41 research outputs found

    Economic effects of mobbing and violence in the workplace

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    The aim of this research is to comprehensively determine the monetary losses caused by mobbing and violence in the workplace in Poland, based on macroeconomic data for 2017 and own investigation. After determining the scale of mobbing and the effects of mobbing on the employees, the monetary value of losses generated at the individual, organizational and social level was determined. It was found that the value of these losses ranged from 2.07% to 4.59% of the total GDP of Poland. The biggest costs of mobbing were incurred by enterprises, and their share in total costs amounted over 77%

    Use of concept of hormesis phenomenon to explain the law of diminishing returns. Part II

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    In the paper there was presented functioning of hormesis phenomenon, which is understood as stimulating effect on living organisms of low doses of substances, which are growth inhibitors in higher doses. It was pointed out that the law of diminishing returns is a consequence of hormesis phenomeno

    Deficiencies in the law of diminishing returns. Part I

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    In the paper there was presented an issue of the law of diminishing returns in agriculture. It was shown, that despite its general character, it is impossible to satisfactorily explain issues of input麓s transformation into output in a farming process in agricultur

    Ekonomiczne skutki mobbingu w miejscu pracy

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    Polskoj臋zyczna wersja artyku艂u "Economic effects of mobbing and violence in the workplace" , kt贸ry ukaza艂 si臋 w czasopi艣mie: Przedsi臋biorczo艣膰 i Zarz膮dzanie. - T. 19, z. 3, cz. 2 (2018), s. 255-269Celem artyku艂u by艂o szczeg贸艂owe okre艣lenie strat pieni臋偶nych, spowodowanych przez mobbing w miejscu pracy w Polsce, na podstawie danych makroekonomicznych za 2017 rok. Po okre艣leniu skali mobbingu i skutk贸w, jakie ponosz膮 w zwi膮zku z jego wyst臋powaniem pracownicy, okre艣lono pieni臋偶n膮 warto艣膰 strat generowanych na szczeblu indywidualnym, organizacyjnym i spo艂ecznym. Stwierdzono, 偶e warto艣膰 tych strat mie艣ci si臋 w przedziale od 2,07% do 4,59% ca艂kowitego PKB Polski. Najwi臋ksze koszty mobbingu ponosz膮 przedsi臋biorstwa, a ich udzia艂 w ca艂kowitych kosztach wyni贸s艂 ponad 77%

    Ekonomiczne aspekty zastosowania efektu hormetycznego w rolnictwie

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    There were presented economic results of hormesis effect used in agriculture. It was proved, that different amount of heavy metals in soils thanks to this effect occurrence can explain in satisfactory way the yield variability, which lets explain the regularity in shaping the effectiveness and profitability of production on the level of an individual farm and on the level of the whole country. The results of the pot experiments displayed, that increase of lead in soil, thanks to hormesis effect occurrence had positive influence on plants yield. Simultaneously use of extra doses of nitrogen on soils with higher lead content affected decrease of gross margin in agricultural production. The experimental data and the marginal calculation showed, that resignation from high doses of mineral fertilization can be a way for the improvement of production profitability on soils with higher content of heavy metals. It was also noticed dependences between the level of yield and heavy metals content in soils during the interwar period as well as at contemporary times. The results presented in this elaboration indicated that it is improper to use too high mineral fertilization on soils with higher amount of heavy metals because it lowers economic results and crops production effectiveness. Such a situation can take place on soils which according to the ministerial regulations can be included to the soils with normal, not higher amount of heavy metals. Thanks to use the hormesis effect in explanation of the law of diminishing returns it was displayed how it is possible to connect precisely the increase of farming intensity with the increase of production effectiveness including nature friendly rules of farmin

    M膮dro艣膰 jako czynnik warunkuj膮cy podejmowanie optymalnych decyzji w warunkach niepewno艣ci

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    In the paper a thesis that it is a wisdom was put forward, and not a knowledge has basic meaning in minimizing the risk associated with conducting a business activity. On the basis of empirical research positively was verified the hypothesis. The wisdom understood as the ability of putting the had knowledge into practice in the greater degree influences results of the management, than the number of sources of had information and exploited by the householdW artykule postawiono tez臋, 偶e to m膮dro艣膰, a nie wiedza ma podstawowe znaczenie w minimalizowaniu ryzyka zwi膮zanego z prowadzeniem dzia艂alno艣ci gospodarczej. Na podstawie wynik贸w bada艅 empirycznych pozytywnie zweryfikowano t臋 hipotez臋. M膮dro艣膰, rozumiana jako umiej臋tno艣膰 zastosowania posiadanej wiedzy w praktyce, w wi臋kszym stopniu wp艂ywa na wyniki gospodarowania, ni偶 ilo艣膰 posiadanych i wykorzystywanych przez gospodarstwo 藕r贸de艂 informacji

    Przyczyny zr贸偶nicowania poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego w Polsce

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    The article explains the reasons for differences between the economic development of Polish regions and the delay in development between Polish "A" and the Polish "B" regions. It is assumed that the level of economic development is determined by the number of people living in the region. This factor has an impact on the growth of labour productivity, and accelerates the accumulation of wealth in this region. However, the increase in population density can only take place under conditions of people access to adequate amounts of food. It is hypothesized that more food per unit area was produced in regions where the soil contained higher amounts of heavy metals. This is possible because the occurrence of a hormetic effect that is superior to other yielding factors. Crop yields on these soils are significantly higher than those in soils with lower levels of these metals. Based on empirical research it is determined that since the industrial revolution, the eastern region of our country, called Poland "B" could be delayed in the economic development of the region in relation to the West - Polish "A", for about 40 yearsW artykule podj臋to pr贸b臋 wyja艣nienia przyczyn zr贸偶nicowania rozwoju gospodarczego mi臋dzy regionami Polski i wyznaczenia wielko艣ci op贸藕nienia w rozwoju mi臋dzy tak zwan膮 Polsk膮 "A" i Polsk膮 "B". Przyj臋to za艂o偶enie, 偶e poziom rozwoju gospodarczego jest uwarunkowany przez liczb臋 ludno艣ci zamieszkuj膮cej dany region. Ten czynnik ma wp艂yw na wzrost spo艂ecznej wydajno艣ci pracy, wzrost akumulacji i szybsze tempo bogacenia si臋 takiego regionu. Jednak wzrost g臋sto艣ci zaludnienia m贸g艂 mie膰 miejsce tylko w warunkach dost臋pu ludzi do odpowiedniej ilo艣ci po偶ywienia. Przyj臋to hipotez臋, 偶e wi臋cej 偶ywno艣ci z jednostki powierzchni produkowano w regionach, gdzie gleby zawiera艂y wy偶sze ilo艣ci metali ci臋偶kich. Jest to mo偶liwe dzi臋ki wyst膮pieniu efektu hormetycznego, kt贸ry jest nadrz臋dny w stosunku do innych czynnik贸w plonotw贸rczych. Plony ro艣lin uprawnych na takich glebach s膮 istotnie wy偶sze ni偶 na glebach o ni偶szej zawarto艣ci tych metali. Na podstawie bada艅 empirycznych okre艣lono, 偶e od czas贸w rewolucji przemys艂owej, region wschodni naszego kraju - tak zwana Polska "B", m贸g艂 op贸藕ni膰 si臋 w rozwoju gospodarczym w stosunku do regionu zachodniego - Polski "A", o oko艂o 40 la

    How often is a random quantum state k-entangled?

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    The set of trace preserving, positive maps acting on density matrices of size d forms a convex body. We investigate its nested subsets consisting of k-positive maps, where k=2,...,d. Working with the measure induced by the Hilbert-Schmidt distance we derive asymptotically tight bounds for the volumes of these sets. Our results strongly suggest that the inner set of (k+1)-positive maps forms a small fraction of the outer set of k-positive maps. These results are related to analogous bounds for the relative volume of the sets of k-entangled states describing a bipartite d X d system.Comment: 19 pages in latex, 1 figure include