5 research outputs found

    Nrf2-mediated fibroblast reprogramming drives cellular senescence by targeting the matrisome

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    Nrf2 is a key regulator of the antioxidant defense system, and pharmacological Nrf2 activation is a promising strategy for cancer prevention and promotion of tissue repair. Here we show, however, that activation of Nrf2 in fibroblasts induces cellular senescence. Using a combination of transcriptomics, matrix proteomics, chromatin immunoprecipitation and bioinformatics we demonstrate that fibroblasts with activated Nrf2 deposit a senescence-promoting matrix, with plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 being a key inducer of the senescence program. In vivo, activation of Nrf2 in fibroblasts promoted re-epithelialization of skin wounds, but also skin tumorigenesis. The pro-tumorigenic activity is of general relevance, since Nrf2 activation in skin fibroblasts induced the expression of genes characteristic for cancer-associated fibroblasts from different mouse and human tumors. Therefore, activated Nrf2 qualifies as a marker of the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. These data highlight the bright and the dark sides of Nrf2 and the need for time-controlled activation of this transcription factor

    The Extracellular Matrix Signature in Vein Graft Disease

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    Background: Vein graft disease is a major and yet unsolved problem in cardiac revascularization surgery. Although accumulation of extracellular matrix is characteristic for vein graft disease, detailed analysis of the fibrotic material is lacking. Because alterations of collagen crosslinks are typical for organ fibrosis, we performed a comprehensive analysis of collagen and elastin in vein graft disease. Methods: Collagen, elastin, and their respective cross-links were analyzed using histology and amino acid analysis. The expression of collagen-modifying enzymes was analyzed using SYBR Green quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Fibrillin expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Diseased vein grafts showed a marked increase of collagen and of intermediate collagen cross-links, which are markers for newly synthesized collagen. Furthermore, we identified in vein graft disease increased levels of mature hydroxylysine aldehyde-derived cross-links typical for skeletal tissues. This was accompanied by upregulation of lysyl hydroxylase 2 and lysyl oxidase expression. Furthermore, vein graft disease showed a reduction of the elastin/collagen ratio, using elastin cross-links as a marker of elastin content, which was accompanied by an increase of fibrillin-1. Conclusions: Vein graft disease was accompanied by marked alterations in the composition of the extracellular matrix. The altered collagen cross-link pattern and the reduced elastin/collagen ratio might synergistically increase the stiffness in diseased vein grafts. Furthermore, hydroxylysine aldehyde-derived cross-links can cause a decreased degradability of collagens by matrix-metalloproteinases. Our data suggest collagen cross-links as a therapeutic target in vein graft disease

    Mesenchyme-derived vertebrate lonesome kinase controls lung organogenesis by altering the matrisome

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    Vertebrate lonesome kinase (VLK) is the only known secreted tyrosine kinase and responsible for the phosphorylation of a broad range of secretory pathway-resident and extracellular matrix proteins. However, its cell-type specific functions in vivo are still largely unknown. Therefore, we generated mice lacking the VLK gene (protein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic (Pkdcc)) in mesenchymal cells. Most of the homozygous mice died shortly after birth, most likely as a consequence of their lung abnormalities and consequent respiratory failure. E18.5 embryonic lungs showed a reduction of alveolar type II cells, smaller bronchi, and an increased lung tissue density. Global mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics identified 97 proteins with significantly and at least 1.5-fold differential abundance between genotypes. Twenty-five of these had been assigned to the extracellular region and 15 to the mouse matrisome. Specifically, fibromodulin and matrilin-4, which are involved in extracellular matrix organization, were significantly more abundant in lungs from Pkdcc knockout embryos. These results support a role for mesenchyme-derived VLK in lung development through regulation of matrix dynamics and the resulting modulation of alveolar epithelial cell differentiation.ISSN:1420-682XISSN:1420-907

    Copper-Binding Domain Variation in a Novel Murine Lysyl Oxidase Model Produces Structurally Inferior Aortic Elastic Fibers Whose Failure Is Modified by Age, Sex, and Blood Pressure

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    Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is a copper-binding enzyme that cross-links elastin and collagen. The dominant LOX variation contributes to familial thoracic aortic aneurysm. Previously reported murine Lox mutants had a mild phenotype and did not dilate without drug-induced provocation. Here, we present a new, more severe mutant, Loxb2b370.2Clo (c.G854T; p.Cys285Phe), whose mutation falls just N-terminal to the copper-binding domain. Unlike the other mutants, the C285F Lox protein was stably produced/secreted, and male C57Bl/6J Lox+/C285F mice exhibit increased systolic blood pressure (BP; p p p p = 2.8 × 10−8 for breaks by histology) that become increasingly disrupted with age (p p = 6.8 × 10−4). Aortic dilation was amplified in males vs. females (p p = 9.83 × 10−30) and TGFβ-responsive genes (p = 7.42 × 10−29), and aortas from older C57Bl/6J Lox+/C285F mice showed both enhanced susceptibility to elastase (p p Lox+/C285F mutants produce dysfunctional elastic fibers that show increased susceptibility to proteolytic damage. Over time, the progressive weakening of the connective tissue, modified by sex and blood pressure, leads to worsening aortic disease