5,247 research outputs found

    Near-earth thermal environmental criteria study

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    A study was made to determine improved values and definitions to be used for thermal environmental design parameters for a spacecraft in near-earth orbit. An algorithm was used to derive a total earth thermal radiation based on a mathematical relationship. Several albedo and earth thermal radiation grid maps were produced on seven track digital magnetic tape. Each map contained the values obtained during a 24 hour period over the entire earth. The output statistics are summarized, and the data processing program is described

    Theoretical description of a DNA-linked nanoparticle self-assembly

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    Nanoparticles tethered with DNA strands are promising building blocks for bottom-up nanotechnology, and a theoretical understanding is important for future development. Here we build on approaches developed in polymer physics to provide theoretical descriptions for the equilibrium clustering and dynamics, as well as the self-assembly kinetics of DNA-linked nanoparticles. Striking agreement is observed between the theory and molecular modeling of DNA tethered nanoparticles.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Potential vorticity as a conservative property

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    The problem of tracing actual trajectories of air particles in the free atmosphere, and of water particles in the ocean, h~s been a~tacked for many years without a definitive solution. The mtroduct10n of the isentropic chart in meteorology a few years ago was a great forward step. Corresponding methods have also been applied to oceanography, and it is evident that any advancement made towards the solution of the problem of actual trajectories in either branch of the geophysical sciences must also contribute to its solution in the other field. In its general aspects the problem is therefore common to both meteorological and marine research. In the present article it will be discussed on the basis of its meteorological phase

    Fractional Stokes-Einstein and Debye-Stokes-Einstein relations in a network forming liquid

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    We study the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) and Debye-Stokes-Einstein (DSE) relations for translational and rotational motion in a prototypical model of a network-forming liquid, the ST2 model of water. We find that the emergence of ``fractional'' SE and DSE relations at low temperature is ubiquitous in this system, with exponents that vary little over a range of distinct physical regimes. We also show that the same fractional SE relation is obeyed by both mobile and immobile dynamical heterogeneities of the liquid

    Direct measurement of the hemispheric poleward flux of water vapor

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    The average meridional flux of water vapor in the atmosphere is evaluated for the northern hemisphere from suitably distributed daily observations of wind and moisture during the year 1950. Zonal averages for five latitude circles are presented, and these are compared with the corresponding requirements calculated from estimates of zonally averaged precipitation and evaporation given in climatological literature. Considering the nature and scope of the work, the extent of the agreement obtained is considered noteworthy

    TALON - The Telescope Alert Operation Network System: Intelligent Linking of Distributed Autonomous Robotic Telescopes

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    The internet has brought about great change in the astronomical community, but this interconnectivity is just starting to be exploited for use in instrumentation. Utilizing the internet for communicating between distributed astronomical systems is still in its infancy, but it already shows great potential. Here we present an example of a distributed network of telescopes that performs more efficiently in synchronous operation than as individual instruments. RAPid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) is a system of telescopes at LANL that has intelligent intercommunication, combined with wide-field optics, temporal monitoring software, and deep-field follow-up capability all working in closed-loop real-time operation. The Telescope ALert Operations Network (TALON) is a network server that allows intercommunication of alert triggers from external and internal resources and controls the distribution of these to each of the telescopes on the network. TALON is designed to grow, allowing any number of telescopes to be linked together and communicate. Coupled with an intelligent alert client at each telescope, it can analyze and respond to each distributed TALON alert based on the telescopes needs and schedule.Comment: Presentation at SPIE 2004, Glasgow, Scotland (UK

    Competition of the connectivity with the local and the global order in polymer melts and crystals

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    The competition between the connectivity and the local or global order in model fully-flexible chain molecules is investigated by molecular-dynamics simulations. States with both missing (melts) and high (crystal) global order are considered. Local order is characterized within the first coordination shell (FCS) of a tagged monomer and found to be lower than in atomic systems in both melt and crystal. The role played by the bonds linking the tagged monomer to FCS monomers (radial bonds), and the bonds linking two FCS monomers (shell bonds) is investigated. The detailed analysis in terms of Steinhardt's orientation order parameters Q_l (l = 2 - 10) reveals that increasing the number of shell bonds decreases the FCS order in both melt and crystal. Differently, the FCS arrangements organize the radial bonds. Even if the molecular chains are fully flexible, the distribution of the angle formed by adjacent radial bonds exhibits sharp contributions at the characteristic angles {\theta} = 70{\deg}, 122{\deg}, 180{\deg}. The fractions of adjacent radial bonds with {\theta} = 122{\deg}, 180{\deg} are enhanced by the global order of the crystal, whereas the fraction with 70{\deg} < {\theta} < 110{\deg} is nearly unaffected by the crystallization. Kink defects, i.e. large lateral displacements of the chains, are evidenced in the crystalline state.Comment: J. Chem. Phys. in pres

    SkyDOT (Sky Database for Objects in the Time Domain): A Virtual Observatory for Variability Studies at LANL

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    The mining of Virtual Observatories (VOs) is becoming a powerful new method for discovery in astronomy. Here we report on the development of SkyDOT (Sky Database for Objects in the Time domain), a new Virtual Observatory, which is dedicated to the study of sky variability. The site will confederate a number of massive variability surveys and enable exploration of the time domain in astronomy. We discuss the architecture of the database and the functionality of the user interface. An important aspect of SkyDOT is that it is continuously updated in near real time so that users can access new observations in a timely manner. The site will also utilize high level machine learning tools that will allow sophisticated mining of the archive. Another key feature is the real time data stream provided by RAPTOR (RAPid Telescopes for Optical Response), a new sky monitoring experiment under construction at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).Comment: to appear in SPIE proceedings vol. 4846, 11 pages, 5 figure

    Intercomparison of standard resolution and high resolution TOVS soundings with radiosonde, lidar, and surface temperature/humidity data

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    One objective of the FIRE Cirrus IFO is to characterize relationships between cloud properties inferred from satellite observations at various scales to those obtained directly or inferred from very high resolution measurements. Satellite derived NOAA-9 high and standard resolution Tiros Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) soundings are compared with directly measured lidar, surface temperature, humidity, and vertical radiosonde profiles associated with the Ft. McCoy site. The results of this intercomparison should be useful in planning future cloud experiments
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