57 research outputs found

    GĂĽlle als wertvoller WirtschaftsdĂĽnger im BioGrĂĽnland

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    Gülle, ein Gemisch aus Kot, Harn, Futter- und Einstreuresten, ist ein flüssiger Wirtschaftsdünger, der in der Biologischen Landwirtschaft anhaltenden Diskussionsstoff liefert. Gülleflora und Humuszehrung sind nur zwei Worte, die in Verbindung mit diesem Wirtschaftsdünger gebracht werden. Was ist aber nun dran am Einsatz der Gülle im Dauergrünland? Sind die Vorurteile berechtigt und hat sie den schlechten Ruf im Bio-Dauergrünland verdient? Diesen Fragen versucht diese ÖAG-Info nachzugehen und möchte das Thema Gülle in der biologischen Grünlandwirtschaft sachlich beleuchten und diskutieren

    Forage feeding value of continuous grazed sward on organic permanent grassland

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    Continuous grazing provides low-cost forage with a high feeding value for milk and beef production and is a suitable pasture system in organic farming. To assess the forage feeding value of continuously grazed sward, a 3-field trial was carried out under harsh east Alpine conditions (680 m altitude, 7°C average temperature, 1000 mm annual precipitation). Forage contents of net energy (6.3-7.0 MJ NEL kg-1 DM) and crude protein (202-236 g kg-1 DM) varied on a high level during the vegetation period. Moreover, amounts of crude fibre (176-243 g kg-1 DM) and neutral detergent fibre (373-475 g kg-1 DM) were within the recommended range for ruminates. In conclusion, continuous grazing as a possible organic grassland use under harsh climate conditions can be recommended

    Continuous grazing in comparison to cutting management on an organic meadow in the eastern Alps

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    Continuous grazing is an appropriate pasture system for dairy cows in low input milk production systems like organic farming. Grazing increases for economic reasons and is also caused by regulations in organic farming. If a dairy farm converts a pasture-based system,cows will start grazing on a cutting-managed meadow. Due to the utilisation changing from cutting to grazing, a conversion of the botanical composition and the quantity and quality yield is expected. To document and assess such conversions, a three-year field trial was carried out on the organic grassland and dairy farm of the AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein between 2007 and 2009. In this study, changes in the botanical composition were found. In contrast to botanical composition, no significant differences between below-ground biomass and quality yield (CP and NEL) could be detected, although the harvest sward yields of the grazing sward were significantly less than in the cutting variant in the trial years 2007 and 2008

    StickstoffflĂĽsse auf der Weide bei Vollweidehaltung im alpinen Raum Ă–sterreichs

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    The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the dung distribution and the N-balance on the pasture in a seasonal grass-based system in organic farming. This investiga-tion was carried out on the research farm (680 m altitude, 1000 mm precipitation hereof 600 mm during 200 days vegetation period, 6.5 °C average temperature, 34 ha grassland hereof 10 ha pasture areas, 14 brown swiss dairy cows 610 kg live weight and 14 holstein frisian 540 kg live weight) of the Institute for Organic Farming (HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein) in the alpine area of Austria. Two pasture areas (former mowing pasture and permanent grassland), Beifeld (2 ha, plant up to sloped) and Stallfeld (1.8 ha, steady sloped), were exemplarily used to show the dung distribution and the calculated N-balance. The dung distribution on the Stallfeld was more homo-geneous as on the Beifeld. A very high N removal was discovered on both areas. The accumulation (calculated 100-140 kg N ha-1) of N was much lower than the removal (calculated 210-240 kg N ha-1). One consequences of this high N removal was an increase of white clover (2005 12% and 2006 29% by weight), a legume which re-ceives the N via fixation. The long term impacts on the grassland diversity could not responded by one research year and further investigations are necessary

    Abschlussbericht Bio- Jugendstudie- "Bio- Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft in Ă–sterreich- Einstellungen, WĂĽnsche, Erwartungen und Wissen Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener"

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    Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene bestimmen durch ihr Verhalten, ihre Erwartungen und Meinungen zur Bio- Land- und Lebendmittelwirtschaft wesentlich die zukünftige Entwicklung des Bio- Sektors mit. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden in Österreich Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene (15-19 Jahre bzw. 20-25 Jahre) gezielt zu Ihren Einstellungen zur Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelproduktion, zu ihrem Konsum- und Einkaufverhalten, zu den Wünschen und Erwartungen an die Bio- Lebensmittelwirtschaft sowie zu ihrem Bio- Wissen befragt. Die Studie hat gezeigt, dass "Bio" von den jungen Österreichern/innen eine hohe Wertschätzung entgegengebracht wird. Eine überdurchschnittlich hohe Bio- Wertschätzung zeigt sich für jene Teilnehmer/innen, welche angaben, sich gesund zu ernähren, wenig bzw. kein Fleisch zu essen, weniger gern Fast- Food zu konsumieren sowie gern zu kochen. Die "intensiv- Bio-Kunden7innen" sind überdurchschnittlich gut über "Bio" informiert, stellen die höchsten Anforderungen an die Bio- Lebensmittelwirtschaft , zeigen aber gleichzeitig auch die höchsten Bio- Mehrpreis- Kaufbereitschaft. Einen besonders hohen Stellenwert für die Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen haben folgende Bio- Aspekte: 1) Auslauf in Freie von Bio. Tieren, 2) keine Kinderarbeit bei Importwaren, 3) fairer Handel/Produktion sowie, 4) strenge Kontrollen beim Bio- Lebensmittelimport, 5) regionale Herkunft der Lebensmittel, 6) Weidehaltung von Rindern, Schafen und Ziege, 7) die Schonung von Boden, Wasser und Umwelt im Bio- Pflanzenbau, 8) Frische und Qualität der Produkte beim Import, 9) artgerechte Tierhaltung und Tierschutz sowie 10) natürlicher Geschmack der Lebensmittel. Treten die zukünftigen Bio- Kaufeinschätzungen der Jugendlichen und junger Erwachsener ein, dann dürfte der Bio- Markt weiter wachsen. 60% der Jugendlichen und junger Erwachsener gehen davon aus zukünftig mehr Bio- Produkte zu konsumieren. Dem stehen nur 4% bzw. 2% gegenüber welche den Bio- Konsum "verringern" bzw. "deutlich verringern" wollen. 81% der Jugendlichen und junger Erwachsenen gaben auch an, dass die Bio- Land und Lebensmittelwirtschaft in Österreich weiter ausgebaut werden sollte

    Lämmermast mit verschiedenen Rassen auf extensivem Grünland: erste Ergebnisse

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    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die mögliche Nutzung von extensivem Grünland für die Mast von Merino-Lämmern und reinrassigen Waldschaf-Lämmern unter verschiedenen Besatzraten zu untersuchen. Während der ersten Weidemonate im Jahr 2017 wurden Merino-Lämmer unter Ausnutzung der hohen Graswachstumsintensität geweidet. Die Waldschaf-Lämmer wurden in der zweiten Hälfte der Vegetationsperiode im Jahr 2017 mit geringerer Wachstumsintensität der Weide bis zum Ende dieser Weidezeit geweidet. Beide Rassen wurden in zwei getrennten Paddocks mit unterschiedlichen Besatzraten und Graswachstumshöhen beweidet. Das gleiche Verfahren wird im Jahr 2018 wiederholt. Ergebnisse des ersten Jahres 2017 werden vorgestellt

    Ergebnisse bei der Umstellung auf Vollweidehaltung von Bio-Milchkühen im österreichischen Berggebiet

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    In a research project at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein 6 organic dairy farms are accompanied by converting to the „Low-Input“ seasonal grass-based system in the mountainous regions of Austria. After the first trial year (October 1st, 2004 – Septem-ber 30th, 2005), a pasture grass proportion of 36-60% in the total feeding ration per year could be determined, depending on each farm. Some farms completely dis-pensed with concentrate during the grazing period. Regarding the milk contents, a decreasing fat and protein percentage as well as an increasing urea content during the grazing period was observed. The project farms reached an average value of 0.26 cent of payments free of direct charge per kg milk. This value is a little bit higher than the Austrian average. In the future, the plant stock development on pastures should be observed in more detail and potential changes should be documented. Additionally, the nitrogen flows will be recorded

    Vegetation change of mountainous hay meadows to intensified management regime in organic farming

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    The whole vegetation assemblage of 60 relevés (4 m²) in a block design was examined at two mountainous hay meadow stands over a two-year period. All sites were situated at a certified organic farm, managed according to the guidelines of organic farming since 1995. According to the traditional management acreages are mowed two times per year followed by grazing and solid manure fertilisation in autumn. The effect of management intensity (two, three, four cuts per year and adapted fertilisation) was tested for coverage of most frequent species: Trisetum flavescens, Dactylis glomerata, Poa pratensis, Poa trivialis, Festuca pratensis, Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens, Taraxacum officinale agg., Carum carvi and Achillea millefolium. Our main interest was to detect how fast cover changes of different species occur. During the investigation period of two years, almost all taxa showed a significant alteration when mown more than 2 times a year. Stolon and rosette forming plants profited from increased management whereas tall tuft grasses lost coverage

    The future of organic grassland farming in mountainous regions of Central Europe

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    8 % of the total EU population lives in mountainous areas which represent a particularly important eco-region in Central Europe. Because of ecological, climatic and economic reasons an increasing pressure is imposed upon agriculture. Hence in large parts of European mountainous areas drastic changes in agricultural structure and land use systems can be observed in terms of emigration and land abandonment. Due to disadvantaged production conditions, and the high ecological sensitivity, organic farming is an important option for a sound regional development. In alpine regions organic farming does not proceed in a homogeneous way. One essential reason for that could be seen in the differences of national and regional “traditions and orientations” and supporting tools. For a positive development it is necessary to work on further integration of organic farming in regional development concepts (e.g. organic regions) and on the development of the “quality leadership” through cross-regional production, marketing and merchandising concepts. Undisputedly, further positive development of organic farming in mountainous regions depends on ongoing financial, research and advisory support

    Wirkung verschiedener Nutzungsintensitäten auf montane Goldhaferwiesen im Biolandbau

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    In 2012 about 25 % of permanent Austrian grasslands were managed organically. At the same time the farms enlarged their average field areas especially in Alpine regions. In order to investigate intensification limits of montane meadows, an on-farm field experiment at the Upper Styrian Pöls valley was established in 2008. The triannual case study consisted of a balanced incomplete block design with 30 sub-plots at two autochthonous meadows of the Trisetetum association. These examined six treatments with different cutting regimes (2, 3, 4 cuts per year) and either slurry or solid manure for organic fertilization. Three years of investigation describe changes in coverage of grassland species as well as yield quantity and quality. The results show changes in abundance of widespread meadow species after three years due to management intensification. Whereas net energy and protein content rise according to earlier growth stage, the undesirable grass Poa trivialis accelerated too. On the other hand, valuable species, e.g. Poa pratensis agg., declined in abundance. Hence, there will be limits to intensification on permanent grassland, dependent on site condition and species composition
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