9 research outputs found

    Interaction among general practitioners age and patient load in the prediction of job strain, decision latitude and perception of job demands. A Cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: It is widely recognized and accepted that job strain adversely impacts the workforce. Individual responses to stressful situations can vary greatly and it has been shown that certain people are more likely to experience high levels of stress in their job than others. Studies highlighted that there can be age differences in job strain perception. METHODS: Cross-sectional postal survey of 300 Lithuanian general practitioners. Psychosocial stress was investigated with a questionnaire based on the Reeder scale. Job demands were investigated with the Karasek scale. The analysis included descriptive statistics; logistic regression beta coefficients to find out predictors and interactions between characteristics and predictors. RESULTS: Response rate was 66% (N = 197). Logistic regression as significant predictors for job strain assigned – duration of work in primary care; for job demands- age and duration of working in primary care; for decision latitude- age and patient load. The interactions with regard to job strain showed that GP's age and job strain are negatively associated to a low patient load. Lower decision latitude for older GP age is strongly related to higher patient load. Job demands and GP age are slightly positively related at low patient load. CONCLUSIONS: Lithuanian GP's have high patient load and are at risk of stress, they have high job demands and low decision latitude. Older GP's perceive less strain, lower job demands and higher decision latitude in case of low patient load. Young GP's decision latitude has week association to patient load. Regarding to the changes in patient load younger GP's perceive it more sensitively as changes in job demands

    Discrete Event Simulation of CCS7

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    : Complex simulation models are computational expensive. Parallel and distributed simulation offers a method for simulating large systems. A distributed discrete event simulator is being developed to model ITU-T Common Channel Signalling System No. 7 (CCS7) networks. The distributed computing environment consists of a collection of networked micro-kernels supporting interprocess communication which allows processes to exchange information independent of their physical location. The DCE allows a dynamically scalable simulator to be implemented on a network of workstations. 1 Introduction The performance of telecommunication networks can be evaluated using analytical models, using simulation and by taking measurements of the networks. In the past the first two approaches had a major limitation in terms of their scalability. However advances in hardware, software and algorithms for distributed systems have allowed simulation models to become an attractive evaluation method. This paper is..

    Avaliação objetiva do hipocratismo digital em imagens de sombra de dedo indicador: estudo em pacientes pneumopatas e em indivíduos normais Objective evaluation of clubbing on shadow images of index fingers: a study of patients with pulmonary disease and of normal individuals

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico do hipocratismo digital é clínico, mas pode tornar-se mais acurado pelo uso de critérios objetivos de determinação. OBJETIVO: Mostrar um método simples de obtenção de imagens de dedos para estudo do hipocratismo digital. MÉTODO: Em imagens de dedos indicadores em perfil, obtidas praticamente sem distorção em folha de papel comum, projetadas através de lâmina de vidro, determinaram-se os ângulos do perfil e hiponiquial, e a relação entre as espessuras falangeana distal e interfalangena. Estudaram-se 306 pneumopatas adultos, clinicamente com hipocratismo presente, ausente ou duvidoso, e 452 indivíduos adultos normais. Eram fumantes 71,0% dos pacientes e 33,4% dos controles. RESULTADOS: Os valores encontrados nos indivíduos normais e nos pacientes nos quais havia a presença clínica de hipocratismo foram, respectivamente, 172,8 ± 5,3º e 183,4 ± 5,0º para ângulo de perfil, 181,5 ± 4,8º e 201,4 ± 6,5º para ângulo hiponiquial, e 0,904 ± 0,029 e 1,014 ± 0,062 para a relação entre as espessuras falangeana distal e interfalangeana. As diferenças foram significativas. Os casos duvidosos também tiveram valores maiores que os verificados nos controles. No grupo controle, observou-se que os fumantes masculinos apresentaram os três valores significativamente superiores aos exibidos pelos não fumantes, enquanto que nas mulheres fumantes desse grupo apenas a relação entre as espessuras falangeana distal e interfalangeana se mostrou superior. CONCLUSÃO: Imagens nítidas de dedos indicadores foram facilmente obtidas pelo método empregado. O ângulo hiponiquial, determinado a partir das imagens, foi a medida que se mostrou com maior capacidade para discriminar casos com e sem hipocratismo (sensibilidade de 76,7%, especificidade de 83,2%, valores preditivos positivo de 95,8% e negativo de 96,9%).<br>BACKGROUND: Normal diagnosis of clubbing is clinical; however use of objective criteria may improve the accuracy of findings OBJECTIVE: To present a simple method of obtaining finger images for the purpose of studying clubbing. METHOD: Shadow images of the index fingers obtained by projection through a transparent glass plate virtually without distortion and displayed on a common sheet of paper yielded the profile (PA) and hyponychial (HA) angles; as well as the ratio between distal phalangean and interphalangean depths (DPD/IPD). Upon physical examination of 306 adult bearers of pulmonary disease, 116 disclosed presence of clubbing (YES); 126 absence (NO); and 64 were doubtful cases (DBT). Also studied were 452 normal adult individuals. Among these 71.0% of the bearers and 33.4% of the controls were smokers. RESULTS: Values found in normal individuals and in patients bearers of clubbing (YES) were, respectively, 172.8±5.9° vs. 183.4±5.9° for PA, 181.5±5.0° vs. 201.4±6.5° for HA, and 0.904±0.029 vs. 1.014±0.062 for DPD/IPD (significant differences, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This is a simple method of obtaining clear index finger images. The hyponychial angle determined on the images was the most useful measurement to discriminate digits clinically with and without clubbing (sensitivity of 76.7%, specificity of 83.2%, predictive positive value of 95.5% and predictive negative value of 96.9%)

    Hop ( Humulus lupulus

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    Chapter 7: The Issue of Gender in Elementary and Secondary Education

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