268 research outputs found
High refractive index of melanin in shiny occipital feathers of a bird of paradise
Male Lawes's Parotia, a bird of paradise, use the highly directional reflection of the structurally colored, brilliant-silvery occipital feathers in their courtship display. As in other birds, the structural coloration is produced by ordered melanin pigmentation. The barbules of the Parotia's occipital feathers, with thickness ~3 Āµm, contain 6ā7 layers of densely packed melanin rodlets (diameter ~0.25 Āµm, length ~2 Āµm). The effectively ~0.2 Āµm thick melanin layers separated by ~0.2 Āµm thick keratin layers create a multilayer interference reflector. Reflectance measurements yielded peak wavelengths in the near-infrared at ~1.3 Āµm, i.e., far outside the visible wavelength range. With the Jamin-Lebedeff interference microscopy method recently developed for pigmented media, we here determined the refractive index of the intact barbules. We thus derived the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of the barbules' melanin to be 1.7ā1.8 in the visible wavelength range. Implementing the anatomical and refractive index data in an optical multilayer model, we calculated the barbules' reflectance, transmittance and absorptance spectra, thereby confirming measured spectra
Angular and spectral sensitivity of fly photoreceptors. III. Dependence on the pupil mechanism in the blowfly Calliphora
A wave optics model for the facet lens-rhabdomere system of fly eyes is used to analyze the dependence of the angular and spectral sensitivity of R1-6 photoreceptors on the pupil mechanism. This assembly of light-absorbing pigment granules in the soma interacts with the waveguide modes propagating in the rhabdomere. A fly rhabdomere carries two modes in the middle wavelength range and four modes at short wavelengths, depending on the rhabdomere diameter and the angle of the incident light flux. The extension of the mode to outside the rhabdomere strongly depends on wavelength, and this dependence plays a determinant role in the light control function of the pupil. The absorbance spectrum of the pigment in the pupil granules is severely depressed at short wavelengths by waveguide effects, resulting in a distinct blue peak. Accordingly, pupil closure suppresses the photoreceptor's spectral sensitivity much more in the blue-green than in the UV. The pupil only narrows the angular sensitivity at short wavelengths. The geometrical size of the rhabdomere governs the angular sensitivity of fly photoreceptors in the dark-adapted state, but diffraction takes over in the fully light-adapted state
Photoreceptor spectral sensitivities of the Small White butterfly Pieris rapae crucivora interpreted with optical modeling
The compound eye of the Small White butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, has four classes of visual pigments, with peak absorption in the ultraviolet, violet, blue and green, but electrophysiological recordings yielded eight photoreceptors classes: an ultraviolet, violet, blue, double-peaked blue, green, blue-suppressed-green, pale-red and deep-red class. These photoreceptor classes were identified in three types of ommatidia, distinguishable by the different eye shine spectra and fluorescence; the latter only being present in the eyes of males. We present here two slightly different optical models that incorporate the various visual pigments, the light-filtering actions of the fluorescent, pale-red and deep-red screening pigment, located inside or adjacent to the rhabdom, and the reflectance spectrum of the tapetum that abuts the rhabdom proximally. The models serve to explain the photoreceptor spectral sensitivities as well as the eye shine
Random array of colour filters in the eyes of butterflies
The compound eye of the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus is not uniform, In a combined histological, electrophysiological and optical study, we found that the eye of P., xuthus has at least three different types of ommatidia, in a random distribution. In each ommatidium, nine photoreceptors contribute microvilli to the rhabdom, The distal two-thirds of the rhabdom length is taken up by the rhabdomeres of photoreceptors R1-R4, The proximal third consists of rhabdomeres of photoreceptors R5-R8, except for the very basal part, to which photoreceptor R9 contributes, In all ommatidia, the R1 and R2 photoreceptors have a purple pigmentation positioned at the distal tip of the ommatidia, The R3-R8 photoreceptors in any one ommatidium all have either yellow or red pigmentation in the cell body, concentrated near the edge of the rhabdom, The ommatidia with red-pigmented R3-R8 are divided into two classes: one class contains an ultraviolet-fluorescing pigment. The different pigmentations are presumably intimately related to the various spectral types found previously in electrophysiological studies.</p
On visual pigment templates and the spectral shape of invertebrate rhodopsins and metarhodopsins
The absorbance spectra of visual pigments can be approximated with mathematical expressions using as single parameter the absorbance peak wavelength. A comparison of the formulae of Stavenga et al. in Vision Res 33:1011ā1017 (1993) and Govardovskii et al. in Vis Neurosci 17:509ā528 (2000) applied to a number of invertebrate rhodopsins reveals that both templates well describe the normalized Ī±-band of rhodopsins with peak wavelengthĀ >Ā 400Ā nm; the template spectra are virtually indistinguishable in an absorbance range of about three log units. The template formulae of Govardovskii et al. in Vis Neurosci 17:509ā528 (2000) describe the rhodopsin spectra better for absorbances below 10ā3. The template predicted spectra deviate in the ultraviolet wavelength range from each other as well as from measured spectra, preventing a definite conclusion about the spectral shape in the wavelength rangeĀ <400Ā nm. The metarhodopsin spectra of blowfly and fruitfly R1-6 photoreceptors derived from measured data appear to be virtually identical. The established templates describe the spectral shape of fly metarhodopsin reasonably well. However, the best fitting template spectrum slightly deviates from the experimental spectra near the peak and in the long-wavelength tail. Improved formulae for fitting the fly metarhodopsin spectra are proposed
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