2,769 research outputs found

    Tourist product in experience economy

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    Przełom XX i XXI w. to rozwoju tzw. gospodarki doznań, w której podstawowym towarem stają się nie konkretne produkty, ale emocje, przeżycia i doświadczenia klientów. Turystyka była i jest swoistym "przemysłem wakacyjnych doświadczeń". W ostatnich latach jednak jeszcze wyraźniej niż do tej pory kładzie się nacisk na świadome kreowanie produktów turystycznych silnie nasyconych emocjami. Usilnie dąży się do multiplikowania oraz intensyfikacji wrażeń turystów. Do najważniejszych działań w tym zakresie zaliczono: przekształcanie infrastruktury turystycznej w unikatowe atrakcje turystyczne, wzbogacanie tradycyjnych usług/pakietów usług o dodatkowe elementy zapewniające dodatkowe doznania i satysfakcje, wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii wzbogacania realnej przestrzeni turystycznej o wirtualne byty (rozszerzona rzeczywistość), a także wygodnego zapisywania doświadczeń turystycznych oraz dzielenia się wrażeniami z masową publicznością.The turn of the 20th and 21st c. was marked by the development of experience economy, in which the basic commodities are not specific products, but the customers' emotions, impressions and experiences. Tourism has always been a particular "holiday experience industry". In recent years, however, the importance of the conscious creation of emotional tourist products has become even greater, we may observe continuous efforts to multiply and intensify tourism experience. The key activities to achieve this goal include transforming tourism infrastructure into unique tourism attractions, enlarging traditional services/service packages by elements providing additional emotions and satisfaction, using modern technologies in order to add virtual entities to real tourism space (augmented reality), as well as to conveniently record tourism experience and share it with the public

    Escape Rooms: A New Offer in the Recreation Sector in Poland

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    Globalization leaves its footprint on the leisure market contributing to the global popularization of brand new forms of recreation. A perfect example of such instant diffusion of innovation on a global scale is the rapid development of escape rooms. The aim of the article is to try and explain the extraordinary popularity of escape rooms in Poland, mainly through an analysis of what they offer. The author presents the origins and development of this particular form of recreation, discusses the location of nearly 600 facilities functioning in 2016, as well as giving a detailed description of escape rooms in the ten large Polish cities. The study leads to the conclusion that the phenomenon of escape rooms stems from, among other things, the fundamental assumptions of the experience economy

    Gastronomy as a Tourism Attraction for Łódź

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    Over the last 25 years, a rapid development in gastronomic services in Łódź and other large Polish cities has been observed, as a result of a growing interest in good cooking both on the part of inhabitants and visitors (culinary tourism). The article is an attempt to describe the potential of gastronomic resources in Łódź as a possible basis for creating a new tourism product for the city. The paper presents a historical outline of Łódź gastronomy, the specificity of the local cuisine and its delicacies, the major culinary events, and the structure and location of gastronomic establishments at the beginning of the 21st c., as well as other elements which may be used to create an attractive offer for tourists

    New Spaces and Forms of Tourism in Experience Economy

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    Jedną z najgłośniejszych gospodarczych teorii początku XXI w. jest koncepcja ekonomii doświadczeń B. PINE’A I J. GILMORE’A (1999). Dla branży turystycznej nie jest to nic nowego – od zawsze sprzedaje przecież emocje, przeżycia, marzenia i wspomnienia ściśle związane z podróżowaniem. W ostatnim czasie jednak przykłada się zdecydowanie większą uwagę do profesjonalnego (świadomego i celowego) kształtowania produktów turystycznych silnie nacechowanych emocjami . Wysiłki zmierzające do kreowania oryginalnych doświadczeń turystów obejmują oczywiście nie tylko różnorodne modyfikacje tradycyjnych pakietów turystycznych, ale także poszukiwanie nowych przestrzeni wypoczynku i rozwijanie nowych form turystyki. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie przeglądu nowych obszarów turystyczno-rekreacyjnych (np. obszary militarne, nowe obiekty sakralne, tzw. destination centres, przestrzenie: codzienności i przeżyć ekstremalnych) oraz form podróżowania i wypoczynku (np. turystyka kreatywna, wydarzeń, sportowa, kulinarna, ekstremalna). Analizie poddane zostały przede wszystkim te zjawiska, które obecnie szybko zyskują popularność i nierozerwalnie wiążą się z kształtowaniem tzw. triady turystycznych doświadczeń (STASIAK, WŁODARCZYK 2013).One of the best known economic theories of the early 21 st c. is Pine & Gilmore's of the experience economy (1999). This is nothing new for the tourism industry which has always been selling emotions, dreams and memories involving travel. Recently, however, it has become much more important to provide professionally (consciously and purposefully) prepared tourism products, strongly marked with emotion (Stasiak 2013) . Efforts to create original experiences for tourists include not only various modifications of traditional tourism packages, but also a search for new recreation spaces and new forms of tourism. The aim of this article is to review new tourism-recreational areas (e.g. military areas, new churches, so-called 'destination centres', along with ordinary and extreme experience spaces), as well as new forms of travel and recreation (e.g. creative, event, sports, culinary or extreme tourism). The analysis includes those phenomena which above all are currently gaining in popularity as part of the tourist experience triad (STASIAK, WŁODARCZYK 2013)

    From Focus on Sounds to Focus on Words in English Pronunciation Instruction

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    The authors present a report on the experiment in which a group of 25 Polish secondary school pupils has undergone a special training in the pronunciation of 50 commonly mispronounced words with the use of special, teacher-designed materials. The effectiveness of the employed procedure as well as the pupils' reactions to it are examined and pedagogical conclusions are drawn

    The transition of the Polish real estate market within a Central and Eastern European context

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    The real estate market in Poland is a relatively immature market, but one that has been experiencing substantial transformation. The development of the market has been encouraged by a number of factors, including changes arising as a result of new legislation and the migration of capital between capital markets. The progress of the real estate sector towards a western style competitive market has taken place within the gradual transformation of the Polish economy into a free market economy. As investment grade property is in relatively short supply in Poland, investors consider opportunities within the wider CEE block. An analysis of the risk-return characteristics of the three largest CEE real estate markets namely, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic, shows that the returns in these markets have been negatively correlated with the UK. As these economies and markets evolve, and being part of the wider EU trading block, their economic performance will slowly converge and become more synchronized with their western counterparts. However, the catch-up of the CEE markets to western European performance cycles will be protracted and consequently there are likely to be significant ongoing portfolio risk reduction opportunitie

    Countryside as an Area of Social Tourism

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    The countryside is a specific area generating and receiving tourist movement. The tourist activity of rural population in Poland is significantly lower than in case of urban citizens. The main barrier is related to the economic factors as well as summer farming activities and organizational, informational, social and infrastructural restraints. As the large percentage of rural population has no possibility to fulfil their tourist-recreational needs, they should be covered by a special support programme in terms of social tourism (as well as quasi-social and socially committed tourism). On the other hand, creating social travel agencies in areas endangered by marginalisation can become a beginning of important social-economic changes, stimulate entrepreneurship, create new jobs, help prevent pathology and social exclusion, integrate local community, build the so-called social capital and increase the general life quality of the inhabitants. That is why the support for both inbound and outbound tourism should be the way of helping the socially excluded rural inhabitants