249 research outputs found

    On inclusive education of students with autism spectrum disorder

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    This article analyzes the principles of inclusive education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The commitment to help such students in the attainment of effective communication skills and social skills in the general classroom, social adaptation, and an assistance with the acquisition daily and community living skills characterize approaches to educating students with autismВ статье рассматриваются принципы педагогической акмеологии в образовании учащихся, страдающих расстройством аутистического спектра. Принципы инклюзивного образования и стремление помочь таким учащимся в приобретении навыков эффективного общения, социальных навыков и адаптации и значительного улучшения качества жизни являются основополагающими принципами в обучении студентов с аутизмом в СШ

    The use of 3D technology-printing in the formation of students' information literacy

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    The article explains how to use the new 3D printing technologies in educational institutions, such as the Institute and school, is an example of using this method for the course of computer graphicsВ статье описана методика использования новой современной технологии 3D-печати в учебных заведениях, таких как институт и школа, приводится пример использования данной методики при изучении курса компьютерной график

    Actuality IT - consulting in conditions of the Russian economy

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    The purpose of it consulting is to provide recommendations on the strategic management of information systems, evaluation, design and development of it architecture, project management, automation of business processes of organizations, and many other issues related to using of computers and information technology. This paper describes typical tasks of consulting projects in the it sector, the structure of the Russian market of it services-consulting, action for development and regulation of the market of it-consulting in conditions of the Russian economyНазначение ИТ - консалтинга заключается в предоставлении рекомендаций по вопросам стратегического управления информационными системами, оценки, проектирования и разработки ИТ - архитектуры, управления проектами автоматизации бизнес-процессов организаций и многим другим вопросам, связанным с использованием вычислительной техники и информационных технологий. В данной работе описаны типовые задачи консалтинговых проектов в сфере ИТ, определена структура российского рынка услуг ИТ - консалтинга, меры по развитию и регулированию рынка ИТ - консалтинга в условиях российской экономик

    Synonymy of endings: Frequency and rarely used forms (from experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language)

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    In article is researched active process in contemporary Russian word changing: grammatical synonymy. Occurrence and functioning of variants of flexions is described. In a row of synonymic name forms especial attention is drawn by genitive singular, in which limits is represented the variability of flexions. Problem of rationality of study of variant forms functioning by foreign students at lessons of Russian as as foreign language is considered. Besides, were analyzed some exercises from text-books on Russian as a foreign language on theme of variability name forms and their use. In the work were used such linguistic methods as descriptive, having at its disposal a range of devices of linguistic observation, and also devices of classification and systematization; comparative, statistic methods of research. Conclusions were made that in conditions of contemporary language situation a special significance has determination of general tendencies of noun declension system development, differentiation of variant forms and deviation from existing literary standard. In research the linguistic analysis, having functional nature, is directed at establishment if usual (stylistic, selectional, positional) peculiarities of genitive variants. Monitoring of use of these grammatic forms in speech among Russian students of higher educational institutions allowed to make conclusions about selection of one or another ending of form genitive, reasons ov variability


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    The urgency of the research is driven by the need to select and apply such scientometric tools to estimate scientific and academic productivity of scholars from classical universities that are relevant to current economic environment in Ukraine and the entrepreneurial university model. The main approach to this research is based on systemic analysis of the modern scientific thought condition against estimation of scholars productivity; comparative analysis of scientometric Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar bases; determination of efficiency from applying commercial and free scientometric bases under entrepreneurial university model. This article aims at detecting an opportunity and viability of applying Google Scholar free scientometric base to estimate scholars productivity at classical universities in the context of Ukrainian environment. Based on the research results obtained, the hypothesis on association between h-index in Scopus and Google Scholar values for scholars of STEM and natural disciplines from classical universities has been proved. In addition, this article provides theoretical facts that evidence another hypothesis on an opportunity to design the so called h-index in ProxyScopus for scholars of socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines from classical universities. This approach allows improving efficiency of budget allocation for universities as well as productivity of the scholars, but also meets principles of entrepreneurial university framework. The article materials can be of great interest for management of classical universities, state education agencies on education and science as well as scholars and experts in the field of management of entrepreneurial universities

    Становление социологии тела во Франции: М. Мосс, А. Леруа-Гуран, К. Леви-Стросс, М. Фуко

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    Making the sociology of the body as an independent scientific discipline based on the work of the French social anthropology. Problematization of physicality in anthropology actually begins with the category of “techniques of the body”. This concept was first introduced in the scientific turnover by the French anthropologist and ethnographer Marcel moss. Described techniques are based on extensive ethnographic material on the basis of which he formulates two basic classifications. After Moss, the category of “techniques of the body” continues to develop his student Andre Leroy-Gourhan and exploring physicality through the lens of instrumentality. This article also presents a description of the work “Techniques of the body” by French ethnologist K. Levi-Stross and his overall assessment of the work of M. moss, with personal additions and comments.As previously indicated, the problematization of the “body”, founded by M. moss in anthropology, became the Foundation for building theories that work with physicality and in other disciplines. In the present work shows the transition on an interdisciplinary level. It is associated with the figure of the French philosopher, historian and sociologist Michel Foucault. The body in his concept considers as the object of power. Continuing the tradition established by its predecessors in the mainstream of anthropology, Foucault brings the issue of physicality to a new level, laying the foundations of the sociology of the body.Showing that the body is not just an appendage, but a full-fledged object of study, M. moss not only expanded the subject field of anthropology to include physicality, but also opened the opportunity to develop this category for sociology, linguistics, psychology, history, religion and other disciplines.Оформление социологии тела как самостоятельной научной дисциплины базируется на разработках представителей французской социальной антропологии. Проблематизация телесности в антропологии фактически начинается с категории “техники тела”. Данное понятие впервые введено в научный оборот французским антропологом и этнографом Марселем Моссом. Описанные им техники основываются на обширном этнографическом материале, на основании которого он формулирует две базовые классификации. Вслед за Моссом, категорию “техники тела” продолжает развивать его ученик Андре Леруа-Гуран и изучает телесность через призму инструментальности. В данной статье также представлены характеристика работы “Техники тела” французским этнологом К. Леви-Строссом и его общая оценка творчества М. Мосса с личными дополнениями и комментариями.Как было указано, проблематизация “тела”, заложенная М. Моссом в антропологии, стала фундаментом для построения теорий, работающих с телесностью и в других дисциплинах. В настоящей работе показывается данный переход на междисциплинарный уровень. Он связан с фигурой французского философа, историка и социолога М. Фуко. Тело в его концепции рассматривается в качестве объекта власти. Продолжая традицию, заложенную его предшественниками в русле антропологии, Фуко выводит проблематику телесности на новый уровень, заложив основы социологии тела.Показав, что тело — это не просто придаток, а полноценный и самостоятельный объект исследования, М. Мосс не только расширил предметное поле антропологии, включив туда телесность, но и открыл возможность развития данной категории для социологии, лингвистики, психологии, истории религии и других дисциплин

    Presentations in Lectures to Prompt Innovations in Higher Education

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    Considering the rich experience of using multimedia presentations as a teaching tool in higher education, in order to introduce new approaches and develop a methodology, there is a need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing practices, in particular to identify the emotional attitude of university students to existing lectures and presentations in the educational process and determine relevant opportunities to improve the practice of using interactive and visual educational tools.The empirical basis of the study was the results of a survey of students of 2–4 undergraduate courses at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 2019–2020 academic year. The survey involved 404 respondents. To process the obtained data, we used the Google Forms and Microsoft Office Excel programs, general scientific methods (comparison, generalization), statistical analysis methods, as well as content analysis.The empirical study showed a high level of student satisfaction with the volume and effectiveness of multimedia presentations used in the educational process, and also confirmed the theoretical ideas about the advantages and limitations of linear form presentations that dominate in the educational environment. Critical remarks included design errors, oversaturation of visual material, activity out of sync, and flaws in speaker behavior. Among the new techniques for working with presentation materials, photographing slides was noted. An important observation was the students’ request for self-sufficient visual materials of lectures and access to them.Prospects and opportunities for transforming familiar lectures and the learning environment as a whole were identified taking into account the existing experience of presentations at the university; ways of solving the problems with students’ perception and acquisition of material are proposed and specific recommendations are given for organizing a wide range of classes with visual and interactive components, today these are, first of all, remote online courses (MOOC, e-learning) and new forms of organization classroom activities (“flipped classroom”)

    Efficacy and safety of various brimonidine formulations in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension

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    Purpose. To present data on the mechanism of action, efficacy, and side effects of various brimonidine dosage forms in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.Material and methods. To perform the review, literature sources were searched through the PubMed and Scopus databases up to and including 2021, using the keywords «brimonidine», «efficacy», «safety», «glaucoma medication». A total of 36 articles related to the topic of the review were selected. The beginning of publications on this topic dates back to 1995.Results. Brimonidine, an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist, effectively reduces intraocular pressure and can be used as monotherapy, adjuvant and replacement therapy. The effectiveness of brimonidine is similar to that of timolol and prevails over betaxolol but inferior to prostaglandin analogues. The new drug formulation brimonidine-purite 0.15% has a more favorable safety and tolerability profile than the original brimonidine 0.2% while maintaining similar efficacy. However, most patients require two or more hypotensive medications to maintain target IOP. In this context, brimonidine is one of the most appropriate drugs because of its pr oven efficacy when combined with other classes of hypotensive drugs.Conclusion. Brimonidine can be used as monotherapy for glaucoma and ophthalmic hypertension. Experimental and clinical studies have shown a potential neuroprotective effect of brimonidine, which is associated with a direct effect on retinal cells, regardless of the effect of the drug on intraocular pressure


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    This article provides an overview of modern methods for the study microcirculation in patients in normal and various vascular diseases of the lower extremities. The information can be used to further study the microvasculature in various states.В настоящей статье представлен обзор современных методов изучениямикроциркуляции у пациентов в норме и при различных окклюзирующих заболеваниях артерий нижних конечностей с целью выявления наиболее эффективных и достоверных малоинвазивных методов диагностики облитерирующих заболеваний артерий нижних конечностей. Представленная информация может быть использована для дальнейшего изучения микроциркуляторного русла при различных состояниях. Была проанализирована отечественная и зарубежная литература по соответствующей тематике. Были проанализированы результаты применения капилляроскопии для оценки микроциркуляторного русла у пациентов разного профиля