3 research outputs found

    The possibilities of the use of monoacylglycerols in PVC blends for non-softed PVC foils

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    Byly sledovány rozdíly ve zpracovatelnosti PVC směsí, součástí jejichž receptury byly monoglyceroly kyseliny kaprinové, laurové, palmitové a stearové. Výsledky zkoušek byly porovnány se zpracovatelností PVC směsí obsahujících ve funkci vnitřního a vnějšího maziva komerční parciální estery glycerolu.The differences in workability of PVC blends contained monoglycerol esters of capric, caprinic, lauric, palmitic and stearic acids were monitored. The results of testing were compared with those obtained using PVC blends containing commercial partial esters of glycerol as internal and external lubricants

    Factors affecting a dissipation of plasticizers during the gelatination

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    In this study has been watched the influence of the type of polymer and plasticizer on viscosity of PVC plastisols for coating. We have given attention to a migration of plasticizer through gelatination and after completed gelatination. It has been shown, that the type of used plasticizer and used polymer can influence the processing properties of plastisols, while type of used plasticizer has principal signification from standpoint of migration of plasticizer

    Influence of mixture and conditions of gelatination on properties of expanded PVC foils

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    The article describ es preparation of expanded PVC foils from PVC pastes by applying the blowing agent Unicel D 200A. Experimentally, effects of the type polymer and plasticizer have been proved, applied by preparation of the mixture and influence of gelatination on the foam structure