66 research outputs found

    Selection of the logical model of the intellectual algorithm for dynamic processing of medical data (obtained through portable medical devices)

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    Portable devices are one of the important emerging areas of modern medicine. This article presents the rationale for the selection of the logical model of the intellectual algorithm for dynamic processing of medical data obtained through portable medical devices. The description of the main criteria for the selection and application of the method of Saaty is provided. And the conclusion about the feasibility of using fuzzy logic as a logical model for the investigated subject area is made


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    The change of properties of dry milk canned food has been researched in the recovery process. Optimum process regimes have been found. The studies have been used dry fat–free milk and dry dessert mixes (dry mixes for ice cream and dry mixes for pudding). The possibility of using different types of solvent (fat–free milk and drinking water) has been researched in the restoration of dry milk products. Solids content in the restored product have been changed from 8,0 % to 20,0 %. The thermal stability and the course of restoration of dry milk canned food were controlled. Use of drinking water in the recovery is optimal to ensure quality of finished products. It has been established that recovery of skimmed milk (to prevent technological risks) must comply solids content of 15,0 %. Organoleptic and physico–chemical parameters become stable for 30–60 minutes for dry dessert mixes; 60–90 minutes – for dry fat–free milk during the recovery of mixes. The densities of the recovered mixes were 1100±4 kg/m3 – for dry mixes for ice cream; 1091±3 kg/m3 – for pudding; 1033±3 kg/m3 – for dry fat–free milk. Dynamic viscosities were 78,1±0.1; 71,3±0.1; 1,6±0,1 Pa∙s∙10–3respectively.Исследовано изменение свойств молочных консервов в процессе восстановления и определены оптимальные режимы процесса. Для анализа были использованы сухое обезжиренное молоко и сухие смеси десертного назначения (сухие смеси для мороженого и сухие смеси для пудинга). Исследована возможность использования различных видов растворителя: обезжиренного молока и воды питьевой – в процессе восстановления сухих консервов. В восстановленном продукте изменяли содержание сухих веществ от 8,0 до 20,0 %. Контролировали термостойкость полученных восстановленных смесей и ход их восстановления. Для обеспечения стабильного качества готовых продуктов оптимальным есть использование для восстановления питьевой воды. Установлено, что восстановление сухого обезжиренного молока для предотвращения технологических рисков целесообразно проводить до содержания сухих веществ в восстановленной смеси 15,0 %. Обнаружено, что восстановленные смеси приобретают стабильные значения органолептических и физико–химических показателей за 30–60 минут для сухих десертных смесей и за 60–90 минут – для сухого обезжиренного молока. Плотность восстановленных смесей составляла 1100±4 кг/м3 – в сухой смеси для мороженого; 1091±3 кг/м3– для пудинга; 1033±3 кг/м3– для сухого обезжиренного молока. Динамическая вязкость составляла 78,1±0,1; 71,3±0,1; 1,6±0,1 Па∙с∙10–3 соответственно.Досліджено зміну властивостей молочних консервів у процесі відновлення та визначено оптимальні режими процесу. У дослідженнях використано сухе знежирене молоко та сухі суміші десертного призначення (сухі суміші для морозива та сухі суміші для пудингу). Досліджено можливість використання різних видів розчинника: знежиреного молока та води питної – у процесі відновлення сухих консервів. Змінювали вміст сухих речовин (від 8,0 до 20, 0 %) у відновленому продукті. Контролювали термостійкість отриманих відновлених сумішей та перебіг їх відновлення. Для забезпечення стабільної якості готових продуктів оптимальним у відновленні є використання питної води. Встановлено, що відновлення сухого знежиреного молока для запобігання технологічних ризиків доцільно проводити до вмісту сухих речовин у відновленій суміші 15,0 %. Дослідження перебігу відновлення виявили, що відновлені суміші набувають стабільних значень органолептичних та фізико–хімічних показників за 30–60 хвилин для сухих сумішей десертного призначення та за 60–90 хвилин – для сухого знежиреного молока. Густина відновлених сумішей становила: 1100±4 кг/м3 – в сухій суміші для морозива; 1091±3 кг/м3 – для пудингу; 1033±3 кг/м3– для сухого знежиреного молока. Динамічна в’язкість становила 78,1±0,1; 71,3±0,1; 1,6±0,1 Па∙с∙10–3 відповідно. &nbsp


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    The article deals with the spread of digital technologies in education and digital learning as a special stage of digital socialization, changing the social roles of the teacher and student. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, big data analysis, robotics and virtualization have taken their place in the educational process, and traditional offline teaching methods require revision. The problem of knowledge alienation in the digital educational space has been analysed and ways to solve this problem have been proposed. Particular attention has been paid to the problem of the safety of knowledge in the educational space. It has been concluded about the need for such a reorganization of the digital space in which cognitive conditions for the safe functioning of knowledge will be provided

    Transforming educational space under the impact of the pandemic: student and teacher well-being in higher education

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    The article presents the study of some areas of educational space transformation under the COVID-19 pandemic influence. The focus of attention is on such problems as the cognitive well-being of the student, the tutor model of teacherstudent relations in the digitalising educational space, the functioning of academic mobility institution in a pandemic and post-pandemic world. Cognitive well-being of students implies mastering digital literacy with strict adherence to the norms of digital ethics. A tutor in modern education plays the role of not only a developer of an individual educational trajectory, but also a controller and educator. For the successful implementation of tutoring functions, the teaching staff of universities needs additional training. The main trends in academic mobility are internal and virtual mobility. The authors conclude that educational organisations need for adequate infrastructural policy, and educational space – inevitable transformations in budget financing. The results of the article can be used in further research on the higher education transformation problems, in the development of proposals and recommendations for specialists in the of higher education management field for use in practice

    Managing academic mobility as a tool of «soft power» in contemporary China

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    The paper deals with the phenomenon of academic mobility in the context of internationalization of higher education in modern China. It focuses on such problems as specificity of Chinese approach to internationalization of higher education and functioning of academic mobility in the context of transformation of international educational space. It is shown that the image of the future educated China is based on the traditional project of “Great Unity” society (Datong society in Confucian concept of social ideal). At the same time the idea of a united humanity is not exceptionally Chinese, but has deep historical roots and a universal nature. Cautious about the supranational extrapolation of this idea, modern China is nevertheless expanding international cooperation and strengthening cross-national contacts, using cross-border academic mobility as one of its “soft power” tools


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    Different scientific approaches to digital culture have been analysed in the article: digital culture is considered as a special form of being, a special integral design that includes audiovisual, semiotic, technological, logical, communication, network and other subsystems that exists at five levels: material, functional, symbolic, mental and spiritual; and as a set of values ofmodern society based on digital coding; and as a system of changes in practices, products of human activity associated with the culture of the digital age; and as a special level of digital literacy and competency. The anthropological aspect of digital culture has been emphasized. The main causes and stages of the development of digital culture as a modern stage in the development of the information culture of society also have been considered


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    The issue of the dual impact of innovative technologies on the sphere of spiritual culture has been considered. On the one hand, the digitalization of cultural values gives hope for their longevity, compared with traditional storage methods. On the other hand, the preservation of cultural heritage is facing new, previously unmet difficulties: the life of digital documents is short due to constant technological improvement and the rapid obsolescence of technology; not all artifacts can be digitized; when knowledge is transmitted through the media, its reduction, vulgarization occurs; finally, the person is changing, for whose sake the preservation of the cultural heritage takes place. Generations possessing clip thinking will have to deal with the fragmented, unsystematic cultural heritage, which is fraught with real cultural amnesia. The new approaches to digital information management and, specifically, digital cultural heritage have been proposed in the article

    The development of radio and 3G based telemetry system for the remote gas accounting and control nodes

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    In this article we have described the use of vortex and recently developed ultrasonic flowmeters with high dynamic range of 1 to 1500 for industrial applications. Its software and the software of corresponding computing device is able to avoid gas leakage, to minimize energy consumption and to save human resources while maintaining metrological data. Described is the low power consumption that makes it possible to use this ultrasonic flowmeter in hard remote environment without direct management for a period of several month

    Studying of immunophysiological properties of Yersinia Pestis strains with various plasmid composition

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    Data of Yersinia pestis plasmid structure influence on its adhesive properties and phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages in vitro are represented. It is shown that Y. pestis strains of diverse subspecies differing by a plasmid profile, particularly by one of the plasmids (pYP, pYV) lacking, possess low adhesive activity and promote the increase of laboratory animal phagocyte absorbing capacity

    Changes in immunocompetent guinea pigs immunizing with Francisella Tularensislipopoly-saccharide

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    Influence of Francisella tularensis lipopolysaccharide preparations on morphological changes in immunocompetent experimental animals was studied by subcutaneous introduction using survey microscopy and morphometric methods. Low expressed activation of B- and T-dependent bands in immunocompetent organs was determined. Proliferation of antigen-presented cells at early stages of investigation indicates the cell immunity activation. Pathomorphological alterations caused by lipopolysaccharide inoculation are homogeneous and benignant