7 research outputs found

    Efeitos estéricos e eletrônicos de substituintes alquilas em catalisadores titanocênicos solúveis na polimerização sindioespecífica de estireno

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    Titanocenos são catalisadores solúveis conhecidos para a polimerisação estereoespecífica de olefinas pró-quirais como o estireno. Nesse trabalho descrevemos as relações entre as características do poliestireno e a estrutura do precursor do catalisador, de fato aqueles da família (RCp)2TiCl2 (R = H, etila, iso-propila, n-propila, sec-butila, n-butila, iso-amila e ciclohexila). Todos os catalisadores são ativos para a produção de poliestireno acima de zero graus centígrados. A sindiotaticidade dos polímeros são dependentes da cadeia lateral dos anéis aromáticos do titanoceno e da temperatura da polimerização. A relação entre os fatores estéricos e eletrônicos do precursor do catalisador e os produtos de polimerização são apresentados e discutidos.Titanocenes are known to be soluble, stereospecific catalysts for the polymerisation of prochiral olefins such as styrene. In this work we shall describe the relations between polystyrene cracteristics and the structure of the catalyst precursor, namely those of the family (RCp)2TiCl2 (R = H, ethyl, iso-propyl, n-propyl, sec-butyl, n-butyl, iso-amyl e ciclohexyl). All catalysts were found to be active for the production of polystyrene at temperatures above zero degrees centigrade. The syndiotacticity of the polymers were found to be dependent on the side chain at the aromatic rings of the titanocene, and onthe temperature of polymerisation. The relationship between steric and electronic factors within the catalyst precursors and the polymerisation products shall be presented and discussed

    Time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) study of some hafnium glycolate complexes

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    Time differential measurements of the 133-482 keV γ-γ angular correlation of 181Ta have been performed in solid hafnium complexes of the type [Hf(glycol)4] (glycol = p-chloromandelate, p-bromomandelate, b-naphthylglycolate and mandelate). The quadrupolar frequencies (ωQ) were found to increase within the series. This behaviour was explained by supposing a dissipation of electronic density at the metal level, caused by an increase in intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the complexes throughout the series studied. These results seem to agree with complementary data from IR spectroscopic studies. © 1988

    Niobium to alcohol mol ratio control of the concurring esterification and etherification reactions promoted by NbCl5 and Al2O3 catalysts under microwave irradiation

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    Alcohols and acids can be switched to produce ethers or esters by varying the alcohol to catalyst mol ratio, in a new etherification and esterification method using NbCl5/Al2O3 catalyst under ""solvent free"" conditions and promoted by MW (microwave) irradiation. A ""two sites"" mechanism for the reaction is proposed, in an attempt to clarify the tendency of the catalyst to be dependent on the alcohol alone during the esterification process. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tandem Transesterification–Esterification Reactions Using a Hydrophilic Sulfonated Silica Catalyst for the Synthesis of Wintergreen Oil from Acetylsalicylic Acid Promoted by Microwave Irradiation

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    SiO2–SO3H, with a surface area of 115 m2/g and pore volume of 0.38 cm3g−1, and 1.32 mmol H+/g was used as a 20% w/w catalyst for the preparation of methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil or MS) from acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). A 94% conversion was achieved in a microwave reactor over 40 min at 120 °C in MeOH. The resulting crude product was purified by flash chromatography. The catalyst could be reused three times

    The preparation of benzyl esters using stoichiometric niobium (V) chloride versus niobium grafted SiO2 catalyst: A comparison study

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    Two solvent free methods of a one-to-one alcohol/acid mol ratio synthesis of benzyl esters of the formic, acetic, benzoic, salicylic, nicotinic, and oxalic acids are described. The stoichiometric reactions used 1.5 mol ratio solid NbCl5 as the reagent and required from two to three hours for completion at room temperature; for the catalytic processes, NbCl5 was grafted directly, at room temperature, onto a silica gel of specific area of 507 m2g−1, produced from construction sand and sodium carbonate, forming a 5.4% Nb w/w SiO2-Nb gel with a specific area of 412 m2g−1. At 10% w/w catalyst/alcohol ratio, this SiO2-Nb catalyst gave similarly very good yields but required from 6 to 9 hours at the reflux temperature of the slurry. The catalyst could be re-used three times

    Catalytic Transformation of Triglycerides to Biodiesel with SiO<sub>2</sub>-SO<sub>3</sub>H and Quaternary Ammonium Salts in Toluene or DMSO

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    SiO2-SO3H, with a surface area of 115 m2·g−1, pore volumes of 0.38 cm3·g−1 and 1.32 mmol H+/g, was used as a transesterification catalyst. Triglycerides of waste cooking oil reacted with methanol in refluxing toluene to yield mixtures of diglycerides, monoglycerides and fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) in the presence of 20% (w/w) catalyst/oil using the hydrophilic sulfonated silica (SiO2-SO3H) catalyst alone or with the addition of 10% (w/w) co-catalyst/oil [(Bun4N)(BF4) or Aliquat 336]. The addition of the ammonium salts to the catalyst lead to a decrease in the amounts of diglycerides in the products, but the concentrations of monoglycerides increased. Mixtures of (Bun4N)(BF4)/catalyst were superior to catalyst alone or Aliquat 336/catalyst for promoting the production of mixtures with high concentrations of FAMEs. The same experiments were repeated using DMSO as the solvent. The use of the more polar solvent resulted in excellent conversion of the triglycerides to FAME esters with all three-catalyst media. A simplified mechanism is presented to account for the experimental results