51 research outputs found

    Nauka-Sztuka-Edukacja. Innowacyjny model diagnozy, metod, form pracy i opieki nad uczniem zdolnym plastycznie

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    Publikacja zawiera materiały zgromadzone w roku 2012 podczas wizyt studyjnych w Ukrainie, Słowenii oraz na Słowacji, zorganizowanych przez Krakowską Akademię im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Uczestnikami wizyt byli naukowcy i studenci realizujący projekt pt.: Nauka – Sztuka – Edukacja, opracowanie i upowszechnianie Innowacyjnego Modelu diagnozy, metod, form pracy i opieki nad dzieckiem zdolnym plastycznie, w ramach Małopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2007–2013The present publication is the result of the project entitled Science – Art – Education. Development and popularisation of an innovative model of diagnosis, care and work with an artistically gifted pupil. The project has been fi nanced from the funds of the Małopolskie Regional Operational Programme and it realises action 8.2. Building the position of Małopolska in European co-operation networks.Małopolski Regionalny Program Operacyjny na lata 2007–2013 (MRPO

    Comparison of smoking traditional, heat not burn and electronic cigarettes on salivary cytokine, chemokine and growth factor profile in healthy young adults–pilot study

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    Objective: Smoking is the cause of numerous oral pathologies. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of smoking traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and heat-not-burn products on the content of salivary cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors in healthy young adults.Design: Three groups of twenty-five smokers each as well as a control group matched in terms of age, gender, and oral status were enrolled in the study. In unstimulated saliva collected from study groups and participants from the control group, the concentrations of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors were assessed by Bio-Plex® Multiplex System.Results: We demonstrated that smoking traditional cigarettes is responsible for increasing the level of IFN-γ compared to non-smokers and new smoking devices users in unstimulated saliva in the initial period of addiction. Furthermore, e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn products appear to have a similar mechanism of affecting the immune response system of unstimulated saliva, leading to inhibition of the local inflammatory response in the oral cavity.Conclusion: Smoking traditional cigarettes as well as e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn products is responsible for changes of the local immune response in saliva. Further research is necessary to fill the gap in knowledge on the effect of new smoking devices on the oral cavity immune system

    Organizacja układów żywych w ujęciu Edgara Morina

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    Historia badań nad życiem potwierdza, że na każdym jej etapie pojawiają się nowe problemy i nowe techniki ich rozwiązań . Wynika także z niej, że poszczególne okresy badawcze charakteryzują się tworzeniem swoistych kategorii. Jest to o tyle ważne, że odzwierciedla stan aktualności problematyki i jest miernikiem postępu w poznaniu życia. W ostatnim okresie badawczym (ostatnie pół wieku) kategorią obrazującą stan badań nad życiem jest "organizacja". Jej zastosowanie w wyjaśnianiu życia wiąże się ze zmianą programu badań (z elementu na całość) z analitycznego na integralny. Uzyskała ona nowy sens w systemowej wizji życia, w myśleniu ekologicznym. Z nią badacze wiążą nadzieję na bliższe poznanie natury życia

    Nature of Life in the Aspect of Organization

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    The article consists of two parts: the methodological one and the one devoted to the subject itself. The former one includes a discussion on the choice of the research strategy for living systems. The choice is between the reductionist and antireductionist approaches. Reductionism is discussed in detail in the article, which means that the author did not confine himself to one of its options only, but on the basis of the abundant western literature he shows its various versions: the constitutive, explicative, theoretical, methodological, epistemological and ontological ones. Each of them is discussed both from the point of view of its victories and defeats. Antireductionism includes considerations of holism (strong, weak) in the aspect of its adequacy to explaining the autonomy of living systems. The author seeks conciliation of reductionism and antireductionism in emergetism. The latter part of the publication is concerned with the problem of organization of living systems. It consists of two parts: the origin and the nature of life. The first one includes a discussion of various conceptions of the transition from phisis to bios. The article contains a review of numerous approaches to understanding of the mentioned transition. Particular approaches are discussed in several aspects: methodological, epistemological and . Hence this part of the article is a synthesis of the achievements in the question of understanding the origin of life. The author reduces the problem of the nature of life to pointing to the organization rules, to the algorithms that are decisive for biologism of the system. The stress in this question is put on information which, besides the matter and energy decides about the specific type of systems. The article has the character of a review and synthesis. It is based on the literature published in the West. Its task is to show the reader the progress in interdisciplinaty knowledge that is concerned with the study of the organization of living systems. The material that is included in the article transcends the problems of philosophy of living nature

    For and Against the Teleonomic Interpretation of Life

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    Due to the development of molecular biology the ancient problem of the teleology of living set-ups has again been taken up. Cybernetics with its model of cell based on information has proved very helpful. The paper seeks to present some solutions of the problem of teleology. The material concentrates on a few questions: why does man go back to teleology in explaining the living set-ups? To what extent do the data of molecular biology and cybernetics produce a new standpoint on this issue? May the proposed teleonomic conception of life satisfy the researcher? The final part sought to point to yet another solution of this problem. Two kinds of explanation have been quoted: the projective and symbolic one. The question of teleology would belong to the latter. The material of the paper is based mainly on French literature in which this problem is still present

    Effects of Forest Fragmentation on the Volume of Wood Resources in Managed, Pine-Dominated Forests in Poland

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    Forest fragmentation is a widespread phenomenon that directly or indirectly affects the processes that take place both in forest ecosystems and in their immediate surroundings. So far, many studies confirm its negative effects, especially on biodiversity. On the other hand, there are few studies that address the effects of forest fragmentation on the amount of accumulated biomass or carbon, as well as on the characteristics of wood resources in managed forests. Therefore, issues related to timber production, which are important from the point of view of multifunctional forest management, are omitted. The aim of our research was to add to the knowledge in this area. In particular, we focused on assessing the impact of forest fragmentation on wood resources based on an analysis of edge effects in forest patches (units formed by combining forest fragments characterized by structural connectivity). Vector data describing the topography of forest fragments in Poland and the results of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) from 2015–2019 were used as material for solving this problem. The results of our research showed that the effects of fragmentation on managed pine stands depend on the age of the stand and the fertility of the habitat. In young stands growing on barren or strongly barren habitats, growing stock volume turned out to be significantly higher in the edge zone. In older stands, especially on moderately fertile habitats, significantly higher resources were found in the interior zone of forest patches. Habitat quality also had a significant effect on the amount of carbon accumulated. In strongly barren habitats, higher carbon mass was found in edge zones, while in moderately fertile habitats, stands had higher carbon volume in the interior zone. Our results illustrate that forest fragmentation is a very complex process that can increase or reduce wood resources, depending on the age of the stand and the quality of the habitat. From the standpoint of measurable benefits, it was concluded that protection from the negative effects of fragmentation should focus primarily on older stands and more fertile habitats