56 research outputs found
Strategija bankarskog sektora u kontekstu održivog razvoja - perspektive Srbije
Održivi razvoj nudi viziju napretka koja integriÅ”e kratkoroÄne i dugoroÄne ciljeve,
lokalne i globalne aktivnosti koje se tiÄu socijalnih, ekonomskih i pitanja životne sredine kao
neodvojivih i meÄuzavisnih komponenti ljudskog napretka. U proces ostvarivanja održivog razvoja
ukljuÄuje se stanovniÅ”tvo, vladine i nevladine organizacije, kompanije, kao i celokupan finansijski
sektor. U ovom radu najviÅ”e pažnje se posveÄuje bankama, kao integralnom delu finansijskog sistema, i
ulogom koju menadžeri u bankama mogu preuzeti u implementaciji principa održivog razvoja.
Bankarstvo u kontekstu održivog razvoja može se definisati kao odluka banaka da kreiraju proizvode i
usluge koji ukljuÄuju druÅ”tvene i komponente zaÅ”tite životne sredine. Prikazane su najuticajnije
meÄunarodne inicijative i prakse koje banke orijentisane na održivi razvoj koriste, kao i uzroci
rastuÄeg znaÄaja ovog segmenta bankarstva u prethodnom periodu. Deskriptivnom analizom prikazane su
moguÄnosti i potencijali koje banke u Srbiji imaju u pogledu akcija usmerenih na postizanje ciljeva
održivog razvoja, pre svega kroz analizu Akcionog plana za sprovoÄenje Nacionalne strategije
održivog razvoja za period od 2009. do 2017. Godine. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na konkretne akcije koje
menadžment banke može da implementira u svoje strategije razvoja, uz poseban osvrt na sistem za
upravljanje druÅ”tvenom i životnom sredinom (social and environmental management system ā SEMS)
Overview of elements of national logistics system in the Republic of Serbia
There are various interpretations of the concept of national logistics. According to one of such interpretations, national logistics is a system which is comprised of resources, infrastructure and economy as its elements. This system functions in a general milieu set by the regulatory framework while interconnections of the system elements are established on the basis of mutual conditionality and interaction. Consideration of the elements of national logistics of a particular country renders the given term more concrete and specific features. This paper addresses the elements of the national logistics system of the Republic of Serbia. Thus, a general overview of the system concerned is being presented since an elaborate description is not possible within the given framework. Such a general overview of the elements of the national logistics system provides the basis for assessment of different systems in the country, from economic to security systems
Damage mechanism and barrier identification on hydrogen production unit using innovative methodology for risk assessment
In the oil and gas industry hydrogen is used in a large number of processes, mostly in hydroprocessing units such as hydrotreating, hydrocracking and other refining processes that increase the hydrogen-to-carbon ratio. To satisfy the need for H-2, refineries usually have a dedicated Hydrogen Production Unit (HPU). Given the wide range of processes that HPU supplies and the fact that cost of operation of this kind of unit is rather high, it stands to reason that any kind of interruption in unit operation will affect the whole refining process. From Risk Based Inspection (RBI) point of view, HPU can be a very challenging unit to deal with, primarily due to the wide range of operating processes conditions as well as different operating fluids. As a result of applying the innovative methodology for risk assessment, it is shown that significantly higher number of damage mechanisms are identified in regard to the number of damage mechanisms that would be identified by applying traditional methodology, due to the fact that both active and passive damage mechanisms are identified. Concept of barriers such as measures that are able to restrict, reduce or preferably eliminate damage mechanisms identified in HPU are introduced and discussed. Innovative methodology was successfully applied in the case of a refinery in the Middle East
Concepts of information warfare (operations) of the United States of America, China and Russia
The paper emphasises the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in modern society. In the introductory part of the paper, the authors describe different terms, such as āinformation environmentā, āinformation superiorityā, āinformation warfareā (IW), and āinformation operationsā (IO). The authors analyse the concepts of IW of the United States of America (US), China, and Russia. The mentioned research subject is directly related to the objective of the paper, aimed at emphasising and explaining strategic documents, manuals, handbooks, and other documents, given in the second part of the paper. The result of the research is the identification of similarities and differences in perceptions and views about information warfare. The authors conclude that at the present moment, all three countries are aware of the importance of information and ICT, especially in the case of armed conflict. The information space is increasingly an area of conflict between the mentioned countries, both in peace and in war. It is estimated that their importance will grow in the future. The advantage and dominance that the US used to have are decreasing in relation to the competitors
This paper proposes a new approach to determining the set of the most critical continuous-state components in continuous-state mechanical systems. Unlike traditional importance measures, which determine the criticality of individual components, our approach provides selection of the entire set of critical components. In addition, it enables determination of the minimal budget for achieving full or any required performance levelof the mechanical system. We start from the continuum structure function and the system state definition through minimal cut sets. The problem defined in this paper is formulated as a determination of a set of components whose states maximize the system performance level under the budget constraint. Further, we prove that the solution of the formulated problem can be obtained based on the solution to a weighted minimal hitting set problem. The proposed approach is applied to a group of benchmark instances and the obtained results are compared to componentsā rankings obtained by using traditional importance measures
Risk Based Approach to Integrity Assessment of a Large Spherical Pressure Vessel
The risk based approach has been applied, in its simplest form, i.e. by using the risk matrix to illustrate how the water proof test can shift risk from high to very high level in the case of large spherical pressure vessel (ammonia storage tank). Having in mind the basic definition of risk, being the product of the probability and consequence, and fixing the consequence at the highest level, only probability of unfavourable event (leakage and/or failure) has been evaluated. Toward this end, the failure assessment diagram (FAD) has been used here as another simple engineering tool to estimate probability of the failure, as the function of the position of the operating point, i.e. defming probability as the ratio between the distance of the operating point from the zero point, and the appropriate distance between the point on the limiting curve and zero point. This simple engineering tool to assess structural integrity showed clearly that water proof test is not always recommended, because it disregards possible stable growth of cracks, which might reach critical size for unstable growth, i.e. it does not prove that failure will not happen in future under the same conditions. Copyright (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V
Application of innovative risk assessment methodology for damage mechanisms identification on part of amine regeneration unit
When implementing the method for quantitative risk analysis, usually based on RBI (Risk Based Inspection), conditions which directly influence the identification of damage mechanisms are defined at the beginning of the analysis. Thus, conducted analysis applies to the exact parameters and very specific combinations of conditions and damage mechanisms. The question arises as to whether such an analysis and its results may represent initial data for some subsequent analysis that can be carried out in the following period, regardless of the reasons for the implementation. The extension of the methodology from the one shown in the ASME PCC 3 standard is to identify both active and passive/potential damage mechanisms and the conditions under which passive can be activated. This addition to the methodology is successfully applied in case of a Middle East refinery, and as a representative example, a typical amine regeneration unit present in all modern gas or oil refineries, specifically the part of the unit with lean amine, is shown
Application of innovative risk assessment methodology for damage mechanisms identification on part of amine regeneration unit
When implementing the method for quantitative risk analysis, usually based on RBI (Risk Based Inspection), conditions which directly influence the identification of damage mechanisms are defined at the beginning of the analysis. Thus, conducted analysis applies to the exact parameters and very specific combinations of conditions and damage mechanisms. The question arises as to whether such an analysis and its results may represent initial data for some subsequent analysis that can be carried out in the following period, regardless of the reasons for the implementation. The extension of the methodology from the one shown in the ASME PCC 3 standard is to identify both active and passive/potential damage mechanisms and the conditions under which passive can be activated. This addition to the methodology is successfully applied in case of a Middle East refinery, and as a representative example, a typical amine regeneration unit present in all modern gas or oil refineries, specifically the part of the unit with lean amine, is shown
Savremeno tumaÄenje pojma nacionalna logistika
There are many essentially similar interpretations of the concept of logistics in contemporary science. Interpretations are primarily concerned with the economic aspect and purpose of logistics. Definitions differ only according to the number of processes that are included or the way in which they could be managed. The similar situation is with the definitions of military logistics although they encompass greater number of various processes. There are not many definitions of national logistics in literature. Once definitions are found, they are related to national support to economy. In order to bridge the gap between the concept of logistics in the economic aspect and for the purpose of meeting logistical needs of the people, the armed forces, security sector and others involved in crises situations, the necessary coverage and content of the concept of national logistics in the broader sense has been reached on the basis of analysis of literature, relevant factors and their mutual relations. The research of the meaning of the concept has been done for the utmost practical reason - explanation of the importance and coverage of something that has to be managed in practice, that requires development of an appropriate strategy, planning, organising and developing regulatory framework in order to better prepare a country for the inevitable occurrence of crises situations and effective and efficient response in such case.Postoji mnogo, po suÅ”tini sliÄnih tumaÄenja pojma logistika u savremenoj nauci. TumaÄenja prvenstveno tretiraju privredni aspekt i svrhu logistike. Definicije se razlikuju samo prema broju procesa koji su obuhvaÄeni ili naÄinu kako bi se njima moglo upravljati. SliÄno je i sa definicijama vojne logistike i ako one obuhvataju veÄi broj razliÄitih procesa. U literaturi se ne može naÄi veliki broj definicija nacionalne logistike. I kada se naÄu, one se odnose na nacionalnu podrÅ”ku privredi. Zbog premoÅ”Äavanja jaza izmeÄu poimanja logistike u privrednom smislu i smislu zadovoljavanja logistiÄkih potreba naroda, vojske, bezbednosnih i drugih angažovanih sastava u kriznim situacijama, a na osnovu analize literature, relevantnih Äinilaca i meÄusobnih odnosa doÅ”lo se do neophodnog obuhvata i sadržaja pojma nacionalne logistike u Å”irem smislu. Istraživanje znaÄenja pojma raÄeno je iz krajnje praktiÄnog razloga - objaÅ”njavanja znaÄaja i obuhvata neÄega Äime u praksi treba upravljati, za Å”ta treba koncipirati odgovarajuÄu strategiju, planirati, organizovati i razviti regulatorni okvir kako bi se zemlja bolje pripremila za neumitni dolazak kriznih situacija i efektivan i efikasan odgovor u tom sluÄaju
Overview of elements of national logistics system in the Republic of Serbia
There are various interpretations of the concept of national logistics. According to one of such interpretations, national logistics is a system which is comprised of resources, infrastructure and economy as its elements. This system functions in a general milieu set by the regulatory framework while interconnections of the system elements are established on the basis of mutual conditionality and interaction. Consideration of the elements of national logistics of a particular country renders the given term more concrete and specific features. This paper addresses the elements of the national logistics system of the Republic of Serbia. Thus, a general overview of the system concerned is being presented since an elaborate description is not possible within the given framework. Such a general overview of the elements of the national logistics system provides the basis for assessment of different systems in the country, from economic to security systems
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