12 research outputs found

    Inovacije i rast ukupne faktorske produktivnosti u srpskoj poljoprivredi

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    The analysis of the total factor productivity (TFP) of Serbian agriculture is the main goal of this paper. To achieve it, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to calculate Malmquist productivity indices. Results showed that there was a significant TFP decline from 1999 to 2008 (annual mean TFP change was -4.6%) probably caused by transitional disturbances and agricultural reforms. On other hand, in the period after 2008 annual mean TFP change was 5%. This TFP growth is explained by technical change associated with the European integration process and better implementation of innovation. Therefore, it can be concluded that if technological change is generated by innovation, it could be a clear sign to agricultural policymakers to encourage investment in research and development, especially those research that has a positive impact on agricultural productivity growth and environmental performance such as organizational and information technology innovations. In addition, adequate investments in technology development can increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Serbia, which is especially important in the case of full integration with the EU market.Analiza ukupne faktorske produktivnosti (TFP) srpske poljoprivrede glavni je cilj ovog rada. Da bi se to postiglo, za izračunavanje Malmquistovih indeksa produktivnosti koristi se analiza omeđivanja podataka (DEA). Rezultati su pokazali da je doÅ”lo do značajnog pada TFP-a u razdoblju 1999. - 2008. (godiÅ”nja srednja promjena TFP-a bila je -4,6%), Å”to je vjerojatno uzrokovano tranzicijskim poremećajima i poljoprivrednim reformama. S druge strane, u razdoblju nakon 2008. godiÅ”nja srednja promjena TFP-a iznosila je 5%. Ovaj rast TFP-a objaÅ”njava se tehničkom promjenom povezanom s procesom europskih integracija i boljom implementacijom inovacija. Stoga se može zaključiti da ako se tehnoloÅ”ka promjena generira inovacijama, to bi mogao biti jasan znak kreatorima poljoprivredne politike da potaknu ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj, posebno ona istraživanja koja imaju pozitivan utjecaj na rast poljoprivredne produktivnosti i ekoloÅ”ke performanse kao Å”to su inovacije u organizacijske i informacijske tehnologije. Osim toga, adekvatna ulaganja u razvoj tehnologije mogu povećati konkurentnost poljoprivrednog sektora Srbije, Å”to je posebno važno u slučaju pune integracije s tržiÅ”tem EU


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    In this paper, profitability analysis of meat processing industry in Serbia was realized in period 2011-2015. Meat processing industry is one of the profitable sectors in the Republic of Serbia, with an average rate of ROA of 5.29. Even though companies in meat processing industry achieve positive net income, profitability is below referent value. In order to investigate which internal factors have a significant influence on the profitability of meat processing industry, a panel data regression was realized. The results show that companies with high liquidity ratio and growth in sales achieve better ROA. On the other side, high debt ratio negatively influences the level of ROA. Furthermore, the results show that the size of the company, fixed assets ratio and rate of investment, do not have an influence on the profitability of meat processing industry.U radu je sprovedena analiza profitabinosti mesne prerađivačke industrije u Srbiji u periodu 2011-2015. godina. Mesna prerađivačka industrija je profitabilna, uz ostvarivanje prosečne stope profitabilnosti od 5.29. I pored konstantnog poslovanja sa dobitkom, preduzeća u okviru ovog sektora ne uspevaju da ostvare referentni nivo profitabilnosti. U cilju ispitivanja koji interni faktori utiču na profitabilnost preduzeća u mesnoj prerađivačkoj industriji, sprovedena je regresiona analiza na bazi panel podataka. Rezultati ukazuju da preduzeća sa visokim raciom likvidnosti i pozitivnom stopom rasta prodaje ostvaruju bolju profitabilnost. Sa druge strane, visok stepen zaduženosti je negativno povezan sa stepenom profitabilnosti preduzeća. Dalje, rezultati su ukazali da veličina preduzeća, racio fiksne imovine i nivo investija ne predstavljau značajne faktore koji utiču na smer i intenzitet profiabilnosti mesne industrije u Srbiji


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    Transformations process in the agriculture of the West Balkans countries implied land reform and reconstruction of the agricultural holdings, rather privatization of the agricultural land and transformation of the agricultural structure. That process has had considerable influence on development performances of the agriculture ā€“ trend of production and labor and land productivity. Characteristics of the transition period in those countries are decrease of agricultural production and land productivity, and stagnation labor productivity, similarly in the other central and eastern European countries in transition

    An analysis of key indicators of rural development in Serbia: A comparison with EU countries

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    In accordance with the strategic aim of Serbia regarding European Union accession, harmonization with European Union rural development policy is an important issue for the creators of rural policy. Accordingly, the basic aim of this paper is to analyse the rural development level of Serbia in comparison to European Union countries, using multivariate statistical analysis. Factor analysis and cluster analysis are applied to extract three factors of rural development: the relative economic significance of rural areas, the general level of economic and agricultural development, and rural development. The results clearly show that Serbia has a lower level of rural development than European Union countries. Therefore defining adequate actions and mechanisms to achieve the policy aims of Serbian rural development is imperative


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    The concept of the rural development in the European Union, a "second pillar" of the Common Agricultural Policy, represents a reaction to the modernization paradigm which was dominant in the development of agriculture during the past several decades of the XX century. The current state in EU society and economy impose neccessary redefinition of rural areas against urban areas position as well as agricultural role in the rural regions. According to aspiration of Serbia and Montenegro for integration to EU, formulation of the rural development model and policy in Serbia should be harmonized with the EU rural development model. During the accession to EU Serbia must create adequate policy of the rural development with the development support projects for defined rural areas. It is neccessary to create appropriate social and economic conditions in the rural zone, with respect to local specifics and to categorize the rural areas according to the EU model

    Inovacije i rast ukupne faktorske produktivnosti u srpskoj poljoprivredi

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    The analysis of the total factor productivity (TFP) of Serbian agriculture is the main goal of this paper. To achieve it, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to calculate Malmquist productivity indices. Results showed that there was a significant TFP decline from 1999 to 2008 (annual mean TFP change was -4.6%) probably caused by transitional disturbances and agricultural reforms. On other hand, in the period after 2008 annual mean TFP change was 5%. This TFP growth is explained by technical change associated with the European integration process and better implementation of innovation. Therefore, it can be concluded that if technological change is generated by innovation, it could be a clear sign to agricultural policymakers to encourage investment in research and development, especially those research that has a positive impact on agricultural productivity growth and environmental performance such as organizational and information technology innovations. In addition, adequate investments in technology development can increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Serbia, which is especially important in the case of full integration with the EU market.Analiza ukupne faktorske produktivnosti (TFP) srpske poljoprivrede glavni je cilj ovog rada. Da bi se to postiglo, za izračunavanje Malmquistovih indeksa produktivnosti koristi se analiza omeđivanja podataka (DEA). Rezultati su pokazali da je doÅ”lo do značajnog pada TFP-a u razdoblju 1999. - 2008. (godiÅ”nja srednja promjena TFP-a bila je -4,6%), Å”to je vjerojatno uzrokovano tranzicijskim poremećajima i poljoprivrednim reformama. S druge strane, u razdoblju nakon 2008. godiÅ”nja srednja promjena TFP-a iznosila je 5%. Ovaj rast TFP-a objaÅ”njava se tehničkom promjenom povezanom s procesom europskih integracija i boljom implementacijom inovacija. Stoga se može zaključiti da ako se tehnoloÅ”ka promjena generira inovacijama, to bi mogao biti jasan znak kreatorima poljoprivredne politike da potaknu ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj, posebno ona istraživanja koja imaju pozitivan utjecaj na rast poljoprivredne produktivnosti i ekoloÅ”ke performanse kao Å”to su inovacije u organizacijske i informacijske tehnologije. Osim toga, adekvatna ulaganja u razvoj tehnologije mogu povećati konkurentnost poljoprivrednog sektora Srbije, Å”to je posebno važno u slučaju pune integracije s tržiÅ”tem EU


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    The history of the Danube countries was marked by conflict in pursuit of achieving a wide range of individual interest, defning the long-term relationships between them. However, over the last half a century, these countries have been searching for the common interests, in order to use the natural resources of the Danube basin more effectively. Danube waterway is immensely important for all Danube countries due to the Rhine-Main-Danube canal which links North with Black Sea. At the same time, the frequency of this form of transport requires the adoption of numerous regulations aimed at ensuring free navigation on the Danube. Of course, this has to be done in a subtle way, aligning individual interests in order not to violate the sovereignty of the Danube countries. Danube waterway through Serbia greatly facilitates communication with neighboring countries, and further the European Union. This has opened the possibility for improvement of economic conditions through diversifcation of economic activities, promotion of rural tourism development and hence the development of rural regions in the Danube basin

    Regional Spatial Approach to Differences in Rural Economic Development: Insights from Serbia

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    Rural regions with a larger share of the primary sector in the overall economy are limited in their ability to achieve a sufficient level of competitiveness. In countries such as Serbia, where rural areas play an important role, addressing the problems affecting these areas is important for overall development. The purpose of this study is to determine the socioeconomic performance of the rural regions of Serbia and the EU in order to indicate the position of Serbiaā€™s rural areas in the process of European integration. NUTS 3 (NUTS 2 for Germany) was used for analysis, and from this an Index of Socioeconomic Performance was created. This Index was created using Factor Analysis. The results point to Serbia lagging behind other EU regions in terms of development, with most of Serbiaā€™s rural regions receiving the lowest ratings. These results are cause for alarm and indicate a need to create strategies that will direct resources towards key issues in these areas, whose potential would be adequately used through the implementation of rural policy measures, with the aim of overall socioeconomic development

    Export Competitiveness of Agri-Food Sector during the EU Integration Process: Evidence from the Western Balkans

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    Trade agreements with the European Union (EU) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) significantly influenced the liberalisation of agri-food products in Western Balkan (WB) countries. In all Western Balkan countries, there has been an intensification of the trade of agri-food products and a partial change in the regional and commodity structures of trade. This paper aims to identify comparative advantages of agri-food sectors and consider its tendencies during the EU integration process. Additionally, this paper will discuss some opportunities for improvement of the export positions of agri-food products. In that context and based on the literature review, the indexes of revealed comparative advantages and its modified version will be used as a main method for analysis in this research. Results showed that all Western Balkan countries, except Albania, have comparative advantages in exporting agri-food products. It is evident that Serbia has the highest level of comparative advantages in this sector. Moreover, this paper suggests that all countries should aim to provide the best possible positions for their agri-food products during pre-accession negotiations for EU membership and take the necessary steps towards increasing the level of competitiveness in the common EU market

    Evolution of agrarian policy and production performances of Serbian agriculture

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    From the middle of the previous century until today, an analysis of the evolution of the agrarian policy in Serbia shows that various models of agricultural policy are influenced by ruling political and ideological motives. The period of socialist agriculture, which has since been followed by transitional changes lasting to the present day and is now reflected in efforts towards joining the EU, has, to a great extent, determined the developmental characteristics of Serbian agriculture. In that context, production performances of Serbian agriculture have been discussed considering agricultural production dynamics and the level and motion of partial agricultural productivity in comparison with European Union countries