2 research outputs found

    Effect of microstructure, deformation mode and rate on mechanical behaviour of electron-beam melted Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-1.5Al-6.8Mo-4.5Fe alloys

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    Two commercial costefficient titanium alloys—a lowalloyed α+βti–6Al–4V (mas.%) and a metastable βalloy ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe melted with a single electronbeam cold hearth melting approach—are employed in a present study as program materials. the influence of microstructure formed by means of the subsequent thermomechanical and heat treatments on both the mechanical behaviour (evaluated by the deformation energy, UD) when tested using standard methods with different deformation rates and the ballistic resistance of plate materials is investigated.На прикладі двох промислових економно леґованих титанових стопів, — малолеґованого α + β-стопу ti–6Al–4V (мас.%) і метастабільного βстопу ti–1,5Al–6,8Mo–4,5Fe, — виготовлених одноразовим електроннопроменевим топленням з проміжною ємністю, вивчено вплив формованої за подальших (термомеханічного та термічного) оброблянь мікроструктури на механічну поведінку (виражену через енергію деформації UD) при випробуваннях з різними швидкостями деформації та балістичну стійкість.На примере двух промышленных экономно легированных титановых сплавов, — малолегированного α + βсплава Тi–6Al–4V (масс.%) и метастабильного βсплава ti–1,5Al–6,8Mo–4,5Fe, — приготовленных однократной электроннолучевой плавкой с промежуточной ёмкостью, изучено влияние формируемой при последующих (термомеханической и термической) обработках микроструктуры на механическое поведение (выраженное через энергию деформации UD) при ис пы таниях с разными скоростями деформации и баллистическую стойкость

    Significant hardening effect of high-temperature aging of alloy Ti-6Al-4V composite reinforced with TiC

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    Titanium alloy composites, reinforced with a light second phase and made using inexpensive powder metallurgy, attract considerable attention due to the directness of their intentional hardness increase without compromising low weight of materials. In this study the metal-matrix composites (MMC) of Ti-6Al-4V alloy reinforced with light and hard particles of TiC (up to 80%, vol.) were made using blended elemental powder metallurgy of hydrogenated titanium. Post-sintering solution treatment for 45 min. at 880 °C and 1000 °C and water quenching followed by the 5 hrs. aging at 550 °C was used to additionally refine the microstructure and properties of MMC. For the duration of thermal exposure throughout solution treatment and additional aging the matrix and reinforcement phase underwent distinct structural changes that modified the mechanical properties of materials. It has been shown that the used reinforcement presents an exceptional opportunity for hardening of Ti-based composites without compromising their low specific weigh. It can increase the hardness of material by more than 40% due to the ability of TiC to chemically react with the matrix to form a strong interfacial bond and its ability to form hard compounds of Ti2C and Ti3AlC in the expense of the relatively soft matrix alloy