5 research outputs found

    Особливості оцінювання посмертного інтервалу для розслідування злочинів

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    The work of police investigators includes investigation of violent deaths, when there is scarce information on peculiarities of death. The examination of corpse is essential in most of violent death cases; thus, there is a need to correctly evaluate signs on the corpse as soon as they could help investigators obtain important information about a murder. There could be various questions to be answered by forensic medical examiners; one of which is determination of time since death. The study is aimed to present guidelines on choosing the evaluation method for postmortem changes based on forensic medical data, in accordance with condition of the body, features of surroundings and other factors that have to be noted at the place of corpse’s finding. Guidelines are composed in accordance with current legal procedures on forensic medical examinations.Поміж інших, до обов’язків слідчих поліції належить розслідування насильницьких смертей, коли бракує інформації про особливості настання смерті. Огляд трупа необхідний у більшості випадків настання насильницької смерті, саме тому існує потреба у правильному оцінюванні різноманітних ознак на трупі, оскільки це може допомогти слідчим — надати важливу інформацію про вбивство, якщо таке сталося. До судово-медичних експертів можуть виникнути різні запитання, одним з яких є визначення давності настання смерті. Метою цього дослідження є надання рекомендацій щодо використання методів оцінювання посмертних змін за даними судово-медичної експертизи відповідно до стану тіла, особливостей навколишнього середовища місця події й решти чинників, які необхідно зафіксувати на місці знаходження трупа. Методичні рекомендації, уміщені у цьому матеріалі, складено відповідно до вимог чинного законодавства, яке визначає правила й порядок проведення судово-медичних експертиз

    All together to fight COVID-19

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    Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), named a pandemic by the WHO, is the current global health crisis. National and international collaboration are indispensable for combating COVID-19 and other similar potential outbreaks. International efforts to tackle this complex problem have led to remarkable scientific advances. Yet, as a global society, we can and must take additional measures to fight this pandemic. Undoubtedly, our approach toward COVID-19 was not perfect, and testing has not been deployed fast enough to arrest the epidemic early on. It is critical that we revise our approaches to be more prepared for pandemics as a united body by promoting global cooperation and commitment

    COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters: The good, the bad, and the ugly

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    Pursuing vaccinations against COVID-19 brings hope to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and remains the most rational decision under pandemic conditions. However, it does not come without challenges, including temporary shortages in vaccine doses, significant vaccine inequity, and questions regarding the durability of vaccine-induced immunity that remain unanswered. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 has undergone evolution with the emergence of its novel variants, characterized by enhanced transmissibility and ability to at least partially evade neutralizing antibodies. At the same time, serum antibody levels start to wane within a few months after vaccination, ultimately increasing the risk of breakthrough infections. This article discusses whether the administration of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines is urgently needed to control the pandemic. We conclude that, at present, optimizing the immunity level of wealthy populations cannot come at the expense of low-income regions that suffer from vaccine unavailability. Alt-hough the efficiency of vaccination in protecting from infection may decrease over time, current data show that efficacy against severe disease, hospitalization, and death remains at a high level. If vaccine coverage continues at extremely low levels in various regions, including African countries, SARS-CoV-2 may sooner or later evolve into variants better adapted to evade natural and vaccine-induced im-munity, ultimately bringing a global threat that, of course, includes wealthy populations. We offer key recommendations to increase vaccination rates in low-income countries. The pandemic is, by definition, a major epidemiological event and requires looking beyond one’s immediate self-interest; otherwise, efforts to contain it will be futile

    Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social and Scientific Networks During Social Distancing

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    In the COVID-19 era, while we are encouraged to be physically far away from each other, social and scientific networking is needed more than ever. The dire consequences of social distancing can be diminished by social networking. Social media, a quintessential component of social networking, facilitates the dissemination of reliable information and fighting against misinformation by health authorities. Distance learning, telemedicine, and telehealth are among the most prominent applications of networking during this pandemic. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of collaborative scientific efforts. In this chapter, we summarize the advantages of harnessing both social and scientific networking in minimizing the harms of this pandemic. We also discuss the extra collaborative measures we can take in our fight against COVID-19, particularly in the scientific field