4 research outputs found

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security

    Barriers to energy sustainability: A case study from Ukraine

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    Sustainability goals imply not only economic and environmental components, but also a social one. The energy business around the world is profitable and economically viable, but it does not always bring appropriate benefits to a society. Besides, some governments, instead of protecting the interests of the population, turn a blind eye and generate injustice in relation to some parts of society in collaboration with energy companies. This paper examines one of the cases when the authorities pursue an unfair policy and contribute to the growth of inequality in society through regulating the natural gas tariffs. The paper considers a case of natural gas consumption and its unfair taxation by the Ukrainian government, which the authors called “gas tax”. A statistical analysis of this case revealed that honest middle-income taxpayers (middle class) are at the most disadvantageous position because they have to pay for utilities at the highest price. The paper also discusses a number of challenges and ethical issues related to the payment of gas tax. All these challenges should become arguments for revising the gas tax, making it less painful for the people and fair

    Key Bases of Formation of the Vertically Integrated Structures in Food Industry

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    У статті розглянуто типи корпоративної інтеграції, умови та чинники вертикальної інтеграції. Досліджено процес еволюції теорії й практики інтеграції у харчовій галузі. Досліджено специфічні особливості сучасних інтеграційних процесів, що відбуваються в продовольчій сфері. Представлено аналіз позитивних та негативних сторін вертикальної інтеграції. Зроблено висновок щодо пріоритетності розвитку агропромислової інтеграції. The purpose of the article is to study the key bases of formation of vertically integrated structures in the food industry terms and agro features vertical integration in modern conditions of social and economic development of the country. Types of corporate integration, conditions and factors of vertical integration were considered in the article. The process of evolution of the integration of theory and practice in the food industry was investigated. Specific features of modern integration processes that taking place in the food sector were examined. The analysis of the positive and negative aspects of vertical integration was introduced in our research. We have proved the necessity, feasibility and priority of agro-industrial integration. It has been proven that the formation and operation of food systems is a phenomenon that requires attention from the state, the wording of the official position of the state on this phenomenon and development of appropriate policy regulation of agro-food units. It requires the further research of theoretical and practical issues in this area

    Human Resource Skill Adjustment in Service Sector: Predicting Dynamic Capability in Post COVID-19 Work Environment

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    The havoc caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on hospitality businesses across the world affected the human resource skills of the industry to the extent that managers and industry experts are still finding difficult how best to upgrade the skills of their workforce and enhance their capability to withstand future disruptions. It is based on this problem that this research investigated the effect of human resource skill adjustment on the dynamic capability of hospitality businesses in sub-Saharan Africa post the COVID-19 work environment. The study employed cross-sectional survey design with a total population of two hundred and twenty participants drawn from sixty hospitality businesses in the south-eastern part of Nigeria. Formulated research hypotheses were analysed with linear regression. The results of the research demonstrated that human resource skill adjustment predicted the dynamic capability of hospitality businesses. The study concludes that human resource skill adjustment measured with upskilling and reskilling methodologies predicted the dynamic capability. The implication of the finding is that managers and operators of hospitality businesses should implement human resource skill adjustment in all the functional areas of their management to enable each section or department to attain its goals equally, and enhance the dynamic capability of the industry