5 research outputs found

    Adjacent LSTM-Based Page Scheduling for Hybrid DRAM/NVM Memory Systems

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    Recent advances in memory technologies have led to the rapid growth of hybrid systems that combine traditional DRAM and Non Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies, as the latter provide lower cost per byte, low leakage power and larger capacities than DRAM, while they can guarantee comparable access latency. Such kind of heterogeneous memory systems impose new challenges in terms of page placement and migration among the alternative technologies of the heterogeneous memory system. In this paper, we present a novel approach for efficient page placement on heterogeneous DRAM/NVM systems. We design an adjacent LSTM-based approach for page placement, which strongly relies on page accesses prediction, while sharing knowledge among pages with behavioral similarity. The proposed approach leads up to 65.5% optimized performance compared to existing approaches, while achieving near-optimal results and saving 20.2% energy consumption on average. Moreover, we propose a new page replacement policy, namely clustered-LRU, achieving up to 8.1% optimized performance, compared to the default Least Recently Used (LRU) policy

    Chromatic changes in the preparation layers of painted art works in unfavourable environmental conditions of conservation.

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    This study deals with colour changes measurements of various kinds of preparations, in unfavourable environmental conditions of conservation. The study of the behaviour of colour of a preparation, under unfavourable conditions of conservation, is significant given that any variation will affect both the overpainted pigment layer and consequently the aesthetic result of the work of art and will obstruct its conservation through time. The study of colour change in a preparation aims to understand the causes of deterioration of the art work in order, initially, to contribute to proper conservation and further to effective restoration when this is considered necessary. To this end, rectangular samples (2.8 cm x 3 cm) of seven white colour preparations were made, which include : white lead, chalk, plaster, zinc white, animal glue, linseed oil and dammar varnish. These correspond to the four basic categories of preparation : absorbent, semi absorbent, oil and casein. The samples were subjected to the following experimental tests : A. variations in temperature, B. humidity, C. exposure to ultraviolet radiation, D. cyclic variation in temperature and E. exposure to an SO2 environment The colour change was measured before, during and after the tests in the Uniform Colour Space Lucs&ucsbucs (based on the CMC(l :c) Colour-difference Formula) and the value of colour difference AECMC was calculated. The results of the measurements show that absorbent and casein preparations remain essentially unchanged, whereas the colour of oil and semi-absorbent preparations varies significantly.La présente étude a été effectuée sur quelques couches de préparation de nature différente et concerne l'altération de la couleur sous conditions d'environnement hostiles à la conservation des oeuvres d'art peintes. L'étude de l'instabilité chromatique des préparations sous conditions défavorables est importante compte tenu de l'impact qu'elle peut avoir aux couches de peinture et par conséquent à l'impression esthétique générale du tableau ainsi qu'à son état de conservation. L'étude de l'altération de couleur des préparations vise à expliquer les raisons qui sont à l'origine d'une détérioration d'une oeuvre d'art, afin de fournir les données contribuantes à la conservation appropriée et à une éventuelle restauration de l'oeuvre si nécessaire. L'étude comprend sept sortes de préparation, de couleur blanche, de composition correspondant aux quatre plus importantes catégories de préparation, de caractère absorbant, mi-absorbant, huileux et caséineux. A ce propos, 35 échantillons rectangulaires, de taille 2,8 cm x 3 cm, ont été préparés et ont subi les épreuves expérimentales suivantes : A. variations de température, B. exposition à l' humidité, C. exposition à la radiation ultraviolette, D. variations cycliques de température, E. exposition à une atmosphère SO2. Les mesures de couleur avant, durant et après chaque épreuve ont été effectuées au système colorimétrique uniforme L^, a^ b^. Le changement de couleur durant et à la fin de chaque épreuve a été mesuré selon la formule AE^ [CMC(I :c)]. Le bilan des résultats manifeste une résistance remarquable des préparations de caractère absorbant et caséineux, qui restent pratiquement inchangées, alors que celles de caractère huileux et mi-absorbant présentent une altération de couleur considérable.Astrapellou Marilena, Stavrakakis Manolis, Koutsouris Anastasios, Sotiropoulou Sophia, Chryssoulakis Yannis. Chromatic changes in the preparation layers of painted art works in unfavourable environmental conditions of conservation.. In: Revue d'Archéométrie, n°23, 1999. pp. 71-78

    Load Forecasting Using Dynamic High-Order Neural Networks

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    International audienceA new short-term load forecasting model based on recurrent high-order neural networks (RHONNs) is presented in this paper. Short-term load forecasts are required so that the dispatch and scheduling of the generating units connected to a power system can be performed to meet the expected demand as economically and securely as possible. The proposed load forecasting is able to provide accurate load forecasts by using the minimum of input data, that is only historic al load data. Due to its dynamic nature the RHONN forecasting model is able to adapt quickly to changing load conditions like important load variations of changes of the daily load pattern (weekdays, holidays etc). Simulation results over hourly load timeseries of the Greek island of Crete demonstrate the efficiency of the model. The aim of the paper is to illustrate the capacity of this new family of neural network to learn the dynamics of the time series considered. The focus is thus on the learning rather than the testing performance. Generalization over out of sample data will be assessed in forthcoming works

    Opening Up Access to Scientific Information: Recommendations for Improving Virtual Repositories and Online Communities

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    Opening up the access to scientific information is an increasing demand and crucial need for researchers and also for all citizens, communities and societies: VOA3R, the European initiative for the Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository, has established the online platform connecting digital libraries and facilitating virtual communities with unique opportunities for sharing scientific and scholarly research related to agriculture, food, and environment. This publication presents the main outcomes and recommendations of VOA3R, the European initiative for the Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository. This flagship project supported by the European Commission facilitated, improved and sustained the open access to all European and international digital contents, scientific information and research results as well as their online discussion and exchange. The main recommendations derived and drawn from the selected five key tasks and activities (quality management, elicitation of the user requirements, social networking services, content population, and evaluation by experiments and trials) were presented in brief: They were also identified by the evaluation of the experiments and trials and and their relation between the two dimensions required efforts (indicated by the realization type from easy to difficult) and expected effects (indicated by the impact from short- to long-term) were indicated in a first overview. That allows also other and future initiative to benefit from the achieved VOA3R results and insights. VOA3R has achieved successfully its objectives and went beyond them, also analysed and evaluated through the experiments and trials: VOA3R could establish the online platform connecting digital libraries and facilitate services and social networking including virtual communities. Thus, it can be summarized that VOA3R provided and continuously provides through the sustainability strategy unique opportunities for sharing scientific and scholarly research related to agriculture, food, and environment. For open access to the best scientific information in Europe and worldwide