 days and giving them significant strategic, material and human advantage. Despite the fact that Romania’s economic war effort was figured at the enormous amount of 1,200,000,000 dollars, foreign currency in 1938, this would assure the country an honorable place four in the hierarchy of the United Nations which led the fight against Germany the cobeligeranta status, truly deserved by the state would be refused because of political considerations known only by Great Powers. Among all the states in a situation somehow similar to that of Romania, none made such a huge military and economic effort in defeating the Nazi war machine

    Romania’s economic contribution to making a Long World War II shorter

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    Romania’s participation in World War II was brought about by political reasons and strategic needs that resulted from the international political situation at the middle of the twentieth century. One can hardly say that Romania did not do its best to avoid becoming involved in the war. From September 1939 to June 1941, the foreign policy laid focus on non-belligerency and neutrality. But eventually Romania was drawn in, too, right after the series of unfortunate events in the summer of 1940. &nbsp

    Economic, Political and Military Aspects in the Application of the Armistice Agreement in Romania on September 12, 1944

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    The years 1943-1944 were the turning point in the carrying of the Second World War, the United Nations’ troops managing to take the strategic initiative on the front due to significant human and material resources at stake. The services brought to the Allied cause cost Romanian state significant material reserves, not to mention the number of lost lives among the Romanian Army. The calculations showed that Romanian’s economic effort after August 1944 amounted to $ 1.5 billion (1938) allocated only for the implementation of the Convention’s provisions and 1.2 billion dollars for the war effort. The real costs of Romania's participation in the anti Hitlerite war placed Romania on a respectable fourth place in the hierarchy of states participating in the war against Germany, before France, Yugoslavia and Australia

    SMEs and Social Responsibility Policies in the Romanian Business Environment

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    The activity of economic organizations and not only, is based on the contribution of  large and diverse socio-professional groups (such as employees, consumers, providers, local communities – stakeholders in one word) whose interests must be respected. When a company initiates successful social responsibility programs at local, regional or national level, these particular programs contribute to its financial success allowing it also the "luxury" of getting involved in "generous" initiatives. In addition to these economic arguments, one must consider the moral arguments in favour of the companies’ social responsibility. Competitiveness in this field is real, thus making the companies’ visibility to depend on it. Consequently, underestimating their impact can lead to the  loss of customers, narrowing of economic activity and difficulties in attracting new customers. The consequences for business are: decrease of the  profit, reduced development perspectives, a significant abatement, etc

    The History of Romania’s Relations with the International Monetary Fund

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    The International Monetary Fund aims primarily to ensure the stability of the internationalmonetary system more specifically the international payment system which allows countries and theircitizens to buy, sell goods and services between them. This is essential for sustainable economicgrowth, improvement of life standards and reducing poverty all around the world. The goals ofRomania’s agreements with IMF subscribe these parameters, mostly the current one, this beingemphasized by the economic recession and the necessity of reducing fiscal imbalance in order toattain a deficit with normal values acceptable in the EU. These include: maintaining the inflation atthe range aimed by RNB, ensuring a sufficient external financing and improving credibility, theattempt to amortize the effects of severe capital absorption and resolution for Romania’s external andfiscal imbalances and consolidation of the financial area