16 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the secondary radiation impact on personnel during the dismantling of contaminated nuclear equipment

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    The article contains a numerical analysis of the secondary radiation contribution to the total radiation affecting the operational personnel during the dismantling activities of the contaminated equipment at a nuclear power plant. This study considers a widely applicable Monte Carlo particle transport code MCNPX and real Ignalina nuclear power plant records. A simplified albedo method is investigated in order to analyze the selected geometrical design cases. Additionally, the impact of the secondary radiation on the personnel dose was analyzed. The numerical MCNPX simulation allowed ascertaining the optimal distance between the source and the wall for the working personnel in closed rooms with contaminated equipment. The developed dose rate maps of the secondary radiation showed cross-sectional distribution of the dose rate inside the enclosed area

    Shielding analyses supporting the Lithium loop design and safety assessments in IFMIF-DONES

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    The assessment of radiation fields in the lithium loop pipes and dump tank during the operation were performed for International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO-Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) in order to obtain the radiation dose-rate maps in the component surroundings. Variance reduction techniques such as weight window mesh (produced with the ADVANTG code) were applied to bring the statistical uncertainty down to a reasonable level. The biological dose was given in the study, and potential shielding optimization is suggested and more thoroughly evaluated. The MCNP Monte Carlo was used to simulate a gamma particle transport for radiation shielding purposes for the current Li Systems’ design. In addition, the shielding efficiency was identified for the Impurity Control System components and the dump tank. The analysis reported in this paper takes into account the radiation decay source from and activated corrosion products (ACPs), which is created by d-Li interaction. As a consequence, the radiation (resulting from ACPs and Be-7) shielding calculations have been carried out for safety considerations

    Dose rates and specific activities of copper based materials irradiated during the TT plasma operation at JET

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    Before deuterium-tritium (DTE2), a new tritium campaign (TT) with the objective to validate the activities, dose rates for selected materials and OLTIS container components, as resulting from neutron irradiation at Joint European Torus (JET), is planned. This paper describes the activation and dose rate calculation performed for copper based materials irradiated throughout the foreseen TT plasma operation. Preparatory experiments and calculations are in progress for TT campaign to measure neutron flux spectrum at the irradiation position using dosimetry foils. In addition, the materials to be considered for irradiation during the TT campaign of the OLTIS were identified and analyzed in this study: Al-Bronze and CuCrZr. The neutron-induced activities and dose rates at shutdown were calculated by activation inventory code FISPACT-2010 using the neutron fluxes and spectra provided by the detailed MCNP5 neutron transport calculations. After the irradiation, the activities and dose rates are calculated at several cooling times after the end of irradiation. Highest dose rates the end of irradiation are attributed to Cu-64 radionuclide. Co-58 and Co-60 are the most dominant radionuclides during intermediate and long cooling periods. Highest activities are ascribed to Cu-64 at the beginning and Ni-63 at the end of investigation time.Comunidad Europea de la EnergĂ­a AtĂłmica. EURATOM - 2014-2018 y 2019-2020 - 63305

    Activities in Divertor Reflector and Linear Plates Using WCLL and HCPB Breeding Blanket Concepts

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    In fusion devices, such as European Demonstration Fusion Power Reactor (EU DEMO), primary neutrons can cause material activation due to the interaction between the source particles and the targeting material. Subsequently, the reactor’s inner components become activated. For safety and safe performance purposes, it is necessary to evaluate neutron-induced activities. Activities results from divertor reflector and liner plates are presented in this work. The purpose of liner shielding plates is to protect the vacuum vessel and magnet coils from neutrons. As for reflector plates, the function is to shield the cooling components under plasma-facing components from alpha particles, thermal effects, and impurities. Plates are made of Eurofer with a 3 mm layer of tungsten, while the water is used for cooling purposes. The calculations were performed using two EU DEMO MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particles) models with different breeding blanket configurations: helium-cooled pebble bed (HCPB) and water-cooled lithium lead (WCLL). The TENDL–2017 nuclear data library has been used for activation reactions cross-sections and nuclear reactions. Activation calculations were performed using the FISPACT-II code at the end of irradiation for cooling times of 0 s–1000 years. Radionuclide analysis of divertor liner and reflector plates is also presented in this paper. The main radionuclides, with at least 1% contribution to the total value of activation characteristics, were identified for the previously mentioned cooling times

    Analysis of the WCLL European demo blanket concept in terms of activation and decay heat after exposure to neutron irradiation

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    This comparative paper describes the activation and decay heat calculations for water-cooled lithium-lead performed part of the EURO fusion WPSAE programme and specifications in comparison to other European DEMO blanket concepts on the basis of using a three-dimensional neutronics calculation model. Results are provided for a range of decay times of interest for maintenance activities, safety and waste management assessments. The study revealed that water-cooled lithium-lead has the highest total decay heat at longer decay times in comparison to the helium-cooled design which has the lowest total decay heat. In addition, major nuclides were identified for water-cooled lithium-lead in W armour, Eurofer, and LiPb. In addition, great attention has been dedicated to the analysis of the decay heat and activity both from the different water-cooled lithium-lead blanket modules for the entire reactor and from each water-cooled lithium-lead blanket module separately. The neutron induced activation and decay heat at shutdown were calculated by the FISPACT code, using the neutron flux densities and spectra that were provided by the preceding MCNP neutron transport calculations

    WCLL Blanket Module Structure Variation Influence on Neutron Activation Inventories

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    Nuclear Analysis of High-Power LIEBE Molten Target at CERN for the Production of Radioisotopes

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    To enhance the production of short-lived isotopes, higher beam powers are sought, which require targets able to accommodate them. One such target prototype is a liquid metal target LIEBE, developed at CERN. In this paper, a simulation of the proton beam interaction with the LIEBE target is presented. Simulations were performed by a series of proton transport calculations using the MCNP Monte Carlo code. The latest LIEBE target MCNP input was created in high-fidelity geometry, and the FENDL-3.1 cross-section data library was used. Flux and dose rate maps in the LIEBE target obtained from the simulations are presented in the paper. The maximum obtained dose around the target is roughly 361 Sv/h for gamma rays and 214 Sv/h for neutrons. The 70 MeV–100 µA proton beam penetrates roughly 7 mm deep into the liquid eutectic lead–bismuth. Based on this, further required changes to the LIEBE target can be evaluated