4,109 research outputs found

    Reflection factorizations of Singer cycles

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    Abstract. The number of shortest factorizations into reflections for a Singer cycle inGLn(Fq) is shown to be (q n − 1) n−1. Formulas counting factorizations of any length, and counting those with reflections of fixed conjugacy classes are also given. Résumé. Nous prouvons que le nombre de factorisations de longueur minimale d’un cycle de Singer dans GLn(Fq) comme un produit de réflexions est (q n −1) n−1. Nous présentons aussi des formules donnant le nombre de factorisations de toutes les longueurs ainsi que des formules pour le nombre de factorisations comme produit de réflexions ayant des classes de conjugaison fixes

    Three-dimensional modeling of acoustic backscattering from fluid-like zooplankton

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2002. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111 (2002): 1197-1210, doi:10.1121/1.1433813.Scattering models that correctly incorporate organism size and shape are a critical component for the remote detection and classification of many marine organisms. In this work, an acoustic scattering model has been developed for fluid-like zooplankton that is based on the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) and that makes use of high-resolution three-dimensional measurements of the animal's outer boundary shape. High-resolution computerized tomography (CT) was used to determine the three-dimensional digitizations of animal shape. This study focuses on developing the methodology for incorporating high-resolution CT scans into a scattering model that is generally valid for any body with fluid-like material properties. The model predictions are compared to controlled laboratory measurements of the acoustic backscattering from live individual decapod shrimp. The frequency range used was 50 kHz to 1 MHz and the angular characteristics of the backscattering were investigated with up to a 1° angular resolution. The practical conditions under which it is necessary to make use of high-resolution digitizations of shape are assessed.This work was supported in part by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Education Office

    A case-matched study of neurophysiological correlates to attention /working memory in people with somatic hypervigilance

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    Accepted 14 June 2016Somatic hypervigilance describes a clinical presentation in which people report more, and more intense, bodily sensations than is usual. Most explanations of somatic hypervigilance implicate altered information processing, but strong empirical data are lacking. Attention and working memory are critical for information processing, and we aimed to evaluate brain activity during attention/working memory tasks in people with and without somatic hypervigilance. Method: Data from 173 people with somatic hypervigilance and 173 controls matched for age, gender, handedness, and years of education were analyzed. Event-related potential (ERP) data, extracted from the continuous electroencephalograph recordings obtained during performance of the Auditory Oddball task, and the Two In A Row (TIAR) task, for N1, P2, N2, and P3, were used in the analysis. Between-group differences for P3 amplitude and N2 amplitude and latency were assessed with two-tailed independent t tests. Between-group differences for N1 and P2 amplitude and latency were assessed using mixed, repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with group and Group × Site factors. Linear regression analysis investigated the relationship between anxiety and depression and any outcomes of significance. Results: People with somatic hypervigilance showed smaller P3 amplitudes—Auditory Oddball task: t(285) = 2.32, 95% confidence interval, CI [3.48, 4.47], p = .026, d = 0.27; Two-In-A-Row (TIAR) task: t(334) = 2.23, 95% CI [2.20; 3.95], p = .021, d = 0.24—than case-matched controls. N2 amplitude was also smaller in people with somatic hypervigilance—TIAR task: t(318) = 2.58, 95% CI [0.33, 2.47], p = .010, d = 0.29—than in case-matched controls. Neither depression nor anxiety was significantly associated with any outcome. Conclusion: People with somatic hypervigilance demonstrated an event-related potential response to attention/working memory tasks that is consistent with altered information processing.Carolyn Berryman, Vikki Wise, Tasha R. Stanton, Alexander McFarlane and G. Lorimer Mosele

    Reflection factorizations of Singer cycles

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    The number of shortest factorizations into reflections for a Singer cycle in GLn(Fq)GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q) is shown to be (qn−1)n−1(q^n-1)^{n-1}. Formulas counting factorizations of any length, and counting those with reflections of fixed conjugacy classes are also given

    Correlation of Cochlear Pathology with Auditory Brainstem and Cortical Responses in Cats with High Frequency Hearing Loss

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    Newborn kittens were treated with the aminoglycoside amikacin to produce a bilateral high frequency cochlear hearing loss. The degree and stability of hearing loss were confirmed by recording auditory brainstem evoked potentials (ABR audiograms). After maturation, cochleotopic frequency representation within primary auditory cortex (Al) was mapped using standard microelectrode recording techniques. The cochlear sensory epithelium was assessed with SEM and the pattern of damage compared with the ABR audiograms and cortical frequency maps. Amikacin treatment resulted in various patterns of haircell damage towards the base of the cochlea. A relatively abrupt transition between damaged and undamaged haircell regions resulted in an ABR audiogram with normal threshold to low frequencies and a high frequency elevation with a steep cut-off slope. In the cortical map, low frequency representation was normal, but anterior areas contained only neurons tuned to a common frequency which corresponded to the frequency-place position of the boundary of the haircell lesion and to the cut-off frequency of the audiogram. A large transitional zone of the cochlear lesion correlated with a gradual cut-off slope to the audiogram and again a remapping of the anterior and normally high frequency area to a common lower frequency. Haircell loss or damage (i.e. disarray of stereocilia) in lower frequency regions of the cochlea correlated with a significant reorganization of the lower frequency bands in the cortical map. We conclude from this study that the pattern of cochleotopic organization of the cortex is dependent on the pattern of activity in the ascending sensory pathway during early stages of development

    Assessment of regional asymmetry of the face before and after surgical correction of unilateral cleft lip

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    This study was carried out on 26 unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) cases with mean age 3.6 ± 0.7 months.3D facial images were captured for each infant 2–3 days before the repair of cleft lip and at 4 months following surgery at a mean age of 8.2 ± 1.8 months, using a stereophotogrammetry imaging system. An iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm was used to superimpose the 3D facial model to its mirror image using VRMesh software. After the superimposition, the face model was divided into seven anatomical regions. Asymmetry of the entire face and of the anatomical regions was calculated by measuring the absolute distances between the 3D facial surface model and its mirror image. Colour maps were used to illustrate the patterns and magnitude of the facial asymmetry before and after surgery. There were significant decreases in the asymmetry scores for the nose, upper lip and the cheeks as a result of the surgical repair of cleft lips. Surgery did not change the magnitude of the asymmetry scores for the lower lip and chin. The main outcome of the findings of this innovative study is to inform the required surgical refinement of primary repair of cleft lip in order to minimise facial asymmetry and to guide secondary corrective surgery. We have presented a sensitive tool that could be used for comparative analysis of lip repair at various cleft centres
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