2 research outputs found
Bisphosphonate and osteonecrosis of the jaw
Bisfosfoniany to leki stosowane w leczeniu przerzut贸w nowotworowych do ko艣ci. Na og贸艂 s膮 dobrze
tolerowane i w grupie pacjent贸w z prawid艂ow膮 czynno艣ci膮 nerek uwa偶a si臋 je za bezpieczne. Ostatnio
opisano przypadki martwicy ko艣ci szcz臋k u pacjent贸w leczonych bisfosfonianami podawanymi do偶ylnie.
Najcz臋stszym objawem tego rzadko wyst臋puj膮cego powik艂ania jest uwidocznienie si臋 martwiczo zmienionej
ko艣ci - zwykle po przebytej wcze艣niej interwencji chirurgicznej.
Zaleca si臋 leczenie zachowawcze. W miar臋 mo偶liwo艣ci nale偶y unika膰 interwencji chirurgicznych, gdy偶
mog膮 one spowodowa膰 nasilenie zmian. Powinno si臋 zwr贸ci膰 uwag臋 pacjent贸w na konieczno艣膰 szczeg贸lnej
higieny jamy ustnej i zaleci膰 p艂ukanie 2-procentowym roztworem chlorheksydyny.
W okresach zaostrzenia zmian zapalnych trzeba zaleci膰 doustn膮 antybiotykoterapi臋. Przed leczeniem
i w trakcie terapii bisfosfonianami pacjenci powinni mie膰 wykonywane kontrolne badania stomatologiczne.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 77-letniej pacjentki z rakiem piersi i przerzutami do ko艣ci,
u kt贸rej martwica ko艣ci szcz臋ki wyst膮pi艂a po d艂ugotrwa艂ym leczeniu bisfosfonianami.Bisphosphonates are widely used in the treatment of bone metastases. Adverse effects associated with
the use of these drugs are infrequent. Recently, osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) associated with long-term
intravenous bisphosponates treatment, has been reported. The overall risk of developing ONJ is low.
Clinical features include exposed bone in the maxillofacial area that occurs in association with dental
surgery or spontaneously. Treatment of patients with bisphosphonate-induced ONJ is difficult. Conservative
management includes antiseptic oral rinse with agents containing chlorhexidine gluconate, systemic
antibiotic therapy to control secondary infections, oral hygiene. Invasive procedure such as tooth extraction
and bone biopsies should be avoided. It is recommended that patients should have a dental examination
prior to treatment with bisphosphonates. We present a case of a 77-year-old woman with metastatic
breast cancer and osteonecrosis of the jaw after a long-term intravenous treatment with bisphosphonate
Application of the ERAS protocol in patients treated surgically due to severe obesity
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol includes appropriate preoperative preparation, proper
surgery procedure and ensuring proper postoperative care. It is recommended that patients with obesity should
be treated according to the ERAS protocol due to high risk of postoperative complications. Evaluate the implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol in patients
operated on due to severe obesity. This analysis included 412 patients with morbid obesity (260 female/152 male, mean
BMI 48.02 kg/m虏) who had undergone laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Perioperative care was conducted according to
the ERAS protocol. Examined factors included oral nutrition tolerance, time until mobilisation after surgery, requirement
for opioids, length of hospitalisation, complications, and readmission rate. During the first 24 postoperative hours, oral administration of liquids was tolerated by 402 (97.57%) patients
and 399 (96.8%) were fully mobile. In 107 (25.98%) patients it was necessary to administer opioids to relieve pain.
The average time of hospitalisation was 2.92 days (range 1-12 days). Postoperative complications occurred in 7.29%
of patients (mainly rhabdomyolysis). Four patients (0.97%) required readmission within 30 days of surgery. The introduction of the principles of the ERAS protocol allowed for reduced hospitalisation times without
an increased rate of complications or readmissions