28 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in \u3cem\u3eTetrahymena thermophila\u3c/em\u3e

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    The only well-characterized study of gene expression in Tetrahymena thermophila (1) demonstrates that the temperature dependent expression of the Ser H3 gene is regulated at the level of mRNA stability. A run-on transcription assay was developed to determine if regulation of RNA stability was a major mechanism regulating gene expression in Tetrahymena or if transcriptional regulation dominates. The relative transcriptional activities of 14 Tetrahymena genes were determined in different physiological/developmental states (growing, starved and conjugating) in which many of the genes showed striking differences in RNA abundance. In every case except Ser H3, changes in transcription accompanied changes in RNA abundance. Thus differential transcription, not differential RNA degradation, is the major mechanism regulating RNA abundance in Tetrahymena

    The Transition of Poised RNA Polymerase II to an Actively Elongating State Is a “Complex” Affair

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    The initial discovery of the occupancy of RNA polymerase II at certain genes prior to their transcriptional activation occurred a quarter century ago in Drosophila. The preloading of these poised complexes in this inactive state is now apparent in many different organisms across the evolutionary spectrum and occurs at a broad and diverse set of genes. In this paper, we discuss the genetic and biochemical efforts in S. cerevisiae to describe the conversion of these poised transcription complexes to the active state for productive elongation. The accumulated evidence demonstrates that a multitude of coactivators and chromatin remodeling complexes are essential for this transition

    Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in Tetrahymena thermophila

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    The only well-characterized study of gene expression in Tetrahymena thermophila (1) demonstrates that the temperature dependent expression of the Ser H3 gene is regulated at the level of mRNA stability. A run-on transcription assay was developed to determine if regulation of RNA stability was a major mechanism regulating gene expression in Tetrahymena or if transcriptional regulation dominates. The relative transcriptional activities of 14 Tetrahymena genes were determined in different physiological/developmental states (growing, starved and conjugating) in which many of the genes showed striking differences in RNA abundance. In every case except Ser H3, changes in transcription accompanied changes in RNA abundance. Thus differential transcription, not differential RNA degradation, is the major mechanism regulating RNA abundance in Tetrahymena

    Protein–protein interaction map for yeast TFIID

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    A major rate-limiting step in transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II is recognition and binding of the TATA element by the transcription factor TFIID. TFIID is composed of TATA binding protein (TBP) and approximately a dozen TBP-associated factors (TAFs). Emerging consensus regarding the role of TAFs is that TFIID assumes a gene specific activity that is regulated by interaction with other factors. In spite of many studies demonstrating the essential nature of TAFs in transcription, very little is known about the subunit contacts within TFIID. To understand fully the functional role of TAFs, it is imperative to define TAF–TAF interactions and their topological arrangement within TFIID. We performed a systematic two-hybrid analysis using the 13 essential TAFs of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TFIID complex and TBP. Specific interactions were defined for each component, and the biological significance of these interactions is supported by numerous genetic and biochemical studies. By combining the interaction profiles presented here, and the available studies utilizing specific TAFs, we propose a working hypothesis for the arrangement of components in the TFIID complex. Thus, these results serve as a foundation for understanding the overall architecture of yeast TFIID

    Spn1 Regulates the Recruitment of Spt6 and the Swi/Snf Complex during Transcriptional Activation by RNA Polymerase II▿ †

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    We investigated the timing of the recruitment of Spn1 and its partner, Spt6, to the CYC1 gene. Like TATA binding protein and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), Spn1 is constitutively recruited to the CYC1 promoter, although levels of transcription from this gene, which is regulated postrecruitment of RNAPII, are low. In contrast, Spt6 appears only after growth in conditions in which the gene is highly transcribed. Spn1 recruitment is via interaction with RNAPII, since an spn1 mutant defective for interaction with RNAPII is not targeted to the promoter, and Spn1 is necessary for Spt6 recruitment. Through a targeted genetic screen, strong and specific antagonizing interactions between SPN1 and genes encoding Swi/Snf subunits were identified. Like Spt6, Swi/Snf appears at CYC1 only after activation of the gene. However, Spt6 significantly precedes Swi/Snf occupancy at the promoter. In the absence of Spn1 recruitment, Swi/Snf is constitutively found at the promoter. These observations support a model whereby Spn1 negatively regulates RNAPII transcriptional activity by inhibiting recruitment of Swi/Snf to the CYC1 promoter, and this inhibition is abrogated by the Spn1-Spt6 interaction. These findings link Spn1 functions to the transition from an inactive to an actively transcribing RNAPII complex at a postrecruitment-regulated promoter