12 research outputs found

    To the Question of Interrelation of Some Methodologically Important Didactic and Linguodidactic Concepts

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    В статье осуществляется сравнительный анализ содержания понятий «модель образования», «подход к обучению», «принципы обучения». На основе анализа автор приходит к выводу: в Украине избрана личностно-ориентированная модель образования, в рамках которой применительно к обучению языкам доминирует коммуникативно-деятельностный подход, а социокультурный, компетентностный и другие являются принципами его реализации.The article focuses on the comparative analysis of the concepts «model of education», «approach to teaching», «principles of teaching». The author states that there is a confusion of the concepts in methodology. As a result of comparative analysis of the concepts, it has been determined that the model of education is understood as a pattern of construction of educational system in the country (Ukraine has chosen personality-oriented model of education). An approach to teaching is one of the most general methodological assumptions which are taken under consideration in research or teaching. It has been specified, that an approach must determine goals, principles, content and teaching methods. If it does not take place (only 1–2 components undergo changes), then there is nothing to talk about an approach. Teaching principle is one of conceptually important assumptions, which is included in the content of approach. Basic principles of communicative-activity approach are motivation of educational activity, communicative activity, awareness of the mastered knowledge, individualization and differentiation in teaching, functional principle, interrelation in mastering of language and speech activity. In the last decades terminologisation phrases are often used: «sociocultural approach», «linguoconcepual approach», «competency building approach», however, in opinion of the author, it is reasonable to name them not approaches, but principles which complement and extend communicative-activity approach. The reason for such an assertion: 1) if to assume that they are approaches, they must include new goals, principles, content, methods of teaching and control, but in fact all the principles of communicative-activity approach remain unchanged; 2) each of the so-called approaches introduces a new element only to one component of methodology (sociocultural – to the content of teaching (at the level of didactic material); competency building – to the purpose of teaching; linguoconceptual – to teaching methods and techniques). That is why it is possible to consider that communicative-activity approach to teaching develops, introduces new principles (sociocultural, linguoconceptual, competency building) and is an important component of methodology of teaching languages of schoolchildren and students

    The Productive Pedagogical Ideas of the Late XX – Early XXI Centuries

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу продуктивних педагогічних ідей, що сприяли реалізації суспільного ідеалу (освітнього та виховного) у минулому столітті. У змісті наявний аналітичний прогноз щодо продуктивних педагогічних ідей на майбутнє. Висвітлено педагогічні ідеї, які сприяли реалізації потреби суспільства в освіченій і грамотній людині: ідея перетворити російську мову на окремий шкільний предмет; зближення науки й шкільної практики; підвищення ролі мови для розвитку пізнавальних можливостей учнів; поглиблення знань про мову як явище, що історично розвивається; оволодіння мовою у письмовій і усній формі.The paper analyzes the ideals of individual societies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, their reflection in teaching ideas, concepts, theories of the past century and this century to outline the productive direction, ideas that are likely to dominate the current century. The author indicates that the ideal of the Soviet society in the last century was a man, a hard worker in all areas – agriculture, manufacturing , science , arts, human – patriot , selflessly serving the Motherland and ready to give his life for it, a man – activist , with an active lifestyle, a man obedient, fanatical believer in the rightness of the Communist Party and the Soviet government , a man – promoter capable to persuade, convince, that is owning advanced oral and written. The article highlights the pedagogical ideas that contribute to the realization of Soviet society needs an educated, competent individual. First, it is the idea of making Russian language separate school subject. Second, the basis for the development of language education was based on the idea of progressive convergence of science and classroom practice, increasing the role of language for the development of cognitive abilities of students; deepen the knowledge of the language as a historically developing phenomenon, the acquisition of language in speech and writing, and not just its system. Third, these ideas have resulted in a number of important methodological principles: unity of content and form, leaving the interpretation of the formalism of the phenomena of language, syntactic approach to the phenomena of language, lexical and semantic analysis, the study of the phenomena of language in context, in connected speech etc

    The actual problems of reforming the system of evaluating students' academic success

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    У статті аналізується одна з актуальних проблем реформування освіти – переваги та недоліки оцінювання навчальних досягнень студентів в умовах кредитно-модульного навчання в Україні. Подається пропозиція щодо підвищення ефективності оцінювання та адаптації 100-бальної системи до національної.One of the actual problems of reforming education, the problem of evaluating students' academic success is analyzed in the article. Having analyzed the experience of foreign and native researchers, the author suggests the optimal method of adaptating the European 100-point system of evaluation to the national one

    The Program to Russian for Subject Oriented Instruction: Structure and Content

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    В статье анализируется программа профильного обучения по русскому языку, описывается ее содержание и структура, обосновывается необходимость отдельных элементов содержания и целых разделов науки о языке. Вместе с этим уделяется внимание содержанию актуальных понятий «компетенция» и «компетентность», обосновывается необходимость их разграничения.The curriculum of the specialist education in Russian is analyzed in the article, its contents and structure are described, the necessity of separate elements of contents and the whole branches of language science are grounded. The author also pays attention to definition of actual concepts «skill» and «competence», the necessity of their differentiating is stated

    Text in the Modern Educational Paradigm: Theory and Practice of Text Category Analysis

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    В монографии представлены минимизированные сведения из области лингвистики текста, которые составляют основу для формирования профессиональной компетенции иностранного магистранта-филолога, а именно, для совершенствования умений анализировать категории художественного текста, умений исследовательской работы с текстом. В содержание теоретического компонента работы входят также варианты образцов анализа текстовых категорий, осуществленные в соответствии с выдвинутыми автором принципами. Лингвистическое описание каждой категории завершается методическим компонентом, который представляет собой систему упражнений для выполнения в самостоятельной (в процессе подготовки к занятию) и коллективной (на занятии) познавательной деятельности магистрантов. Дидактическим материалом для анализа являются как классические художественные тексты-миниатюры И. Тургенева, И. Бунина, В. Астафьева, А. Солженицына, Ю. Бондарева, так и миниатюры современных писателей О. Ермакова, В. Сероклинова, на основе которых постигаются особенности менталитета народа-носителя языка, его культурные и нравственные ценности. Монография предназначается преподавателям, аспирантам и магистрантам-иностранцам, что предопределило представление теоретических сведений в двух вариантах: расширенном (готовящемуся к лекции преподавателю) и сжатом (магистрантам в качестве основы конспекта лекции).The monograph presents minimized information from the field of text linguistics, which forms the basis for the formation of the professional competence of a foreign undergraduate philologist, namely, to improve the ability to analyze categories of literary text, research skills with text. The content of the theoretical component of the work also includes variants of samples of analysis of text categories, implemented in accordance with the principles put forward by the author. The linguistic description of each category ends with a methodological component, which is a system of exercises to be performed in the independent (in the process of preparing for the lesson) and collective (in the lesson) cognitive activity of undergraduates. The didactic material for analysis is both the classic literary miniature texts of I. Turgenev, I. Bunin, V. Astafiev, A. Solzhenitsyn, Yu. Bondarev, and the miniatures of modern writers O. Ermakov, V. Seroklinov, based on which mental features are comprehended a native speaker, its cultural and moral values. The monograph is intended for teachers, graduate students, and undergraduates-foreigners, which predetermined the presentation of theoretical information in two versions: expanded (teacher, who is preparing for a lecture) and compressed (undergraduates as the basis of the lecture notes)

    The Text-Discursive Category of Temporality: Linguistic and Methodological Projection

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    В статье осуществляется анализ и отбор лингвистической информации о текстово-дискурсивной категории ситуативности для иностранных магистрантов-филологов; презентуется разработанная автором методика формирования одной из основных составляющих профессиональной компетенции филолога – умения анализировать текстовые категории (на материале ситуативности). Теоретическая информация из области лингвистики текста содержит как общепринятые, так и дискуссионные положения, что позволит преподавателя и магистрантам организовать на занятии научную дискуссию вокруг поднимаемой проблемы – объема текстовой категории ситуативности. Разработанный комплекс упражнений используется как в самостоятельной, так и коллективной познавательной деятельности, он подчинен обогащения научного лексикона, синтаксического строя речи иностранных магистрантов и формированию умений анализа текстовых категорий.The aim of the article is to select linguistic information about the text-discursive category of situativeness for foreign undergraduates-philologists in order to create a theoretical basis for the formation of the ability to analyze the designated text category. Theoretical information from the field of text linguistics contains both generally accepted and debatable provisions, which allows the teacher and undergraduates to organize a scientific discussion around the raised problem of the volume of the text category of situativeness. After analyzing the main linguistic and linguistic-methodological works that relate to the problem raised in the article, the author comes to the conclusion: situativeness is a global textual category that intersects with many categories and subcategories (for example, referentiality, anthropocentricity, space and time, intentionality) and therefore in the text they closely interact, complementing one another. In the process of analyzing situativeness, we inevitably have to talk in connection with the sphere of communication, about space and time, about referentiality; in connection with the medium of communication – about anthropocentricity – the addresser and the addressee, the recipient’s presupposition, the observer, etc. This understanding of situativeness expands the scope of its content and affects the nature of the analysis. The article presents the developed by the author methods of formation of skills of analysis of text categories (by the material of situativeness). The developed set of exercises covers independent and collective cognitive activity and is subordinated not only to the formation of these skills, but also to the enrichment of scientific vocabulary, syntactic structure of speech of foreign undergraduates. In independent educational and cognitive activity, students perform the following types of work: a) reading and comprehension of the text containing scientific information about the category; b) reading of literary text, translation of new words and expressions; c) reading of texts for formation of background knowledge of the recipient; d) performance of separate elements of the analysis. In collective educational activities (in the classroom) exercises are subject to a) enrichment of scientific speech undergraduates (listening, playback, recording from memory necessary for the analysis of syntactic structures); c) the individual elements of the analysis; d) a complete analysis of the text category

    Innovative Approaches to Education a Love to Reading: Media Library Experience at CAVALER SUR MER, FRANCE

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    У статті розглянуто основні шляхи формування вмінь ефективного читання та проаналізовано досвід роботи одного з французьких культурно-освітніх закладів – медіатеки міста CAVALER SUR MER в аспекті виховання любові до читання у дітей.The article fouches upon the main ways of forming skills of effective reading and analyses the experience of work in oun of French educational establishment – mediateka in CAVALER SUR MER in the aspect of teaching children love to the reading

    Aesthetic Function оf Language аnd Formation оf Linguistic Aesthetic Ideal

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    В статье рассматривается специфика проявления основных функций русского языка в Украине (когнитивной, лингвокогнитивной, коммуникативной, эстетической), однако основную часть содержания составляет рассмотрение роли эстетической функции в становлении языкового эстетического идеала личности, описание возможностей формирования языкового эстетического идеала в учебном процессе.The article deals with the specificity of the manifestation of the most important functions of the Russian language in Ukraine (cognitive, linguo-cognitive, communicative, aesthetic). The main attention is paid to the aesthetic function of language as such, which is manifested in the aesthetics of the word: in the harmony of sounds, images, harmony of composition, richness, clarity and expressiveness of speech. The author substantiates the existence of this function not only in the texts of fiction, but also in the texts of communicative styles. In the work of the two notions, the aesthetic function of language and the language of aesthetic ideal. The essence of the aesthetic function of language is seen in the awakening and development of aesthetic sense, the ability to perceive reality according to the laws of beauty, think in artistic images, in the formation of aesthetic ideal of the personality and society. Linguistic aesthetic ideal is formed in the consciousness of the individual on the basis of understanding the norms and feelings of the language idea of perfectly beautiful speech, the ideal organization of its sound, lexical, syntactic, figurative sides. Linguistic aesthetic ideal - historically changing, nationally specific phenomenon that can be formed, that is why the article describes the conceptual provisions that determine organization of work on the formation of linguistic aesthetic ideal: understanding the statements of prominent writers, public figures about the richness and expressiveness of the language as a way of understanding its boundless possibilities; reliance on inexhaustible resources of the language, knowledge of which gives rise to a rich, expressive, capable of causing aesthetic pleasure speech; formation of a sense of norm as the basis of linguistic aesthetic taste. The text of the article schematically presents the sequence of formation of the language aesthetic ideal and named the main methods of work, which together constitute the practical significance of the results of the study

    National Component in the Linguistic Aesthetic Ideal (on the Example of Evaluation of the Euphony of Russian Speech by Russians and Chinese)

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    В статье поднимается вопрос о национальном компоненте в структуре языкового эстетического идеала. Авторы определяют национальный компонент как сформировавшийся у народа-носителя языка на протяжении веков критерий эстетической оценки речи, который неразрывно связан с типом языковой системы, с нравственными нормами народа, с биогенезом. В статье также нашли отражение полученные экспериментальным путем данные об особенностях оценки благозвучия речи у разных народов.The aim of the article is to determine the content of the concept of the national component of the linguistic aesthetic ideal of society, its features in Russian and Chinese using the example of the evaluation of the harmony of speech by Russians and Chinese. In the process of research, the following methods have been used: a method of theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the problem of the characteristics of sound organization of speech in Chinese and Russian; the method of questioning and experiment, which were used to identify harmonious speech; method of statistical analysis of the obtained materials. The authors define the national component as a criterion of aesthetic evaluation of speech that has developed among the people who speak the language for centuries, which is inextricably linked with the type of language system, with moral standards of the people, with biogenesis. The article also reflected the experimentally obtained data on the peculiarities of the evaluation of the euphony of speech in different nations: for native speakers, the criterion for perfect sound organization of speech is the uniform alternation of vowels and consonants, and for native speakers of China, the most important criterion is automatically achieved by them due to the quantitative variability of the word, that is, the ability of the word to increase in syllables (from monosyllabic to bi-syllable or/and four-syllable) or reduce their number to two syllables in the formation of complex words. Evaluation of the quality of sound or sound combinations in Russian according to the criterion beautiful/ugly in Chinese students coincides with the Russian speakers, but the evaluation by criterion is difficult/easy has shown that for Chinese students most sounds and sound combinations are difficult to pronounce, since the articulation base does not match even with pronouncing sounds that have equivalents in two languages

    Educational potential of textbook content for foreign students

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    Автори, аналізуючи компетентністну спрямованість сучасного підручника з другої іноземної мови, зазначають відсутність соціокультурної інформації про видатних педагогів України, яка є необхідною для розширення картини світу та формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. У статті висвітлюються можливості актуалізації такого матеріалу: подається аналіз фрагменту експериментального підручника, в якому цей дидактичний матеріал використовується під час засвоєння конкретної граматичної теми, окреслюється його виховний потенціал.The article analyzes competence direction of the second foreign language textbook and emphasizes lack of socio-cultural information about the outstanding teachers of Ukraine, substantiates the need for such information for expanding the picture of the world of a student-foreigner and formation of professional competence of future specialists of various profiles, in particular, teachers-philologists. The authors highlight educational potential of texts about prominent Ukrainian educators, namely V. Sukhomlynskyi, and demonstrate the possibility of using such texts at classes during studying grammar topic "Accusative case. Conjugation of adjectives and possessive pronouns with a noun in accusative case". Teaching is based on the principle of interrelated learning of types of speech activity as the dominant one, and the main mechanisms for learning language are knowledge transfer and formed meta-linguistic consciousness, which should be taken into account by the teacher. The article also describes possible content of the lesson, and details its components: a) lexical material, preceding perception of the text; b) text for listening and a set of questions aimed at revealing an understanding of its content; c) tasks (in the structure of the exercise) for observation in order to find in the text the grammatical elements that will become the subject of study; d) theoretical part - a rule containing information provided by deductive means (this method is appropriate if the second foreign language is closely related to the native one and the person has already passed the way of assimilation of such material, that is, there is a formed meta-linguistic consciousness); a system of exercises for the formation of skills and abilities; "Home page" with tasks for independent study in extracurricular work. The authors note that information in the modern Ukrainian textbook for foreign students about great teachers of Ukraine is essential not only for the formation of professional competence, but also for confirming positive image of our state