125 research outputs found
Conceptuation method for innovation acceleration
De conceptuation methode maakt gebruik van technieken die het creatief denken van ondernemers stimuleert en benut. Deze technieken zijn afgeleid uit de âtheorie van creatief problemen oplossenâ (CPS) en de âtheorie van inventief denkenâ (TRIZ). De conceptuation methode maakt gebruik van de creatieve denkkracht van multidisciplinaire teams samengebracht in een âversnellingskamerâ waarbij een creatieve uitdager en een creatieve begeleider de verschillende denkvermogens van de deelnemers aanspreken en benutten
Die Flora und Vegetation der AltwÀsser im unteren Hasetal : mit 21 Tabellen
In der Vegetationsperiode 1984 wurde die aktuelle Flora und Vegetation von 28 AltwĂ€ssern der unteren Hase zwischen Herzlake und Meppen untersucht. Die Flora wurde anhand einer Artenliste dokumentiert, aufgeschlĂŒsserl nach Fundorten. Einige seltene Arten wurden gesondert behandelt: Potamogeton x undulatus, Carex aquatilis, Rumex palustris und Stratiotes aloides. Carex aquatilis konnte erstmals fĂŒr das untere Hasetal nachgewiesen werden. Mit dem Vorkommen im Hase-Altarm bei Wester erreicht sie nach dem derzeitigen Erkenntnisstand die SĂŒdgrenze ihres Areals in Mitteleuropa. Die Flora des Gebietes zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Anteil an Arten und Pflanzengesellschaften aus, die fĂŒr Niedersachsen als gefĂ€hrdet angesehen werden. Jedoch verhindert das trĂŒbbraune Wasser eine groĂflĂ€chige Entwicklung submerser Makrophyten.In the 1984 growing season the flora and vegetation present on 28 ox-bow lakes on the lower Hase between Herzlake .and Meppen (Lower Saxony) were investigated. The flora of individual ox-bow lakes was recorded in a species list. Some rare species were recorded se parately: Potamogeton x undulatus, Carex aquatilis, Rumex palustris and Stratiotes aloides. Carex aquatilis was identified in the lower Hase valley for the first time. This is the southern most point in its distribution in Middle Europe. The flora of the mapped area was characterised by a high percentage of species and plant sociological groups listed as endangered in Lower Saxony. Never the less, the brown turbid water of the ox-bow lakes prevents a expansive developement of submersed macrophytes
Unpacking change to inform intimate partner violence prevention: Exploring couplesâ processes of change and the influence of intervention and social network factors in Uganda
Background and aims:
Intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention ultimately hinges on change at the level of the
household where relationships are conducted. There is little research examining the
process of relational change among couples with a history of IPV following exposure to a
community level IPV prevention intervention, particularly in low-income settings. This
thesis aims to fill this gap by examining how relational change occurred (or did not) among
couples in Uganda exposed to SASA!, a community mobilization intervention aimed to
prevent IPV and HIV. The study first explores relationship change processes among couples
exposed to the intervention. Secondly, it examines the key aspects of the intervention and
social network factors that influenced these changes, illuminating the pathways through
which the intervention diffused.
This thesis comprises: i) a methodological examination of qualitative dyadic (couple) data
collection and analysis; ii) a qualitative study of couples exposed to the SASA! intervention
using in-depth interviews to examine processes of relationship change; iii) a mixed
methods analysis of the influence of intervention and social network factors in the diffusion
of new ideas and behaviour around intimate relationships and IPV.
Findings & Conclusions:
Through examining relationship trajectories from both partnerâs perspectives the sphere in
which IPV occurs comes through clearly, revealing the common challenges couples faced,
how they were shaped by gender roles and, also, how they were able to change, preventing
IPV. Change is possible through key community-level interventions working with both men
and women that generate hope and belief in an alternative way of achieving fulfilling
relationships and family life. This includes providing simple tools to improve relationships
and local change agents to support change, all within the context of a wider community
that is changing together, generating new norms in the process. Thus, the IPV prevention
field may benefit from the inclusion of relationship education/skills and support for both
men and women at the community level
Pharmacokinetics of Quinapril and its Active Metabolite Quinaprilat During Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97278/1/j.1552-4604.1990.tb01857.x.pd
NuProTex nutritious protein textures:a food future project
Fish and vegetable protein sources are relatively underutilized for human consumption in comparison to meat, dairy and egg protein sources. Only part of the available fish proteins is used: fish is to small for human consumption and fish has a high proportion of by-products, up to 50% of fish weight is not used. This project aims to develop products and processes for creating healthy high valued consumer products based upon vegetable proteins and fish/crustacean proteins from by-products or from neglected fish. Three innovative processes are developed: 1) Iso-electric solubilization and precipitation of fish/crustacean proteins from by-products, 2) Networked vegetable/fish protein textures based upon low moisture extrusion processes 3) Fibrous vegetable/fish protein textures produced with high moisture extrusion processes. Two innovative processes are applied: 1) Food products with water-oil-water emulsions with isolated fish proteins 2) Food products with sous-vide prepared fish fillets in semi industrial context. Different consumer product prototypes will be developed like fish nuggets, fish flakes and fish crackers. The Nuprotex project created successfully two new processes. Hanzehogeschool developed the process for fish protein isolation based upon iso electric solubilization and precipitation. With this process it was possible to recover about 15% weight of additional proteins from fish by-products. Please be aware that the yield of fish fillets from the fish is only about 30% of fish weight. So this is an important increase in food grade proteins! These Isolated Fish Proteins are successfully converted into several consumer prototype products like multiple emulsions for savory liquid products and fish cake/cracker applications. A sous-vide cooking process for fish fillets was developed with respect to microbial safety. It was shown that a microbial safe route could be developed, however further research is necessary to confirm these preliminary results. DIL has developed successfully an high moisture extrusion process for isolated fish proteins, grinded fish by products and vegetable proteins. This semi-finished product is successfully applied by for developing deep fried fish nuggets and fish burgers. DIL produced fish pellets which are suitable for applications as fish feed as is demonstrated in actual trials. Further research must demonstrate the quality of the feed product in actual growth experiments with fish. This project has clearly demonstrated that it is possible to produce with fish by-products added value consumer products. A possible increase of food-grade fish protein of about 15% on fresh weight base of processed fish is possible
Panarchy as adaptation paradigm in the anthropocene
Panarchy is the paradigm of transition and change. Panarchy is the paradigm where small actions can have major effects for better or worse. It is to expect the unexpected. Panarchy holds the promise of positively changing the Anthropocene. By being prepared we can anticipate upon unexpected emerging phenomena which can be used as leverage for creating change.rue change is by transformative learning which transforms our sets of assumptions and expectations, our frames of reference (mindsets, habits of mind and meaning perspectives) Art&Design, artists, designers and philosophers are, by there very nature, capable of changing our frames of reference and thereby create opportunities for true change and adaptation
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