83 research outputs found

    Comparison of gamma ray effects on EPROMs and E2PROMs

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    This paper compares the reliability of standard commercial Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) and Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (E2PROM) components exposed to gamma rays. The results obtained for CMOS-based EPROM (NM27C010) and E2PROM (NM93CS46) components provide the evidence that EPROMs have greater radiation hardness than E2PROMs. Moreover, the changes in EPROMs are reversible, and after erasure and reprogramming all EPROM components restore their functionality. On the other hand, changes in E2PROMs are irreversible. The obtained results are analyzed and interpreted on the basis of gamma ray interaction with the CMOS structure

    The influence of magnetic field shape on dielectric characteristics of vacuum switches

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    Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja oblika magnetnog polja u međukontaktnom prostoru u smislu degradacije kontakata tokom sklopnih operacija isklopa pod opterećenjem. U tom smislu statistički su analizirani rezultati merenja naizmeničnog probojnog napona i impulsnog probojnog napona. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni na komercijalnim prekidačima sa CuCr kontaktima. Parametri u eksperimentu bili su vrednost napona prilikom prekidanja struje i međukontaktno rastojanje. Ustanovljeno je da prekidači sa radijalnim magnetnim poljem u međukontaktnom prostoru trpe manje ireverzibilne promene tokom prekidanja nominalne struje i nominalne struje kratkog spoja.The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of the magnetic field shape in the inter-contact space in the context of contact degradation during the switching operation of circuit-breaking with current. The results of measuring the AC breakdown voltage and pulse breakdown voltage are statistically analyzed for that purpose. The experiments are carried out on the commercial switching elements with CuCr contact. The experiment parameters are the current breaking voltage value and inter-electrode distance. Results showed that switches with radial magnetic field suffer less irreversible changes during the breaking operation such as circuit-breaking with nominal current and circuit-breaking with short-circuit current

    Radiation effects in polycarbonate capacitors

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of neutron and gamma irradiation on the dissipation factor and capacitance of capacitors with polycarbonate dielectrics. The operation of capacitors subject to extreme conditions, such as the presence of ionizing radiation fields, is of special concern in military industry and space technology. Results obtained show that the exposure to a mixed neutron and gamma radiation field causes a decrease of capacitance, while the loss tangent remains unchanged

    The combined method for uncertainty evaluation in electromagnetic radiation measurement

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    Electromagnetic radiation of all frequencies represents one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influence. All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of electromagnetic radiation and the levels will continue to increase as technology advances. An electronic or electrical product should not generate electromagnetic radiation which may impact the environment. In addition, electromagnetic radiation measurement results need to be accompanied by quantitative statements about their accuracy. This is particularly important when decisions about product specifications are taken. This paper presents an uncertainty budget for disturbance power measurements of the equipment as part of electromagnetic radiation. We propose a model which uses a mixed distribution for uncertainty evaluation. The evaluation of the probability density function for the measurand has been done using the Monte Carlo method and a modified least-squares method (combined method). For illustration, this paper presents mixed distributions of two normal distributions, normal and rectangular, respectively

    Application of an additive-type mixed probability distribution to the analysis of radiation from a mixture of radioactive sources

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    This paper investigates the possibility of distinguishing between the effects of radiation coming from two or more radioactive isotopes, by using methods of statistical mathematics. The procedure uses a mixed distribution of an additive type. Mathematical treatment is demonstrated herein on an example of analysis of composite radiation from two radioactive sources

    Comparison of Gamma Ray Effects on EPROMs and E2PROMs

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    This paper compares the reliability of standard commercial Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) and Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (E2PROM) components exposed to gamma rays. The results obtained for CMOS-based EPROM (NM27C010) and E2PROM (NM93CS46) components provide the evidence that EPROMs have greater radiation hardness than E2PROMs. More over, the changes in EPROMs are reversible, and after erasure and reprogramming all EPROM components restore their functionality. On the other hand, changes in E2PROMs are irreversible. The obtained results are analyzed and interpreted on the basis of gamma ray interaction with the CMOS structure

    Comparison of experimental and simulated responses of TL and OSL dosimeters in poly-energetic and multi-directional photon radiation fields

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the energy and angular responses of thermoluminescent (LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P) and optically stimulated luminescent (Al2O3:C) dosimeters with experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. Nine radiation qualities, with mean energies ranging from 33 keV to 1.25 MeV, and five angles of incidence, between 0Ā° and 80Ā°, were used to conduct this analysis. The IEC 62387:2020 international radiation protection standard was used as the dosimeter response measure of quality. The experimental and simulated data exhibit that the dosimeter responses meet the standard's criteria, with certain exceptions on lower energies

    Mogućnosti poboljÅ”anja karakteristika solarnih ćelija-novi pristup

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    Sve veća potreba čovečanstva za energijom u svakom aspektu života, donela je, pored izuzetno brzog napretka tehničke civilizacije, a samim tim i uslova života ljudi i niz teÅ”koća. Do sada najčeŔće koriŔćena fosilna goriva dovodila su, a i sada dovode do veoma velike degradacije životne sredine, Å”to uz činjenicu da spadaju u neobnovljive izvore energije i da su dostupne količine ove vrste goriva ograničene, predstavlja glavne nedostatke. Iz tog razloga održivi razvoj i prelazak na obnovljive izvore energije su jedina moguća dugoročna perspektiva. Fotonaponska (PV) konverzija sunčeve energije u tom pogledu predstavlja jednu od najsavremenijih tehnologija koja omogućava primenu PV sistema za različite namene. MeƱutim, kao i drugi izvori energije i PV konverzija ima odreƱena ograničenja koja se u prvom redu odnose na relativno nisku efikasnost PV modula. Poslednjih godina, u svetskim razmerama, postoji uočljivo povećanje ulaganja u istraživanja i razvoj fotonaponske konverzije, kako bi se Å”to jeftinije i efikasnije proizvodile PV komponente i time bitno povećala njihova primena. U ovom radu prikazane su neke mogućnosti povećanja efikasnosti PV sistema, kako sa stanoviÅ”ta klasičnih (poluprovodničkih) modula i panela, tako i upotrebe novih materijala
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