641 research outputs found

    On the signature of certain intersection forms

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    We prove a conjecture of Zuber on the signature of intersection froms associated with affine algebras of type A.Comment: 10 pages, Amste

    Number of Jordan blocks of the maximal size for local monodromies

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    We prove formulas for the number of Jordan blocks of the maximal size for local monodromies of one-parameter degenerations of complex algebraic varieties where the bound of the size comes from the monodromy theorem. In case the general fibers are smooth and compact, the proof calculates some part of the weight spectral sequence of the limit mixed Hodge structure of Steenbrink. In the singular case, we can prove a similar formula for the monodromy on the cohomology with compact supports, but not on the usual cohomology. We also show that the number can really depend on the position of singular points in the embedded resolution even in the isolated singularity case, and hence there are no simple combinatorial formulas using the embedded resolution in general.Comment: 23 page

    Studies on the growth of voids in amorphous glassy polymers

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    Numerical studies are presented of the localized deformations around voids in amorphous glassy polymers. This problem is relevant for polymer-rubber blends once cavitation has taken place inside the rubber particles. The studies are based on detailed finite element analyses of axisymmetric or planar cell models, featuring large local strains and recent material models that describe time-dependent yield, followed by intrinsic softening and subsequent strain hardening due to molecular orientation. The results show that plasticity around the void occurs by a combination of two types of shear bands, which we refer to as wing and dog-ear bands, respectively. Growth of the void occurs by propagation of the shear bands, which is driven by orientational hardening. Also discussed is the evolution of the local hydrostatic stress distribution between voids during growth, in view of possible craze initiation.

    Another Race between Islam and Christianity: The Case of Flores, Southeast Indonesia, 1900-1920

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    Islam and Christianity arrived in the south-eastern islands of the Indonesian archipelago in two waves. The first wave started in about 1480 with the arrival of Arab and Indian (Gujerati) traders in the spice islands of the Northern Moluccas: particularly in Ternate and Tidore. They arrived through the island of Flores, and probably very quickly moved across to the island of Timor as well, to engage in trade in sandalwood, horses and slaves. In south-east Indonesia, as in most regions of the archipelago, the arrival of Islam occurred somewhat earlier than the coming of the first Christians. At that time, the two main centers of trade in south-east Indonesia, which also became centers for the new religions, were the islands of Solor and Ende.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i1.67

    Hamka (1908-1981) and the Integration of the Islamic Ummah of Indonesia

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    Islam is a unifying factor at the same time breaking in Indonesian history. Based on historical records, the conversion of Islam in Indonesia starts from kingdoms located in coastal areas. This conversion greatly benefit the kingdom, with which they can access a wider trade network which already controlled by Muslims. This conversion process can then unify the Malay traders origin, Java, and their other competitors. But with the entry of traders into the new religion beaches, hinterland connections with the merchant becomes tenuous. The situation may ultimately culminated into a dispute. In the Sumatra area, which is pretty much known example is the Padri war and the Islamization of the southern part of the Batak.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v1i3.85

    Academic Study of Indonesian Islam: A Biographical Account, 1970-2014

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    In the humanities, including religious studies, personal factors often play a role in the selection of topic and methodology of research. This autobiographical sketch gives an overview of a long career in the study of religion in Indonesia, from the selection of the topic for doctoral research, through various jobs and academic projects until some work written in a period of retirement. The author’s background of liberal Catholicism with much interest in non-official popular religiosity, has influenced an approach in Islamic Studies and a selective attention for the boundaries between official and more popular religiosity, for literary and artistic expressions rather than for rigid doctrinal traditions. This history is told from field work to pesantren education in the early 1970s, the variety of Islamic history of Indonesia in the 1980s, until a major work in three volumes on the Catholic traditions of Indonesia in the period 1990-2010.[Dalam ilmu humaniora, termasuk studi keagamaan, faktor-faktor pribadi sering mempengaruhi pemilihan topik dan metodologi penelitian. Uraian biografis ringkas ini menggambarkan perjalanan panjang sebagai peneliti agama di Indonesia, mulai dari pemilihan topik riset disertasi, melewati beragam pekerjaan dan proyek-proyek akademik, sampai dengan beberapa karya yang ditulis sesudah pensiun. Latar belakang penulis sebagai penganut Katolik liberal dan banyak tertarik pada keberagamaan populer non-resmi, mempengaruhi pendekatan dalam pengkajian Islam dan perhatian khusus pada batas-batas antara agama resmi dan agama populer, pada ungkapan-ungkapan sastrawi dan seni daripada tradisi-tradisi doktriner yang kaku. Kisah ini berangkat dari pengalaman penelitian lapangan di lingkungan pendidikan pesantren pada tahun 1970an, kemudian serpihan-serpihan sejarah Indonesia pada tahun 1980an, sampai dengan penulisan tiga jilid buku penting tentang tradisi-tradisi Katolik Indonesia pada tahun 1990-2010.
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