8 research outputs found

    Probing Magnetic Excitations in Co<sup>II</sup> Single-Molecule Magnets by Inelastic Neutron Scattering

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    Co(acac)2(H2O)2 (1, acac = acetylacetonate), a transition metal complex (S = 3/2), displays field‐induced slow magnetic relaxation as a single‐molecule magnet. For 1 and its isotopologues Co(acac)2(D2O)2 (1‐d4) and Co(acac‐d7)2(D2O)2 (1‐d18) in approximately D4h symmetry, zero‐field splitting of the ground electronic state leads to two Kramers doublets (KDs): lower energy MS = ±1/2 (ϕ1,2) and higher energy MS = ±3/2 (ϕ3,4) states. This work employs inelastic neutron scattering (INS), a unique method to probe magnetic transitions, to probe different magnetic excitations in 1‐d4 and 1‐d18. Direct‐geometry, time‐of‐flight Disk‐Chopper Spectrometer (DCS), with applied magnetic fields up to 10 T, has been used to study the intra‐KD transition as a result of Zeeman splitting, MS = –1/2 (ϕ1) → MS = +1/2 (ϕ2), in 1‐d18. This is a rare study of the MS = –1/2 → MS = +1/2 excitation in transition metal complexes by INS. Indirect‐geometry INS spectrometer VISION has been used to probe the inter‐KD, ZFS transition, MS = ±1/2 (ϕ1,2) → MS = ±3/2 (ϕ3,4) in both 1‐d4 and 1‐d18, by variable‐temperature (VT) properties of this excitation. The INS spectra measured on VISION also give phonon features of the complexes that are well described by periodic DFT phonon calculations

    Advanced Magnetic Resonance Studies of Tetraphenylporphyrinatoiron(III) Halides

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    High-Frequency and -Field EPR (HFEPR) studies of Fe(TPP)X (X = F, Cl, Br; I, TPP2−= meso-tetraphenylporphyrinate dianion) and far-IR magnetic spectroscopic (FIRMS) studies of Fe(TPP)Br and Fe(TPP)I have been conducted to probe magnetic intra- and inter-Kramers doublet transitions in these S = 5/2 metalloporphyrin complexes, yielding zero-field splitting (ZFS) and g parameters for the complexes: Fe(TPP)F, D =  +4.67(1) cm−1, E = 0.00(1) cm−1, g⊥ = 1.97(1), g|| = 2.000(5) by HFEPR; Fe(TPP)Cl, D =  +6.458(2) cm−1, E =  +0.015(5) cm−1, E/D = 0.002, g⊥ = 2.004(3), g|| = 2.02(1) by HFEPR; Fe(TPP)Br, D = +9.03(5) cm−1, E =  +0.047(5) cm−1, E/D = 0.005, giso = 1.99(1) by HFEPR and D = +9.05 cm−1, giso = 2.0 by FIRMS; Fe(TPP)I, D =  +13.84 cm−1, E =  +0.07 cm−1, E/D = 0.005, giso = 2.0 by HFEPR and D = +13.95 cm−1, giso = 2.0 by FIRMS (the sign of E was in each case arbitrarily assigned as that of D). These results demonstrate the complementary nature of field- and frequency-domain magnetic resonance experiments in extracting with high accuracy and precision spin Hamiltonian parameters of metal complexes with S > 1/2. The spin Hamiltonian parameters obtained from these experiments have been compared with those obtained from other physical methods such as magnetic susceptibility, magnetic Mössbauer spectroscopy, inelastic neutron scattering (INS), and variable-temperature and -field magnetic circular dichroism (VT-VH MCD) experiments. INS, Mössbauer and MCD give good agreement with the results of HFEPR/FIRMS; the others not as much. The electronic structure of Fe(TPP)X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) was studied earlier by multi-reference ab initio methods to explore the origin of the large and positive D-values, reproducing the trends of D from the experiments. In the current work, a simpler model based on Ligand Field Theory (LFT) is used to explain qualitatively the trend of increasing ZFS from X = F to Cl to Br and to I as the axial ligand. Tetragonally elongated high-spin d5 systems such as Fe(TPP)X exhibit D > 0, but X plays a key role. Spin delocalization onto X means that there is a spin–orbit coupling (SOC) contribution to D from X•, as opposed to none from closed-shell X−. Over the range X = F, Cl, Br, I, X• character increases as does the intrinsic SOC of X• so that D increases correspondingly over this range

    Comprehensive Studies of Magnetic Transitions and Spin–Phonon Couplings in the Tetrahedral Cobalt Complex Co(AsPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>I<sub>2</sub>

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    A combination of inelastic neutron scattering (INS), far-IR magneto-spectroscopy (FIRMS), and Raman magneto-spectroscopy (RaMS) has been used to comprehensively probe magnetic excitations in Co(AsPh3)2I2 (1), a reported single-molecule magnet (SMM). With applied field, the magnetic zero-field splitting (ZFS) peak (2D′) shifts to higher energies in each spectroscopy. INS placed the ZFS peak at 54 cm–1, as revealed by both variable-temperature (VT) and variable-magnetic-field data, giving results that agree well with those from both far-IR and Raman studies. Both FIRMS and RaMS also reveal the presence of multiple spin–phonon couplings as avoided crossings with neighboring phonons. Here, phonons refer to both intramolecular and lattice vibrations. The results constitute a rare case in which the spin–phonon couplings are observed with both Raman-active (g modes) and far-IR-active phonons (u modes; space group P21/c, no. 14, Z = 4 for 1). These couplings are fit using a simple avoided crossing model with coupling constants of ca. 1–2 cm–1. The combined spectroscopies accurately determine the magnetic excited level and the interaction of the magnetic excitation with phonon modes. Density functional theory (DFT) phonon calculations compare well with INS, allowing for the assignment of the modes and their symmetries. Electronic calculations elucidate the nature of ZFS in the complex. Features of different techniques to determine ZFS and other spin-Hamiltonian parameters in transition-metal complexes are summarized

    Applying Unconventional Spectroscopies to the Single Molecule Magnets, Co PPh3 2 X 2 X Cl, Br, I Unveiling Magnetic Transitions and Spin Phonon Coupling

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    Spin–phonon couplings in transition metal complexes with slow magnetic relaxation

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    Spin–phonon coupling plays an important role in single-molecule magnets and molecular qubits. However, there have been few detailed studies of its nature. Here, we show for the first time distinct couplings of g phonons of CoII(acac)2(H2O)2 (acac = acetylacetonate) and its deuterated analogs with zero-field-split, excited magnetic/spin levels (Kramers doublet (KD)) of the S = 3/2 electronic ground state. The couplings are observed as avoided crossings in magnetic-field-dependent Raman spectra with coupling constants of 1–2 cm−1. Far-IR spectra reveal the magnetic-dipole-allowed, inter-KD transition, shifting to higher energy with increasing field. Density functional theory calculations are used to rationalize energies and symmetries of the phonons. A vibronic coupling model, supported by electronic structure calculations, is proposed to rationalize the behavior of the coupled Raman peaks. This work spectroscopically reveals and quantitates the spin–phonon couplings in typical transition metal complexes and sheds light on the origin of the spin–phonon entanglement