1,975 research outputs found

    Discovery of the Orbit of the Transient X ray Pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545

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    Using X-ray data from the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), we carried out pulse timing analysis of the transient X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545. An outburst was detected by All Sky Monitor (ASM) October 25 1999 and reached a peak X-ray brightness of 27 mCrab October 28. Between November 19 and December 27, the RXTE/PCA carried out pointed observations which provided us with pulse arrival times. These yield an eccentric orbit (e= 0.4 \pm 0.2) with an orbital period of 12.68 \pm 0.25 days and light travel time across the projected semimajor axis of 72 \pm 6 sec. The pulse period was measured to be 358.62171 \pm 0.00088 s and the spin-up rate (2.50 \pm 0.15) \times 10^{-13} Hz s^{-1}. The ASM data for the February to September 1997 outburst in which BeppoSAX discovered SAX J2103.5+4545 (Hulleman, in't Zand and Heise 1998) are modulated at time scales close to the orbital period. Folded light curves of the 1997 ASM data and the 1999 PCA data are similar and show that the intensity increases at periastron passages.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    STRING and STITCH: known and predicted interactions between proteins and chemicals

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    Information on protein-protein and protein-chemical interactions is essential for understanding cellular functions. The STRING and STITCH web resources integrate interaction evidence derived from pathways, automatic literature mining, primary experimental data, and genomic context. The resulting interaction networks cover 1.5 million proteins from 373 organisms and 68,000 chemicals

    A comprehensive study of infrared OH prompt emission in two comets. I. Observations and effective g-factors

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    We present high-dispersion infrared spectra of hydroxyl (OH) in comets C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) and C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), acquired with the Near Infrared Echelle Spectrograph at the Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Most of these rovibrational transitions result from photodissociative excitation of H_2O giving rise to OH "prompt" emission. We present calibrated emission efficiencies (equivalent g-factors, measured in OH photons s^(-1) [H_2O molecule]^(-1)) for more than 20 OH lines sampled in these two comets. The OH transitions analyzed cover a broad range of rotational excitation. This infrared database for OH can be used in two principal ways: (1) as an indirect tool for obtaining water production in comets simultaneously with the production of other parent volatiles, even when direct detections of H_2O are not available; and (2) as an observational constraint to models predicting the rotational distribution of rovibrationally excited OH produced by water photolysis

    Phosphorylation of Sli15 by Ipl1 is important for proper CPC localization and chromosome stability in <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em>

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    The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) is a key regulator of eukaryotic cell division, consisting of the protein kinase Aurora B/Ipl1 in association with its activator (INCENP/Sli15) and two additional proteins (Survivin/Bir1 and Borealin/Nbl1). Here we have identified multiple sites of CPC autophosphorylation on yeast Sli15 that are located within its central microtubule-binding domain and examined the functional significance of their phosphorylation by Ipl1 through mutation of these sites, either to non-phosphorylatable alanine (sli15-20A) or to acidic residues to mimic constitutive phosphorylation (sli15-20D). Both mutant sli15 alleles confer chromosome instability, but this is mediated neither by changes in the capacity of Sli15 to activate Ipl1 kinase nor by decreased efficiency of chromosome biorientation, a key process in cell division that requires CPC function. Instead, we find that mimicking constitutive phosphorylation of Sli15 on the Ipl1 phosphorylation sites causes delocalization of the CPC in metaphase, whereas blocking phosphorylation of Sli15 on the Ipl1 sites drives excessive localization of Sli15 to the mitotic spindle in pre-anaphase cells. Consistent with these results, direct interaction of Sli15 with microtubules in vitro is greatly reduced either following phosphorylation by Ipl1 or when constitutive phosphorylation at the Ipl1-dependent phosphorylation sites is mimicked by aspartate or glutamate substitutions. Furthermore, we find that mimicking Ipl1 phosphorylation of Sli15 interferes with the 'tension checkpoint'--the CPC-dependent mechanism through which cells activate the spindle assembly checkpoint to delay anaphase in the absence of tension on kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Ipl1-dependent phosphorylation of Sli15 therefore inhibits its association with microtubules both in vivo and in vitro and may negatively regulate the tension checkpoint mechanism

    Network motifs: structure does not determine function

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    BACKGROUND: A number of publications have recently examined the occurrence and properties of the feed-forward motif in a variety of networks, including those that are of interest in genome biology, such as gene networks. The present work looks in some detail at the dynamics of the bi-fan motif, using systems of ordinary differential equations to model the populations of transcription factors, mRNA and protein, with the aim of extending our understanding of what appear to be important building blocks of gene network structure. RESULTS: We develop an ordinary differential equation model of the bi-fan motif and analyse variants of the motif corresponding to its behaviour under various conditions. In particular, we examine the effects of different steady and pulsed inputs to five variants of the bifan motif, based on evidence in the literature of bifan motifs found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (commonly known as baker's yeast). Using this model, we characterize the dynamical behaviour of the bi-fan motif for a wide range of biologically plausible parameters and configurations. We find that there is no characteristic behaviour for the motif, and with the correct choice of parameters and of internal structure, very different, indeed even opposite behaviours may be obtained. CONCLUSION: Even with this relatively simple model, the bi-fan motif can exhibit a wide range of dynamical responses. This suggests that it is difficult to gain significant insights into biological function simply by considering the connection architecture of a gene network, or its decomposition into simple structural motifs. It is necessary to supplement such structural information by kinetic parameters, or dynamic time series experimental data, both of which are currently difficult to obtain

    Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Indenyl tris-N-Pyrrolyl Phosphine Complexes of Ruthenium

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    The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of new ruthenium complexes of the tris-N-pyrrolyl phosphine ligand P(pyr)3 is described. The new ruthenium complexes [RuCl(ind)(PPh3){P(pyr)3}] and [RuCl(ind){P(pyr)3}2] (ind = indenyl ligand η5-C9H7−) were synthesized in 73% and 63% isolated yield, respectively, by thermal ligand exchange of [RuCl(ind)(PPh3)2] with P(pyr)3. The electronic and steric properties of the new complexes were studied through analysis of the X-Ray structures and through cyclic voltammetry. The new complexes [RuCl(ind)(PPh3){P(pyr)3}] and [RuCl(ind){P(pyr)3}2] and the known complex [RuCl(ind)(PPh3)2}] differed only slightly in their steric properties, as seen from the comparable bond lengths and angles around the ruthenium center. The oxidation potentials of [RuCl(ind)(PPh3){P(pyr)3}] and [RuCl(ind){P(pyr)3}2] are +0.34 and +0.71 Volt vs. Cp2Fe0/+, which are substantially higher than that of [RuCl(ind)(PPh3)2] (−0.023 V), which is in accordance with the enhanced π-acidity of the P(pyr)3 ligand. The new complexes are catalytically active in the etherification of propargylic alcohols and in the first ruthenium-catalyzed formation of known and new xanthenones from propargylic alcohols and diketones (18 to 72 h at 90 °C in ClCH2CH2Cl or toluene, 1-2 mol-% catalyst, 69-22 % isolated yields)

    University fashion show: Best practices to showcase student work.

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    The university catwalk is often used as a promotional tool by programs to highlight their student designers. This panel will discuss the different types of fashion shows held at their own school and look at different business models which keep them going. Discussion topics will include: the goal of the fashion show, fundraising, garment selection, sponsorships, ticket prices, locations, audience, diversity/ethical considerations for models, sustainability, getting publicity, obtaining a venue, theme/branding, photography, developing a relationship between the students producing the show and the student designers, etc. We will also touch on motivating students, student roles and communication techniques. Some schools also extend their fashion show through museum exhibits or displays highlighting the best of show. Schools also differ on whether they offer a course on fashion show productions or if it is a student-led and run production. Panelists include a student who produced the fashion show at her school as an undergraduate for a different perspective on the discussion. We will also speak about whether the traditional fashion show model is needed in an era of social media.Design, Housing and Merchandisin