10 research outputs found

    Disappearance of Pyrimethanil Residues on Tomato Plants

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    Formal and legal aspects of obtaining honey from beehives located in apple orchard durning blossoming and intensive chemical protection

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    Miód, uznawany powszechnie za produkt o właściwościach prozdrowotnych, może zawierać w sobie pozostałości stosowanych w uprawach biocydów. Wykorzystując metody chromatograficzne oceniono w miodzie pochodzącym z uli ulokowanych w okresie kwitnienia w sadzie jabłoniowym pozostałości substancji aktywnych środków ochrony roślin: cyprodynilu, kaptanu, fluopyramu, krezoksymu metylu, lambda-cyhalotryny, pentiopiradu oraz trifloksystrobiny, a także dokonano oceny formalno-prawnej tego produktu. W badanych próbkach wykryto obecność 5 z 7 oznaczanych substancji aktywnych, przy czym w przypadku kaptanu przekroczony został Najwyższy Dopuszczalny Poziom pozostałości (NDP), co dyskwalifikuje miód jako produkt nadający się do sprzedaży. Stężenie żadnej z badanych pozostałości nie przekroczyło wartości 0,003%akceptowalnego dziennego pobrania (ADI). Analiza poziomu bezpiecznego spożycia wskazuje, że aby zawarte w badanym miodzie substancje aktywne mogły stanowić zagrożenie dla dorosłego człowieka, należałoby spożyć go jednorazowo w ilości co najmniej 61,2 kg.Honey, commonly considered as a product with pro-health properties, may contain remnants of biocydes used in cultivation. Using the chromotographic methods the remnents of active substances of plant protection product have been ewaluated in the honey coming from beehives located in the apple orchard durning blossoming: cyprodinil, captain, fluopyram, methyl kresoxim, lambdacyhalothrin, penthiopyrad and trifloxistrobin as well a formal and legal evaluation of the product has been carried out. In the examined samples the presence of 5 out of 7 marked active substances has been discovered, wherein in the case of captain the highest fermissible level was exceeded which disqualifies honey as a product eligible for sale. The concentration of none of the examined remnents has not exceede 0,003% of the accepted daily intake (ADI). The analysis of the level of safe consumption shows that if the active substances in the examined honey were create threat for an adult, one would have to eat in one go at least 61,2 kg

    Method for Reduction of Pesticide Residue Levels in Raspberry and Blackcurrant Based on Utilization of Ozone

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    The method for the reduction of pesticide residues in soft fruits based on utilization of ozone was proposed. The procedure allows for effective reduction of boscalid residues by 38% in raspberries, and about 58% thiram in blackcurrants. Furthermore, it can be used on an industrial scale

    Use of Gas Chromatography and SPME Extraction for the Differentiation between Healthy and <i>Paenibacillus larvae</i> Infected Colonies of Bee Brood—Preliminary Research

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    Paenibacillus larvae is a deadly pathogen for bee brood, which can lead to the death of entire colonies. The presence of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the hive may be related to the occurrence of this bacterium in brood. Compositions of those volatile fractions present in healthy brood from control colonies and the brood without symptoms of infection collected from the colonies infected by P. larvae were compared using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and solid phase microextraction (SPME). Among the seven compounds detected and quantified, the relative concentrations of 3-carene and limonene significantly differentiated the brood from healthy and infected colonies. Based on the ratio analysis, the samples were differentiated in terms of the number of emitted VOCs

    Influence of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum on Penthiopyrad Degradation under Laboratory and Field Studies

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    In plant protection, biological preparations are used alternately with chemical pesticides. The applied microorganism can influence the concentration of chemical substances. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to assess the influence of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum on the penthiopyrad concentration. In laboratory studies, the effectiveness of penthiopyrad degradation by B. subtilis was approximately 5% during 14 days of the experiment. For penthiopyrad treated with T. harzianum strains, the degradation effectiveness ranged from 34.2% on Day 3 to 56.9% on Day 14. In experiments testing the effects of mixed culture of microorganisms, the effectiveness of penthiopyrad degradation ranged from 23.7% on Day 3 to 29.1% on Day 14. After treatment of apple trees of Gala and Golden Delicious varieties with a biological preparation, a maximum degradation of penthiopyrad of 20% was found in both varieties. Samples of apples were prepared by the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) method, and penthiopyrad was analyzed by gas chromatography with a mass detector. A determined value of the chronic exposure to penthiopirad was 1.02% of the acceptable daily intake, both for children and for adults. The acute exposure amounted to 7.2% and 1.9% of the acute reference dose for children and adults, respectively. These values were considered to be acceptable and not threatening to health