221 research outputs found

    LL_\infty-Algebras of Classical Field Theories and the Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism

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    We review in detail the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for Lagrangian field theories and its mathematical foundations with an emphasis on higher algebraic structures and classical field theories. In particular, we show how a field theory gives rise to an LL_\infty-algebra and how quasi-isomorphisms between LL_\infty-algebras correspond to classical equivalences of field theories. A few experts may be familiar with parts of our discussion, however, the material is presented from the perspective of a very general notion of a gauge theory. We also make a number of new observations and present some new results. Most importantly, we discuss in great detail higher (categorified) Chern-Simons theories and give some useful shortcuts in usually rather involved computations.Comment: v3: 131 pages, minor improvements, published versio

    Invitation to composition

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    In 1963 [Ann. of Math. {\bf 78}, 267-288], Gerstenhaber invented a \emph{comp(osition)} calculus in the Hochschild complex of an associative algebra. In this paper, the first steps of the Gerstenhaber theory are exposed in an abstract (comp system) setting. In particular, as in the Hochschild complex, a graded Lie algebra and a pre-coboundary operator can be associated to every comp system. A derivation deviation of the pre-coboundary operator over the total composition is calculated in two ways, (the long) one of which is essentially new and can be seen as an example and elaboration of the auxiliary variables method proposed by Gerstenhaber in the early days of the comp calculus.Comment: 18 pages, AMSLaTe

    The sh Lie structure of Poisson brackets in field theory

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    A general construction of an sh Lie algebra from a homological resolution of a Lie algebra is given. It is applied to the space of local functionals equipped with a Poisson bracket, induced by a bracket for local functions along the lines suggested by Gel'fand, Dickey and Dorfman. In this way, higher order maps are constructed which combine to form an sh Lie algebra on the graded differential algebra of horizontal forms. The same construction applies for graded brackets in field theory such as the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky bracket of the Hamiltonian BRST theory or the Batalin-Vilkovisky antibracket.Comment: 24 pages Latex fil

    The Maurer-Cartan structure of BRST differential

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    In this paper, we construct a new sequence of generators of the BRST complex and reformulate the BRST differential so that it acts on elements of the complex much like the Maurer-Cartan differential acts on left-invariant forms. Thus our BRST differential is formally analogous to the differential defined on the BRST formulation of the Chevalley-Eilenberg cochain complex of a Lie algebra. Moreover, for an important class of physical theories, we show that in fact the differential is a Chevalley-Eilenberg differential. As one of the applications of our formalism, we show that the BRST differential provides a mechanism which permits us to extend a nonintegrable system of vector fields on a manifold to an integrable system on an extended manifold

    BV-BFV approach to General Relativity, Einstein-Hilbert action

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    The present paper shows that general relativity in the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism admits a BV-BFV formulation. More precisely, for any d+12d + 1 \not= 2 (pseudo-) Riemannian manifold M with space-like or time-like boundary components, the BV data on the bulk induces compatible BFV data on the boundary. As a byproduct, the usual canonical formulation of general relativity is recovered in a straightforward way.Comment: 16 page

    On the Strong Homotopy Lie-Rinehart Algebra of a Foliation

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    It is well known that a foliation F of a smooth manifold M gives rise to a rich cohomological theory, its characteristic (i.e., leafwise) cohomology. Characteristic cohomologies of F may be interpreted, to some extent, as functions on the space P of integral manifolds (of any dimension) of the characteristic distribution C of F. Similarly, characteristic cohomologies with local coefficients in the normal bundle TM/C of F may be interpreted as vector fields on P. In particular, they possess a (graded) Lie bracket and act on characteristic cohomology H. In this paper, I discuss how both the Lie bracket and the action on H come from a strong homotopy structure at the level of cochains. Finally, I show that such a strong homotopy structure is canonical up to isomorphisms.Comment: 41 pages, v2: almost completely rewritten, title changed; v3: presentation partly changed after numerous suggestions by Jim Stasheff, mathematical content unchanged; v4: minor revisions, references added. v5: (hopefully) final versio

    Irreducible antifield-BRST approach to reducible gauge theories

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    An irreducible antifield BRST quantization method for reducible gauge theories is proposed. The general formalism is illustrated in the case of the Freedman-Townsend model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    A Contour Integral Representation for the Dual Five-Point Function and a Symmetry of the Genus Four Surface in R6

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    The invention of the "dual resonance model" N-point functions BN motivated the development of current string theory. The simplest of these models, the four-point function B4, is the classical Euler Beta function. Many standard methods of complex analysis in a single variable have been applied to elucidate the properties of the Euler Beta function, leading, for example, to analytic continuation formulas such as the contour-integral representation obtained by Pochhammer in 1890. Here we explore the geometry underlying the dual five-point function B5, the simplest generalization of the Euler Beta function. Analyzing the B5 integrand leads to a polyhedral structure for the five-crosscap surface, embedded in RP5, that has 12 pentagonal faces and a symmetry group of order 120 in PGL(6). We find a Pochhammer-like representation for B5 that is a contour integral along a surface of genus five. The symmetric embedding of the five-crosscap surface in RP5 is doubly covered by a symmetric embedding of the surface of genus four in R6 that has a polyhedral structure with 24 pentagonal faces and a symmetry group of order 240 in O(6). The methods appear generalizable to all N, and the resulting structures seem to be related to associahedra in arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 43 pages and 44 figure

    On the cohomological derivation of topological Yang-Mills theory

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    Topological Yang-Mills theory is derived in the framework of Lagrangian BRST cohomology.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 12 page

    Non-commutative tachyon action and D-brane geometry

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    We analyse open string correlators in non-constant background fields, including the metric gg, the antisymmetric BB-field, and the gauge field AA. Working with a derivative expansion for the background fields, but exact in their constant parts, we obtain a tachyonic on-shell condition for the inserted functions and extract the kinetic term for the tachyon action. The 3-point correlator yields a non-commutative tachyon potential. We also find a remarkable feature of the differential structure on the D-brane: Although the boundary metric GG plays an essential role in the action, the natural connection on the D-brane is the same as in closed string theory, i.e. it is compatible with the bulk metric and has torsion H=dBH=dB. This means, in particular, that the parallel transport on the brane is independent of the gauge field AA.Comment: 12 pages, no figure