7,082 research outputs found

    Perceived vocal morbidity in a problem asthma clinic

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    <p>Aims: Asthma treatment has the potential to affect patients' voices. We undertook detailed characterisation of voice morbidity in patients attending a problem asthma clinic, and we determined how patients' perceptions related to objective assessment by an experienced observer.</p> <p>Methods: Forty-three patients took part in the study. Subjects completed the self-administered voice symptom score (VoiSS) questionnaire and underwent digital voice recording. These voice recordings were scored using the grade–roughness–breathiness–asthenicity–strain system (GRBAS). Laryngoscopy was also performed.</p> <p>Results: The median VoiSS was 26 (range three to 83). VoiSS were significantly lower in the 17 patients with normal laryngeal structure and function (range four to 46; median 22), compared with the 26 patients with functional or structural laryngeal abnormality (range three to 83; median 33) (95 per cent confidence intervals for difference 0.0–21.0; p = 0.044). The overall grade score for the GRBAS scale did not differ between these two groups, and only 13 patients had a GRBAS score of one or more, recognised as indicating a voice problem. There were positive correlations between related GRBAS score and voice symptom score subscales. Although voice symptom scores were significantly more abnormal in patients with structural and functional abnormalities, this score performed only moderately well as a predictive tool (sensitivity 54 per cent; specificity 71 per cent). Nevertheless, the voice symptom score performed as well as the more labour-intensive GRBAS score (sensitivity 57 per cent; specificity 60 per cent). Patients' inhaled corticosteroid dose (median dose 1000 ”g beclomethasone dipropionate or equivalent) had a statistically significant relationship with their overall grade score for the GRBAS scale (r = 0.56; p < 0.001), but not with their VoiSS. Only one patient had evidence of laryngeal candidiasis, and only two had any evidence of abnormality suggesting steroid-induced myopathy.</p> <p>Conclusions: Vocal morbidity is common in patients with asthma, and should not be immediately attributed to steroid-related candidiasis. The VoiSS merits further, prospective validation as a screening tool for ENT and/or speech and language therapy referral in patients with asthma.</p&gt

    Comparing verbal media for alarm handling: Speech versus textual displays

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    The rise of computers in command and control domains has meant that control operations can be performed via desk-based visual display terminals. This trend has also produced the potential to display information to operators in a variety of formats. Of particular interest has been the use of text-based displays for alarm presentation. There are possible limitations to the use of text for alarm presentation, not least of which is the need for a dedicated alarms display screen (or, at least, a display page). Given the capability of computers to synthesize speech, it is possible that speech-based alarms could generate the same information as text-based displays without the need for dedicated screen space. In this paper an experimental comparison of speech-based and text-based displays for presentation of alarms is reported. The findings show that speech leads to longer response times than text displays, but that it has minimal effect on the efficacy of fault handling. The results are discussed within the alarm initiated activities framework and implications for alarm system design are outlined

    Reliability of perceptions of voice quality: evidence from a problem asthma clinic population

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    <p>Introduction: Methods of perceptual voice evaluation have yet to achieve satisfactory consistency; complete acceptance of a recognised clinical protocol is still some way off.</p> <p>Materials and methods: Three speech and language therapists rated the voices of 43 patients attending the problem asthma clinic of a teaching hospital, according to the grade-roughness-breathiness-asthenicity-strain (GRBAS) scale and other perceptual categories.</p> <p>Results and analysis: Use of the GRBAS scale achieved only a 64.7 per cent inter-rater reliability and a 69.6 per cent intra-rater reliability for the grade component. One rater achieved a higher degree of consistency. Improved concordance on the GRBAS scale was observed for subjects with laryngeal abnormalities. Raters failed to reach any useful level of agreement in the other categories employed, except for perceived gender.</p> <p>Discussion: These results should sound a note of caution regarding routine adoption of the GRBAS scale for characterising voice quality for clinical purposes. The importance of training and the use of perceptual anchors for reliable perceptual rating need to be further investigated.</p&gt

    A measurement of the vibrational band strength for the upsilon sub 3 band of the HO2 radical

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    The HO2 radicals generated in a discharge-flow system were observed with tunable diode laser absorption in the P-branch of the nu(3) vibrationall band at 1080/cm. The observed line positions agree with those calculated from the molecular constants for the nu(3) bland obtained from a previous study using laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The band strength was determined by observing line center absoptions when HO2 is produced in the reaction F + H2O2 yields HO2 + HF (k1) with a measured concentration of atomic fluorine and excess hydrogen peroxide. F-atom concentrations are measured by diode laser absorption of the spin-orbit transition at 404/cm. The analysis accounts for HO2 losses due to the reactions of HO2 + HO2 yields H2O2 + O2 (k3) and F + HO2 yields HF + O2 (k4). The line strength for the 6(15) 7(16) F(1) transition is 2.9 x 10 to the 21st power sq cm/molecule/cm which corresponds to a nu(3) band strength of 34 +/- 9 sq/cm(STP atm). This value is a factor of 6 lower than previous ab initio calculations. These results will be useful in assessing the feasibility of atmospheric measurements of HO2 using infrared absorption techniques

    Optical guidance vidicon test program

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    A laboratory and field test program was conducted to quantify the optical navigation parameters of the Mariner vidicons. A scene simulator and a camera were designed and built for vidicon tests under a wide variety of conditions. Laboratory tests characterized error sources important to the optical navigation process and field tests verified star sensitivity and characterized comet optical guidance parameters. The equipment, tests and data reduction techniques used are described. Key test results are listed. A substantial increase in the understanding of the use of selenium vidicons as detectors for spacecraft optical guidance was achieved, indicating a reduction in residual offset errors by a factor of two to four to the single pixel level

    Automatic holographic droplet analysis for liquid fuel sprays

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    The basic scheme for automated holographic analysis involves an optical system for reconstruction of the three dimensional real image of the droplet field, a spatial scanning system to transport a digitizing X-y image sensor through the real image, and processing algorithms for droplet recognition which establish the droplet sizes and positions. The hardware for system demonstrated includes the expanded and collimated beam from a 5 mW helium-neon laser for hologram reconstruction, an imaging lens for magnification of the real image field, and a video camera and digitizer providing 512-by-512 pixel resolution with 8-bit digitization. A mechanical stage is used to scan the hologram in three dimensional space, maintaining constant image magnification. A test droplet hologram is used for development and testing of the image processing algorithms

    Task analysis for error identification: Theory, method and validation

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    This paper presents the underlying theory of Task Analysis for Error Identification. The aim is to illustrate the development of a method that has been proposed for the evaluation of prototypical designs from the perspective of predicting human error. The paper presents the method applied to representative examples. The methodology is considered in terms of the various validation studies that have been conducted, and is discussed in the light of a specific case study

    Nucleotide polymorphisms and an improved PCR-based mtDNA diagnostic for parthenogenetic root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)

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    L'analyse de sĂ©quences de 2212 paires de bases provenant de six ADN mitochondriaux haplotypes trĂšs voisins de #Meloidogyne (Hugall et al., 1994) a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence douze sites nuclĂ©otidiens polymorphiques et une dĂ©lĂ©tion. En dĂ©pit de cette faible diversitĂ©, il existe assez de sites diffĂ©rents d'enzymes de restriction parmi ces sĂ©quences pour fournir des tests de diagnostic. En utilisant un choix de ces sites, il a Ă©tĂ© mis au point un test diagnostique multiplex fondĂ© sur l'amplification en chaĂźne par polymĂ©rase (PCR), test amplifiant simultanĂ©ment deux Ă©troites rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome mitochondrial, et digĂ©rant ensuite le produit par HinfI ou MnlI. Ce test diagnostique permet d'identifier les haplotypes - mĂȘme en mĂ©lange - prĂ©sents chez #M. arenaria, #M. incognita, #M. javanica et #M. hispanica, ainsi que chez #M. hapla et #M. chitwoodi. Ce nouveau test reprĂ©sente une amĂ©lioration par rapport aux tests PCR sur DNA mitochondrial appliquĂ©s aux #Meloidogyne en ce sens qu'il permet la discrimination entre un plus grand nombre d'espĂšces et de races (par ex. : races de #M. arenaria vis-Ă -vis de #M. javanica) ; de plus, des produits plus rĂ©duits Ă©tant amplifiĂ©s, ce test est de ce fait plus robuste. Ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement mis au point des amorces amplifiant une rĂ©gion de 63 paires de bases en nombre variable de rĂ©pĂ©titions en tandem. Les schĂ©mas de zonation qui en rĂ©sultent permettent de diffĂ©rencier les isolats Ă  l'intĂ©rieur des haplotypes d'enzymes de restriction et peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour vĂ©rifier l'identitĂ© des isolats de nĂ©matodes maintenus en Ă©levage. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
