411 research outputs found

    Scalar and tensorial topological matter coupled to (2+1)-dimensional gravity:A.Classical theory and global charges

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    We consider the coupling of scalar topological matter to (2+1)-dimensional gravity. The matter fields consist of a 0-form scalar field and a 2-form tensor field. We carry out a canonical analysis of the classical theory, investigating its sectors and solutions. We show that the model admits both BTZ-like black-hole solutions and homogeneous/inhomogeneous FRW cosmological solutions.We also investigate the global charges associated with the model and show that the algebra of charges is the extension of the Kac-Moody algebra for the field-rigid gauge charges, and the Virasoro algebrafor the diffeomorphism charges. Finally, we show that the model can be written as a generalized Chern-Simons theory, opening the perspective for its formulation as a generalized higher gauge theory.Comment: 40 page

    Hamiltonian analysis of SO(4,1) constrained BF theory

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    In this paper we discuss canonical analysis of SO(4,1) constrained BF theory. The action of this theory contains topological terms appended by a term that breaks the gauge symmetry down to the Lorentz subgroup SO(3,1). The equations of motion of this theory turn out to be the vacuum Einstein equations. By solving the B field equations one finds that the action of this theory contains not only the standard Einstein-Cartan term, but also the Holst term proportional to the inverse of the Immirzi parameter, as well as a combination of topological invariants. We show that the structure of the constraints of a SO(4,1) constrained BF theory is exactly that of gravity in Holst formulation. We also briefly discuss quantization of the theory.Comment: 9 page

    The spectrum of states of Ba~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole formed by a collapsing dust shell

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    We perform canonical analysis of an action in which 2+1-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant is coupled to cylindrically symmetric dust shell. The resulting phase space is finite dimensional having geometry of SO(2; 2) group manifold. Representing the Poisson brackets by commutators results in the algebra of observables which is a quantum double D(SL(2)q). Deformation parameter q is real when the total energy of the system is below the threshold of a black hole formation, and a root of unity when it is above. Inside the black hole the spectra of the shell radius and time operator are discrete and take on a finite set of values. The Hilbert space of the black hole is thus finite-dimensional.Comment: 8 page

    MacDowell-Mansouri gravity and Cartan geometry

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    The geometric content of the MacDowell-Mansouri formulation of general relativity is best understood in terms of Cartan geometry. In particular, Cartan geometry gives clear geometric meaning to the MacDowell-Mansouri trick of combining the Levi-Civita connection and coframe field, or soldering form, into a single physical field. The Cartan perspective allows us to view physical spacetime as tangentially approximated by an arbitrary homogeneous "model spacetime", including not only the flat Minkowski model, as is implicitly used in standard general relativity, but also de Sitter, anti de Sitter, or other models. A "Cartan connection" gives a prescription for parallel transport from one "tangent model spacetime" to another, along any path, giving a natural interpretation of the MacDowell-Mansouri connection as "rolling" the model spacetime along physical spacetime. I explain Cartan geometry, and "Cartan gauge theory", in which the gauge field is replaced by a Cartan connection. In particular, I discuss MacDowell-Mansouri gravity, as well as its more recent reformulation in terms of BF theory, in the context of Cartan geometry.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures. v2: many clarifications, typos correcte

    Kinematics of a relativistic particle with de Sitter momentum space

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    We discuss kinematical properties of a free relativistic particle with deformed phase space in which momentum space is given by (a submanifold of) de Sitter space. We provide a detailed derivation of the action, Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion for such free particle. We study the action of deformed relativistic symmetries on the phase space and derive explicit formulas for the action of the deformed Poincare' group. Finally we provide a discussion on parametrization of the particle worldlines stressing analogies and differences with ordinary relativistic kinematics.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, no figure
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