39 research outputs found

    Procena uticaja bakterijske i mineralne fertilizacije na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of an application of different rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.) on chemical composition and yield of the maize green biomass (without spikes) on acid Eutric Cambisol during the two growing seasons: 2006 and 2008. Unfertilized soil was used as a control. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in biomass samples were determined three times during the maize vegetation season, as follows: stage of intensive growth, milk-waxy maturity stage and full maturity stage. Measuring of the green biomass yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results of the study showed that the use of high rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants resulted in increased contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in the maize biomass during the both study years, which was noticeably observed in the stage of intensive growth. The highest increase in the biomass yield was obtained by the same mentioned treatments, although the combination of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers resulted in higher yields comparing to the application of lower rates of the pure mineral nutrients. The data suggest that the studied bacterial inoculants can be used in further investigations as the potential agents of new biofertilizers for improved maize production and other agriculture crops in animal nutrition.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni uticaj primene različitih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihovih kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima (azotofiksirajuće bakterije Klebsiella planticola i Enterobacter spp.) na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza na kiselom eutričnom kambisolu tokom dve vegetacione sezone: 2006 i 2008. Neđubreno zemljiÅ”te je služilo kao kontrola. Sadržaj azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u uzorcima biomase su određivani tri puta tokom vegetativne sezone kukuruze, i to: u fazi intenzivnog porasta, fazi mlečno-voÅ”tane zrelosti i fazi pune zrelosti. Merenje prinosa zelene biomase obavljeno je krajem vegetacije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je primena visokih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihova kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima uticala na povećanje sadržaja azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u biomasi kukuruza tokom obe godine istraživanja, Å”to je naročito izraženo u fazi njegovog intenzivnog porasta. Najveći porast prinosa biomase je dobijen na istim navedenim varijantama, a isto tako je i primena kombinacije bakterijskih inokulanata i manjih doza mineralnih đubriva rezultirala većim prinosima u odnosu na primenu manjih doza čistih mineralnih hraniva. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da se ispitivani bakterijski inokulanti mogu koristiti u daljim istraživanjima kao potencijalni agenti novih biofertilizatora u cilju poboljÅ”anja proizvodnje kukuruza i drugih poljoprivrednih kultura u ishrani životinja

    Biohemijske karakteristike sojeva Streptococcus suis izolovanih iz zdravih i obolelih svinja

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    The aim of this study was to determine the biochemical properties of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and deceased pigs. For this research we tested 34 S. suis strains isolated from deceased pigs that had clinical signs of septicemia and meningitis, as well as from clinically healthy pigs. The strains that have been already confirmed with specific antisera were tested using commercial battery of biochemical tests (API 20 Strep and ID 32 Strep) to determine the dominant biochemical characteristics that can be used in diagnosis of bacterial infection if specific S. suis antisera are not available. The main results showed that all S. suis strains were postive in esculine, trehalose, glycogen, lactose, sacharose, starch, leucine aminopeptidase, alanine-phenyl-alanine-proline arylamidase tests, while negative in Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, ribose, arabinose and sorbitol tests. S. suis strains were in high percentage positive in arginine dihydrolase, Ī²-glucoronidase, Ī±-galactosidase, Ī²-galactosidase, methyl-Ī²-d- glucopyranoside, glycyl-tryptophan arylamidase and inulin tests. Athough S. suis is in highly positive in some tests, it can be concluded that Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, trehalose, esculine tests, along with Ī²-glucoronidase (Ī²GUR) and Ī±-galactosidase (Ī±GAL), were significant in differentiation of this bacteria from other similar streptococci, along with some other crucial features (a hemolysis on blood sheep agar, absence of growth in 6,5% NaCl broth).Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde biohemijske osobine sojeva S. suis. U ovom istraživanju biohemijski smo testirali 34 soja S. suis koji su izolovani kod uginulih svinja koje su prethodno pokazivale kliničke znake septikemije i meningitisa kao i od klinički zdravih svinja. Sojevi koji su potvrđeni specifičnim antiserumima su testirani komercijalnim nizom testova (API 20 Strep and ID 32 Strep) da bi se definisale njihove biohemijske osobine koje se mogu koristiti pri dijagnozi ukoliko specifični antiserumi nisu na raspolaganju. Svi sojevi S. suis u ovom istraživanju su bili pozitivni u testovima razlaganja eskulina, trehaloze, glikogena, laktoze, saharoze, skroba, u leucin aminopeptidaza, alanin-fenil-alanin prolin arilamidaza testovima, i negativni u Voges-Proskauer, hipurat, riboza, arabinoza i sorbitol testovima. Takođe, S. suis je u visokom procentu pozitivan u arginin dihidrolaza, Ī²-glukoronidaza, Ī±-galaktozidaza, Ī²-galaktozidaza, methil- Ī²-d-glukopiranozid, glicil-triptofan arilamidaza i inulin testovima. Iako je S. suis često pozitivan u nekim testovima može se zaključiti da su osim već poznatih karakteristika ove bakterije (Ī± hemoliza na krvnom agaru sa ovčijom krvi, odsustvo rasta u bujonu sa 6,5% NaCl) Voges-Proskauer, hipurat , trehaloza i eskulin testovi zajedno sa Ī²-glukoronidaza i Ī±-galaktozidaza testovima najznačajniji u diferencijaciji ove od drugih sličnih streptokoka

    Biochemical characteristics of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and deceased pigs

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    The aim of this study was to determine the biochemical properties of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and deceased pigs. For this research we tested 34 S. suis strains isolated from deceased pigs that had clinical signs of septicemia and meningitis, as well as from clinically healthy pigs. The strains that have been already confirmed with specific antisera were tested using commercial battery of biochemical tests (API 20 Strep and ID 32 Strep) to determine the dominant biochemical characteristics that can be used in diagnosis of bacterial infection if specific S. suis antisera are not available. The main results showed that all S. suis strains were postive in esculine, trehalose, glycogen, lactose, sacharose, starch, leucine aminopeptidase, alanine-phenyl-alanine-proline arylamidase tests, while negative in Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, ribose, arabinose and sorbitol tests. S. suis strains were in high percentage positive in arginine dihydrolase, Ī²-glucoronidase, Ī±-galactosidase, Ī²-galactosidase, methyl-Ī²-d- glucopyranoside, glycyl-tryptophan arylamidase and inulin tests. Athough S. suis is in highly positive in some tests, it can be concluded that Voges-Proskauer, hipurate, trehalose, esculine tests, along with Ī²-glucoronidase (Ī²GUR) and Ī±-galactosidase (Ī±GAL), were significant in differentiation of this bacteria from other similar streptococci, along with some other crucial features (a hemolysis on blood sheep agar, absence of growth in 6,5% NaCl broth)

    The effect of sires on daily gain and fat thickness

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    The production characteristics of fatteners in this paper were examined in two farms of pigs in the Republic of Serbia. The research included 1166 pigs of both genders (female animals and male castrated heads) with various genotypes. Research examined influence of sire breed, sire within sire breed, gender of the pigs and the mass at the end of the fattening on the following characteristics of the fatteners: Daily gain of the warm carcass side mass (PTP), rump fat thickness (DSK), backfat thickness (DSL) and sum of the fat thickness rump+back (DSKL). The pigs in this research come from the following sires: Large White (LW), Swedish Landrace (SL), Duroc and Crossbreed H Ɨ D. Data processing was done using the Harvey computer program. It was determined that all the involved effects in the model show a different level of influence on the researched traits (P lt 0.05; P lt 0.01; P lt 0.001), whereas only one factor, sire within sire breed H Ɨ. D does not influence the expression of the characteristic gain of the warm carcass side mass (P > 0.05)

    Efekat folijarne ishrane na prinos zrna soje

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of foliar fertilization on quantitative traits (plant height, first pod height, number of nodes per plant, number of pods per plant, number of grain per plant, grain yield per plant, 1000-grain weight and grain yield) in two soybean cultivars (Balkan and Bečejka). Studied cultivars belong to different maturity groups (Balkan - I and Bečejka - 0). Four treatments of fertilization were tested: control (no fertilization), Urea (46 kg N ha-1), Urea (46 kg N ha-1) + Wuxal super (5 l ha-1) and Urea (46 kg N ha-1) + Ferticare I (5 kg ha-1). Wuxal super and Ferticare I were foliar applied two times at the R2-R3 growth stage. The field experiments were carried out in dry land farming in the region of Vojvodina province at location Putinci (45Ā° 00' N Lat., 19Ā° 58' E Long.), during the years 2007 and 2008. In both research years, Balkan had higher values for all investigated traits than Bečejka. Results showed that foliar fertilizers significantly increased the values for all quantitative traits. Ferticare I is more effective than Wuxal super in soybean because this fertilizer has higher concentration of macronutrients. Foliar fertilization of soybean reduced the negative impact of small amounts of rainfall during the summer months on grain yield.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se oceni efekat folijarne ishrane na kvantitativne osobine (visina biljke, visine prve mahune, broj nodusa po biljci, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po biljci, prinos zrna po biljci, masa 1000 zrna i prinos zrna) dve sorte soje (Balkan i Bečejka). Ispitivane sorte pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (Balkan - I, Bečejka - 0). Upoređivane su četiri tretmana ishrane biljaka: kontrola, Urea (46 kg N ha-1), Urea (46 kg N ha-1) + Wuxal super (5 l ha-1) i Urea (100 kg ha- 1) + Ferticare I (5 kg ha-1). Wuxal super i Ferticare I primenjeni su folijarno u R2- R3 fazi rastenja i razvića soje. Ogledi su izvedeni u suvom ratarenju u Vojvodini na lokaciji Putinci (45Ā° 00' SGÅ , 19Ā° 58' IGD) tokom 2007. i 2008. godine. U obe godine istraživanja sorta Balkan je imala veće vrednosti za sve ispitivane osobine nego Bečejka. Rezultati su pokazali da je folijarna ishrana značajno povećala vrednosti svih ispitivanih kvantitativnih osobina. ViÅ”i prinosi postignuti su primenom Ferticare I nego primenom Wuxal super jer sadrži veću koncentraciju makroelemenata. Folijarno prihranjivanje soje umanjilo je negativan uticaj malih količina padavina tokom letnjih meseci na prinos zrna

    Genetička varijabilnost klijanaca crvene deteline u odnosu na soni stres

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    Red clover is highly salt-sensitive plant, especially during germination and early seedling growth stages. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of different saline conditions (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200mM NaCl) on germination and early seedling growth in four red clover varieties (Kolubara, K-32, K-17 and K-39). Germination test was conducted in the laboratory conditions using sterile plastic vessels on filter paper moistened with 10ml of the appropriate salt test solutions. It was observed that the germination energy (GE), germination (G), percentage of dead or infected seeds (DIS), normal seedlings (NS), root length (RL), shoot length (ShL), fresh weight (FW) and dry weight of seedling (DW) and seedling vigor index (SVI) were significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium. The tested varieties of red clover showed different NaCl tolerance at the seedling stage. Generally, studied red clover varieties are very sensitive to salt, especially K-32 which has the lowest values for GE, G, NS and SVI and highest for DIS. Variety K-17 proved to be a variety that the best tolerates conditions of salt stress because the values for GE, G, NS, RL and SVI were highest. Testing of varieties of red clover in the early seedling growth at different concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium could be helpful in the identification and selection of varieties for cultivation on saline soils.Crvena detelina je vrlo osetljiva biljka na veću koncentarciju soli, posebno tokom klijanja i rane faze porasta klijanaca. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se proceni uticaj različite zaslanjenosti (0, 50, 100, 150 i 200mM NaCl) na klijanje i rani porast klijanaca četiri sorte crvene deteline (Kolubara, K-32, K-17 i K-39). Test klijavosti sproveden je u laboratorijskim uslovima u sterilnim plastičnim posudama na filter papiru natopljenom sa 10 ml odgovarajuće koncentracije soli. Uočeno je da energija klijanja (EK), klijavost (K), neklijala i bolesna semena (NB), normalni klijanci (NK), dužina korena (DK), dužina hipokotila (DH), sveža (SvMK) i suva masa klijanaca (SuMK) i vigor indeks klijanaca (VIK) se značajno smanjuju sa povećanjem koncentracije NaCl u podlogama za naklijavanje. Ispitivane sorte imale su različitu toleranciju na soni stres u fazi klijanaca. Generalno, proučavane sorte su veoma osetljive na veću koncentraciju soli, posebno K-32 koja je imala najniže vrednosti za EK, K, NK i VIK, kao i najveći broj NB. Sorta K-17 se pokazala kao sorta koja najbolje toleriÅ”e soni stres jer su vrednosti za EK, K, NK, DK i VIK bile najviÅ”e. Testiranje sorti crvene deteline u ranom porastu klijanaca na podlogama za naklijavanje sa različitom koncentracijom NaCl može pomoći u indentifikaciji i izboru sorti za gajenje na zaslanjenim zemljiÅ”tima

    Carcass quality of chickens of different conformation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of conformation of chickens of different genotype on the yield of breast meat. As a typical example of the chickens of very poor conformation pure breed Naked neck chickens were taken, fattened 8 and 10 weeks (groups K8 and K10). As an example of good conformation, an imported hybrid of chickens was taken, known for its broiler qualities and as medium growing hybrid, Red Bro (R). The second experiment included commercial hybrids of fast growth (Ross, Cobb and Hubbard) reared according to all technological standards of intensive fattening until the age of 42 days. The results obtained were contrary to the conclusion obtained a few decades ago, at the beginning of the study the conformation of chicken, by Scots and Darrow (1953), according to which the selection of chickens of heavy type, despite the fact that, to some extent, it had improved meat yield of the breast, did not significantly improve slaughter traits of fattening chickens, confirming that better conformation and higher body weight had a positive impact on improving relative share of breast, i.e. white meat. The results regarding the slaughter traits of chicken genotypes of different conformation suggest that breeding - selection work to improve the conformation of broilers significantly improved slaughter yields and breast meat yield. In this sense, the conformation can be treated as an indicator of the slaughter value of carcasses, rather than an aesthetic category

    Genetic variability of red clover seedlings in relation to salt stress

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    Red clover is highly salt-sensitive plant, especially during germination and early seedling growth stages. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of different saline conditions (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200mM NaCl) on germination and early seedling growth in four red clover varieties (Kolubara, K-32, K-17 and K-39). Germination test was conducted in the laboratory conditions using sterile plastic vessels on filter paper moistened with 10ml of the appropriate salt test solutions. It was observed that the germination energy (GE), germination (G), percentage of dead or infected seeds (DIS), normal seedlings (NS), root length (RL), shoot length (ShL), fresh weight (FW) and dry weight of seedling (DW) and seedling vigor index (SVI) were significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium. The tested varieties of red clover showed different NaCl tolerance at the seedling stage. Generally, studied red clover varieties are very sensitive to salt, especially K-32 which has the lowest values for GE, G, NS and SVI and highest for DIS. Variety K-17 proved to be a variety that the best tolerates conditions of salt stress because the values for GE, G, NS, RL and SVI were highest. Testing of varieties of red clover in the early seedling growth at different concentrations of NaCl in the growing medium could be helpful in the identification and selection of varieties for cultivation on saline soils

    Effect of foliar fertilization on soybean grain yield

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of foliar fertilization on quantitative traits (plant height, first pod height, number of nodes per plant, number of pods per plant, number of grain per plant, grain yield per plant, 1000-grain weight and grain yield) in two soybean cultivars (Balkan and Bečejka). Studied cultivars belong to different maturity groups (Balkan - I and Bečejka - 0). Four treatments of fertilization were tested: control (no fertilization), Urea (46 kg N ha-1), Urea (46 kg N ha-1) + Wuxal super (5 l ha-1) and Urea (46 kg N ha-1) + Ferticare I (5 kg ha-1). Wuxal super and Ferticare I were foliar applied two times at the R2-R3 growth stage. The field experiments were carried out in dry land farming in the region of Vojvodina province at location Putinci (45Ā° 00' N Lat., 19Ā° 58' E Long.), during the years 2007 and 2008. In both research years, Balkan had higher values for all investigated traits than Bečejka. Results showed that foliar fertilizers significantly increased the values for all quantitative traits. Ferticare I is more effective than Wuxal super in soybean because this fertilizer has higher concentration of macronutrients. Foliar fertilization of soybean reduced the negative impact of small amounts of rainfall during the summer months on grain yield

    The effect of crop density on yield of forage maize

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of crop density on the plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), number of leaves per plant (NL), forage yield hectare-1 (FY), dry matter yield hectare-1 (DMY), stem percentage (SP), leaf percentage (LP) and ear percentage (EP) in two maize hybrids of FAO maturity group 600 (ZP 684 and NS 6010). Field trials were carried out in rainfed farming in the Srem region (location Putinci: 44Ā° 59' 19' North and 19Ā° 58' 11' East) during years 2007 and 2008. Three crop densities were compared: G1 - 51,020 plants ha-1, G2 - 59,524 plants ha-1 and G3 - 71,429 plants ha-1 (corresponding to spacing of 70 Ɨ 28, 70 Ɨ 24, and 70 Ɨ 20 cm). Plots were organized as completely randomized block system design in four replications. PH (265.45 cm), SD (2.40 cm), FY (68.63 t ha-1) and DMY (24.63 t ha-1) were significantly higher in 2007 than in 2008 (261.78 cm, 2.32 cm, 61.17 t ha-1 and 21.04 t ha-1, respectively). Hybrid NS 6010 had significantly higher PH (266.23 cm), SD (2.39 cm) and NL (14.75) than hybrid ZP 684 (261.0 cm, 2.33 cm and 13.99, respectively). Increasing crop density significantly increased the PH, FY, DMY and SP, and significantly decreases the SD and EP. Therefore, crop density of 71,429 plants ha-1 (70 x 20 cm) can be recommended for growing hybrids of FAO 600 maturity group in climatic conditions of Srem in order to achieve high yields of forage and dry matter