429 research outputs found

    Consistency and composite numeraires in joint production input-output analysis; an application of ideas of T.L. Saaty

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    In this paper we show that Saaty consistency analysis can be applied to problems in joint production input-output analysis. We discuss problems of merging use and make matrices into one matrix of input coefficients, either of commodity × commodity or industry × industry type. The Saaty approach we propose is shown to point to the U.N.'s commodity-technology method as the most appropriate among a number of competing constructs. Some evidence regarding the empirical relevance of the U.N.'s method is discussed

    A survey of environmental problems in Eastern Europe

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    This paper deals with the increasing interaction of economic and environmental issues in Eastern Europe. The paper starts with a discussion of environmental problems in these formerly centrally planned economies. The grave environmental problems these countries face are surveyed and an explanation is provided in terms of the nature of the communist system. While a solution must be sought in an international cooperation context, involving the developed West European countries, many emerging international cooperation schemes inspired by environmental economic theory are no longer effective in the light of the disastrous loss of competitiveness of East European industries. New initiatives on the part of West European countries seem to be called for

    On the complete instability of empirically implemented dynamic Leontief models

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    On theoretical grounds, real world implementations of forward-looking dynamic Leontief systems were expected to be stable. Empirical work, however, showed the opposite to be true: all investigated systems proved to be unstable. In fact, an extreme form of instability ('complete instability') appeared to be the rule. In contrast to this, backward-looking models and dynamic inverse versions appeared to be exceptionally stable. For this stability-instability switch a number of arguments have been put forward, none of which was convincing. Dual (in)stability theorems only seemed to complicate matters even more. In this paper we offer an explanation. We show that in the balanced growth case--under certain conditions--the spectrum of eigenvalues of matrix D equivalent to (I - A)-1B, where A stands for the matrix of intermediate input coefficients and B for the capital matrix, will closely approximate the spectrum of a positive matrix of rank one. From this property the observed instability properties are easily derived. We argue that the employed approximations are not unrealistic in view of the data available up to now

    Compilation of input-output data from the national accounts

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    In this paper, a new method is presented to derive an input-output table from a system of make and use tables. The method, which we call 'activity technology', is mathematically equivalent to the well-known commodity technology, but chooses another unit, i.e. the activity. We will argue that, in the activity technology model, negatives can only arise from causes such as heterogeneity and errors in the data. To apply the activity technology, very detailed make and use matrices are required, as well as additional data on the input structures of certain activities. We will describe a method that can incorporate this additional data within the activity technology framework. Statistics Netherlands has adopted the method

    A New Approach to Irreducibility in Multisectoral Models with Joint Production

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    We present a new approach to irreducibility in multisectoral models, based on an axiom on the vectors of total outputs and inputs. We derive new results in joint production models, including an interpretation of von Neumann's famous condition A + B > 0, where A and B are respectively matrices of input and output coefficients. Also, an application of the axiom to the commodity technology model is presented

    Environment and economics

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    Thinking about Big Floods in a Small Country - Dutch Modelling Exercises

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    In this contribution we discuss new developments in Dutch thinking about the increasing risk of big floods. A first issue concerns the choice of methodology. Today several ones exist to assess the consequences of big natural catastrophes. These methodologies differ significantly in background philosophy, objective or scope. In the U.S., for example, several market-based approaches have been presented recently, focusing on short run disequilibria. Certain preferences seem to exist, depending on country and type of catastrophe we wish to study. Nonetheless, by and large the debate is still open, depending on what the country or region views as its major problem. It is questionable whether market-based approaches are fruitful for a small country with a large state influence, such as the Netherlands. Probably it is better to start from the notion of specific types of network disruptions in a highly developed and densely populated country. In this paper, we focus on the interdependencies between production and consumption activities. This leads to an investigation based on Input-Output (I-O) methodologies. A big flood then causes a series of disruptions in the existing production and consumption networks. Our paper addresses the point that I-O as it stands is not very appropriate. The basic problem is that I-O models stress interaction and equilibrium, while here we have to deal with disruption and disequilibrium. In our contribution, we model the consequences of a disaster where a part of the existing economic networks fails temporarily or forever. Several situations can be distinguished: after the disaster, many suppliers will have lost their customers. Vice versa, it also may be impossible to satisfy existing demand because the supplying firms cannot deliver any more. This means that the economy suddenly has to decide on the way its now restricted resources should be distributed. In fact, a major decision is asked for. Economic policy needs to steer the distribution of the available goods in intelligent ways between various categories of buyers and suppliers. In a pure market economy decisions made most likely will be different from those made in a heavily regulated country like the Netherlands. Our research is based on the basic hypothesis underlying I-O models, i.e. the need to distinguish between two major categories of destination, ‘final consumption’ (such as households, investment demand, government demands, exports), and ‘intermediate demand’ (basically all inputs into the industrial core of the country). Outcomes will be different according to the choices being made. One reason is the presence of multiplier effects, which reflect current interactions. A choice in favour of final demand will alleviate problems of the affected groups, but at the same time will increase inter-industry imbalances, and imply a heavy role for supporting import. The choice is not straightforward, and involves complex interrelations and interactions. In this paper we use regional I-O tables in combination with GIS-based techniques. In the empirical part of the paper we discuss the consequences of a large dike break in the central part of the country.