18 research outputs found

    Distribution of large lungworms (Nematoda: Dictyocaulidae) in free-roaming populations of red deer Cervus elaphus (L.) with the description of Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp.

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    Lungworms of the genus Dictyocaulus are causative agents of parasitic bronchitis in domestic and wild ungulates. This study investigates the distribution, morphology and genetic diversity of D. cervi and a new lungworm species, Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp. infecting red deer Cervus elaphus, fallow deer Dama dama and moose Alces alces in Poland and Sweden. The study was conducted on 167 red deer from Poland and on the DNA of lungworms derived from 7 fallow deer, 4 red deer and 2 moose collected in Sweden. The prevalence of D. cervi and D. skrjabini n. sp. in dissected red deer in Poland was 31.1% and 7.2%, respectively. Moreover, D. skrjabini n. sp. was confirmed molecularly in 7 isolates of fallow deer lungworms and 1 isolate of red deer lungworms from Sweden. Dictyocaulus skrjabini n. sp. was established based on combination of their distinct molecular and morphological features; these included the length of cephalic vesicle, buccal capsule (BC), buccal capsule wall (BCW), distance from anterior extremity to the nerve ring, the width of head, oesophagus, cephalic vesicle, BC and BCW, as well as the dimensions of reproductive organs of male and female. Additionally, molecular analyses revealed 0.9% nucleotide sequence divergence for 1,605 bp SSU rDNA, and 16.5–17.3% nucleotide sequence divergence for 642 bp mitochondrial cytB between D. skrjabini n. sp. and D. cervi, respectively, and 18.7–19% between D. skrjabini n. sp. and D. eckerti, which translates into 18.2–18.7% amino acid sequence divergence between D. skrjabini n. sp. and both lungworms


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    Pierwsza praca z wielu względów ma szczególne znaczenie w życiu człowieka. Przygotowanie do pracy zawodowej jest oceniane w sposób zróżnicowany. Szczególnie ważne więc jest badanie aktywności zawodowej młodzieży oraz jej przygotowania do pracy zawodowej. Przeprowadzone badania zaprezentowane w artykule potwierdzają potrzebę wspierania młodzieży w zakresie kształtowania jej aktywności zawodowej, tak w wymiarze indywidualnym, jak i społecznym.For many reasons the first job is of particular importance in human life. A preparation to the professional career is evaluated in a differentiated manner. Therefore, the research into professional activity of young people and their preparation for a professional career are particularly important. The presented research in the article confirms the need to encourage young people to shape their professional activity, both in terms of individual and social life

    Human work in terms of Søren Kierkegaard and Polish researchers

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    The article presents the views of S. Kierkegaard on work and other humanistic values. The author also refers to the views of Polish philosophers, who also dealt with the issue of work. The purpose of this article is to encourage the reader to further „studies” on philosophical meaning of their work

    Determination of the weakest link in Common Rail system

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    Kształtowanie niezawodności złożonych obiektów technicznych jakimi są układy wtryskowe powinno odbywać się zarówno na etapie projektowania, wytwarzania jak i ich eksploatacji technicznej. Szczególne znaczenie ma ten ostatni proces, gdzie ocena wpływu czynników zewnętrznych na prawdopodobieństwo poprawnej pracy wymaga poznania przynajmniej podstawowych wskaźników niezawodności. Zasadniczym celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyznaczenie najsłabszego ogniwa systemu Common Rail, wykorzystując dane empiryczne oraz dyskretną symulację komputerową.Shaping the reliability of the complex technical objects which are the injection systems should be both during the stage of designing, producing and during their technical operation. The particular importance has the last process, where the assessment of impact of the external factors on the probability of the correct operation requires the knowledge of basic indicators of reliability. Determination of the weakest link of Common Rail system using the empirical data and the discrete computer simulation is the main aim of this article

    Bioactive Polyoxymethylene Composites: Mechanical and Antibacterial Characterization

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the strength and antibacterial properties of composites based on structural polyoxymethylene. The base material was modified with the most used antibacterial additives, such as silver nanoparticles, copper oxide, zinc oxide, and titanium oxide. Basic strength and low-cycle fatigue tests were conducted to determine the dissipation energy of the material. The composites were also tested for antibacterial properties against two strains of bacteria: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. Strength properties showed no significant changes in the mechanical behavior of the tested composites against the matrix material. The best antibacterial additive was the addition of titanium oxide nanoparticles, providing 100% efficacy against Escherichia coli and almost 100% biocidal efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus. The other antibacterial additives showed biocidal efficacy of about 30–40% against the unmodified material. The added value of the work is the consistency in the methodology of testing materials modified with antibacterial additives, as well as the same compactness of the introduced additives. This study makes it clear which of the introduced additives has the highest biocidal activity

    Asymptotical smoothness and its applications

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    Fabrication of Fe-Al Intermetallic Foams via Organic Compounds Assisted Sintering

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    The influence of the addition of organic compounds, such as palmitic acid and cholesteryl myristate, on the porous structure of Fe-Al intermetallics formation has been investigated in detail in this paper. It was found that additives have a significant effect on the final porosity of the obtained sinters. Formed gaseous products from combustion play the role of the foaming agent during Fe-Al intermetallic alloy sintering. The influence of these additives is also clearly noticeable in chemical composition changes of the final products through the increase of carbon content in the porous structure. This is attributed to the thermal decomposition, namely combustion, of the organic additives